
10:46:00 PM
GriffinGriffin- Griffin also called Gryphon (Greek: gryphos, "lion-eagle") is a mythological creature bodied but winged lion-headed eagle. Properly lion, this creature became "king of beasts" and as the eagle, he became "the king of the air". Therefore, Griffin is a depiction of the most powerful beings on both of these, and was dubbed the "King of the beast and ruler of the air". 

Griffin also referred to as a very sacred animal and becomes the Bird's Largest god Apollo and griffin is also an animal keeper sun. This creature looks at the time of the Minoan civilization (2700-1450 BC).

Griffin has for decades been part of literature and mythology. And since that time, they have a lot of symbolic meaning experience changes. Griffin is a magical creature, half lion and half eagle. Their origin from India, where they keep the treasure of gold are abundant.

In the tradition of Mesopotamian civilization, the name of such creatures is not known. In Akkadian, the lion-bodied creatures, head and wings of an eagle is better known as kuribu.  The word is derived from the word karabu kuribu which is usually used as a blessing formula. From this kuribu word then appears the word keruv (English: Cherub) used in the texts of the Bible to refer to a winged celestial beings. In the Greek tradition, these creatures are described as being fairly harmless and live in the mountains. 

griffin in mythology

Should the lion, as the "King of beasts", and an eagle, as the "King of the air", making Griffin or Grifon as the most powerful animal in the top two. With a variety of designations so, then it is only natural if he finally has the title of "King of the beast and ruler of the air".

Griffin has for decades been part from literature and mythology. And since that time, they have a lot of symbolic meaning  experience changes.

Griffin is a creature with lion body and the head and wings of an eagle. Griffin comes from the plains Hiperboreia. It said that as the largest bird and symbol of great strength, makes these creatures is very sacred to the god Apollo. In addition, Griffin is also a sun guard animals.

Told, Apollo driving Griffin and keep gold Hyperboreia (mystical land where the sun shines and eternal happiness beyond the north wind). A flock of Griffin in the mountains Rhipaia keep the hoard of gold from the Arimaspos, one-eyed people who want to steal the gold. The Arimaspos horse and tried to take the gold, but their efforts are always thwarted by Griffin, who always managed to fight back the Arimaspos.

Griffin is a magical creature, half lion and half eagle. Their origin from India, where they keep the treasure of gold are abundant.

Griffin also said to be an incarnation of Nemesis, who is the goddess of vengeance that turns the wheels of fortune.

In legend, the creature dashing in this space, is a symbol of Superbia (arrogant pride), because Alexander the Great never tried riding the back of Griffin and towards the end of the sky.

In the third year of AD, a Roman historian named Aelianus wrote, "Griffin is a four-legged animals like lions' claws are very powerful and like the lion. It has wings and black fur along his back and the front of the red, while the two wings colored white."

In the last thousand years, Griffin very popular as a symbol of the family. An expert on the science of symbolism say, "Griffin is very popular, because many have good qualities and apparently did not have a bad character. The good properties include alertness, courage, and strength."

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