10 Tool From Google To Help Your SEO

12:20:00 AM
10 Tool From Google To Help Your SEO - As one of the most popular search engines and widely used, Google has released a lot of SEO Tools useful for webmasters to optimize a website. With so much fierce competition among the countless sites on the internet site owners need a tool or a tool for search engine optimization. Thus, you can get your Web site obtain high rankings in the search results and achieve better online visibility.

Here, I've summarized the best selection of 10 tools, which users can create a website that is SEO friendly with ease.

10 Tool From Google To Help Your SEO

1.Google Keyword Tool

Google Keyword Tool, keywords are the words or phrases are short and describe the main topic of your content. A proper keyword can not only help the reader understand the statement of your articles with ease, but also attract crawel to crawl your post effectively. With this tool, you can decide which is most appropriate for your particular article with little effort.

You only need to type words that relate to your post, then this tool can bring up a list of similar keywords that have been sought after by many people for many times, along with monthly search statistics, the level of competition, and the value of advertising.

2.Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a website tracking tool that allows webmasters to follow site traffic. With this, the website owner can see precisely how many visitors have browsed your site every day, see the activities of visitors to your site, and how they fit into the web site. In addition to detailed visitor information, webmasters can also find out the speed of loading pages, and conversion rates.

3.Google Advanced Image Search

Google Advanced Image Search, Part image is one of the most important ingredients for each post, for it can add great diversity to web content and also make visitors feel welcome. This tool makes it easy for you find your favorite image. You can search by adding some related words, and narrowed the choices to decide the size, color, aspect ratio, format, and more. Of course, these tools can help you speed up the search for the image. In addition, all completely free.

4.Google Webmaster Tools

Google Webmaster Tools as the name suggests, this tool is an online service offered by Google for webmasters. It helps users check the status of the indexing, optimize the site for SEO better, set the crawl rate, knowing a broken link, set the preferred domain, and much more. Thus, the user can tell if a site you are healthy, Google-friendly, and can improve the site in accordance with the diagnostic results.

5.Google Website Optimizer

Google Website Optimizer is another tool site optimization for Google user friendly, help webmasters test website content with ease. Thus, they can increase page views and enhance the reading experience with ease. This tool utilizes the power of some of the advanced technologies to test all the elements that exist as HTML code for a web page, such as fonts, title, image, and a call to action.

6.Google Trends

Google Trends is very important for webmasters to know the current trends on the Internet, so they can write about a hot topic for a reader's attention. To achieve this goal easily, Google Trends is helpful. It is an online facility that shows how often certain terms sought in the various areas in different languages ​​around the world. With it, users can get a clear chart that comes with both horizontal axis and vertical axis, indicating the start time and find the frequency of each item.

7.Google Ad Planner

Google Ad Planner is one of the most commonly used way for webmasters to make money online, but how to use this method effectively for maximum benefit? Google Ad Planner can handle this disorder. With it, users can find the best ad placements on websites, decide the best budget range, choosing the right keyword advertising, and calculating a bid with ease.


SEOQuake is an analytical tool for SEO in Google Chrome, and there are also add ons in firefox to help webmasters to optimize and promote their sites for better SEO. It appears the web page rank, Alexa, and many other SEO parameters; highlights nofollow links and text density; check and compare the URL. Thus, the user can get various information about the sites from various aspects, thus improving your site in the right direction.

9.Traffics Estimator

Traffics Estimator can help webmasters estimate the value of certain keywords to the ad. With it, users can determine keyword competition, the number of monthly searches, and the recommended bid. If the result is not satisfactory, the user can choose from several alternatives by clicking on groups of keywords.

10.Google Insights

Google Insights offer Google services like Google Trends, provides users with insight into search trends on Google search engine. Offering a visual representation on maps of various countries, allows the webmaster to determine regional interest with ease. Additionally, users can narrow the choice simply by selecting a category.

Read also other interesting articles:
1.What Is Google Analytics?
2.How to Use Google Webmaster tools

it is 10 Tool From Google To Help You SEO, For the bloggers who average visitors coming from search engine Google may require 10 of google tool to simplify your SEO work

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