What Is Google Analytics?

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What Is Google Analytics?

What Is Google Analytics ? As the name suggests, Google analytics is a tools for the analysis, this tool is free and provided by google despite the paid version as well. the difference with google webmaster tool is analysis google analytics stats on this result is global.

In addition to also support for the global advertising needs adwords, google analytics where users can see the effectiveness of a keyword, and so on. on this google analytics you can see a keyword, and so on. on this google analytics you can see all the traffic data that goes into your website, start a search on google to visit from social media or other sources.

Google analytics used to obtain a more global picture of the visits to your website. many do you do in improving SEO using google google webmaster tools and analytics is, therefore, as an SEO practitioner you need to use both these tools for your needs in the analysis and improvement of the keywords used by your website.

The goal is of course to increase the number of visits and varying the number of keywords that can be found by the search information leading to your website. more and more variations of keywords can be entered in the search results, the higher is also the number of visits to your website.

Features that support:

Analysis tools

Google Analytics is built on a powerful reporting platform and easy to use, so you can decide which data you want to view and customize reports with just a few clicks.

Content analysis

The content report helps you understand which parts of the website are performing well and which pages are most popular so you can make the experience better for the customer.

Social analysis

Web is a social container and Google Analytics to measure the success of your social media program. You can analyze how visitors interact with a sharing feature on the website (such as Google's +1 button) and engage with content on various social platforms.

Mobile analysis

Google Analytics helps you measure the impact of mobile on your business. Additionally, if you create a mobile app, Google Analytics offers a Software Development Kit for iOS and Android so that you can measure how people use your app.

Conversion analysis

Find out how many customers you captivate, the amount of your sales, and user engagement with the site through a series of analysis features of Google Analytics.

Advertising Analytics

Maximize your advertising by studying how social advertising, mobile, search, and display. Link to your website activity to a marketing campaign to get a complete picture and improve your ad performance.

How do I use Analytics?

You can use Analytics to track a variety of web-based content.

  • Tracking multiple websites. Google Analytics will track as many websites as you own! We've provided multiple profiles in your account, so you can view individual reports for specific domains or subdomains.
  • Tracking your blog, MySpace, or Facebook . To use Google Analytics to track your pages on Facebook, MySpace, WordPress or other solutions, we recommend that you search for third party widgets that simplify the Analytics set to a predetermined site templates. You may not be able to use Analytics on your site where you can not edit the page code (such as on MySpace, for example). However, often you can find plugins or widgets that will help you use Analytics in your page.
  • Tracking visits from RSS feeds. In order for Google Analytics to track data, it is important to execute the Google Analytics tracking code. Since most RSS / atom readers can not execute JavaScript, Analytics will not count pageviews that are loaded through an RSS reader. Analytics requires that the visitor execute a JavaScript file on Google's servers in order to track that pageview.
  • Using Analytics with other web analytics solutions. You can run Google Analytics in parallel with any third party or internal solution whatever was used
Read also other interesting articles:
1.How to Use Google Drive
2.How to Use Google Webmaster tools

It's a few things I know about google analytics, Hopefully this article useful for you who still do not understand about google analytics, but you need to know about this because this is essential for the SEO and you can also read articles on Google Webmaster Tool here (Click Here). And thank hopefully useful to you, do not forget the comments.

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