What is PageRank

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What is PageRank

What is PageRank ? PageRank is a kind of yardstick to measure the popularity of a website, which is a measure of the value of a website popularity is the number of backlinks.
The more the number of websites containing your site's link popularity value then the higher the PageRank of your site. However the not only the amount of concern Google, the quality of PageRank sites that contain links to your website is very influential. PageRank is still a reference for SEO practitioners, even become its own prestige. became the pride that a website has a PageRank above 3.

Now the story is not so, a lot of websites that pagerank 0 can have a good position in Google and also had a nice visit from Google.This is due to the good content, PageRank is no longer significant. but as an SEO practitioner, you must know about this PageRank. therefore I will discuss about this PageRank.

How do I know PageRank on my website ?

To know the PageRank of a website or other websites very easy. please go to http: /www.prchecker.info/, on its front page an existing form to check the PageRank of a website. enter the url of your website or sites you want to know its pagerank, then click the check button PR, and then enter the anti-spam code that look and finish. the results will be visible immediately.

PageRank value calculated from 0-10, the higher its PageRank the more prestigious and expensive price of a website. You can also use your website if you already have a website PageRank 1, join in the link exchange organizers to register as a publisher of premium, and every website that put a link on your site then you will get a commission.

How to Calculate a Google PageRank?

PageRank Formula

The formula for calculating Google PageRank itself is:

PR = 0:15 + 0.85 (PR (T1) / C (T1) + PR (T2) / C (T2) + ... + PR (Tn) / C (Tn))
PR (T1) the value pagerank page T1
C (T1), the number of outgoing links from the page T1
apply forth from T2 to Tn

The formula is to be iterated repeatedly to the extent determined by Google. The final condition of iterations is what will be points for your pages.

How is PageRank Calculated?

In this context, we can only guess at the factors that make up the Google PageRank. But it is generally known that the most important factor of Google Pagerank is links from other websites related (dofollow links that are relevant and not nofollow), the higher the page rank of a web page that links to you the higher the page rank you are, and also increasingly more the number of web pages that link to you will also increase your page rank.

The purpose of dofollow links that are relevant are the links that are relevant to what is on your web page, for example your website or blog theme / discuss about computers then you should find dofollow link from another website with the theme of the computer, do not look for the link with the theme about music, health, etc. are not in accordance with what you discussed on your website / blog

Some other factors that may affect PageRank

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Social network
  • Comment
  • Time on Page (how long a visitor silent on the web page)
  • Bounce Rate (the percentage of visitors in and out of web pages)

When will  PageRank Get?

PageRank normally be updated every 3 months or 4 times a year, try to make an interesting article for your website, look for the link dofollow relevant websites / blogs or other sources that have a higher ranking of your web page, do not look for the link too much in a short time because Google will suspect your website (beware .. Google is very strict with web spam), update web / blog with fresh content and attract little by little Google will trust your website and any PageRank what you get.

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it is some explanation of the article "What is PageRank". Hopefully this article useful to all of you who still do not know about PageRank, Thank you do not forget the comment and read other interesting articles on this blog.

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