How to Backup Template and Post in Blogger

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How to Backup Template and Post in Blogger

How to Backup Template and Post in Blogger - Back up templates and data blog posts are sometimes considered trivial, and even dismiss, but the procedure is very light, Keep track of articles regularly and periodically we already wrote struggled very important, if at any time this happens we do not want , we can still restore the data to the post as a whole. Likewise with blog template that contains html code and other important widget code, it is good we did last backup after making changes, such as adding another script or html code.

Importance of backup article / post is to avoid the risk, if at any time the blog deleted by Google (specifically blogger / blogspot) is not without good reason, because the google often do this on a blog a blog that frequently violates the TOS and rules, the impact blogs are not sinners sometimes come in contact with delete, of course, this will dampen our enthusiasm in blogging activity for the future.

Full Backup and posting template is not only true for novice bloggers, but has been applied by professional actors other webmasters and bloggers, for the sake of data security and avoid what we do not want, and below is the easiest way

Backup template blog

  •  Login to blogger
  •  Select the name of the blog you want to backup template
  •  Select a template and select the "Backup / restore"
  •  Select the download button complete

You will get a form template file xml.file, keep it well into the xml file storage on your computer, if at any time you need to recover / restore template as the original state. Use the upload menu templates to perform a restore.

Backup post / blog articles.

  • Open the settings menu
  • Scroll down, open the sub menu "Others"
  • Select the export blog, and please click on "download blog"

Save the XML file such documents in a safe place, this thing you can do once a week, so that your post or article we have a reserve, and can be in use at any time if the worst happens in future .

So simple and easy is not it? But sometimes we underestimate it. Bloggers actually use the facilities provided by Google, we need not fear even though the blog we deleted, we can return it without losing visitor traffic, as long as the document XML file is stored properly.

Tips on using Blogspot without fear.

If we regularly make backups of the articles that we post, we need not fear even though the blog was deleted by Google, we can still restore these blogs without losing traffic from visitors by doing Custom domain.

Excess custom domain and its relationship with backup. If we use blogger / blogspot, we automatically follow or ride with blogspot hosting, if a blog is deleted, the domain will not be erased. and we can move to another hosting by hiring the services of a good hosting provider and quality.

Provided backup XML files saved with the document still good, we can move all these postings to the new hosting (installing CMS from worpress) by utilizing the redirect URL, we will not lose traffic / visitors, because the domain address not delete.

Read also other interesting articles: to add favicon in blogger
2.How to increase your traffic 

That's multiple functions and benefits as well as the importance of backups, especially data backup posts / articles regularly and periodically, immediately make backups of your blog data now, or you yourself will regret later in life. May be useful.

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