5 mistakes that are often done beginner blogger- Know encountered an error surely everyone has what they do, but this is specifically about mistakes often done by a novice blogger. Starter meaning layperson or a beginner may become obsessed with things that are interesting without thinking what impact it will have, but this time I will discuss these mistakes so that you not need to do the same, as follows:
1. Sometimes the blog title and content are not the same
As I've said above, that sometimes the blog title and content are not the same. weve influential huh? it is very influential because of a blog must have a title and a theme appropriate so that potential visitors will not be difficult to find information that will he find. If a blog has a title or theme Tutorial Blogger and Programming Languages and provides the recipe, then it does not make sense that perhaps the visitors feel confused and try to find another blog again, but if a blog has a title or theme Tutorial Blogger and Programming Languages related content so visitors will not be hard difficult to find another article that he was looking about both these titles. However, if a blog contains all the mixed-pry it does not become a problem, but my advice is not to be mixed-mixed so that visitors will not be difficult to find an article on the blog that we manage.
2. Too concerned with design blog
Please look cool and interesting blog is good, but if the blog to see too many widgets will make loading the blog becomes long so visitor reduced. To see a cool blog is a natural thing, but your blog is not judged by appearance alone, but judged on our content published so that our blog will become famous.
3. Too concerned with statistics or visitors to the blog
Statistics of a blog is very important for the progress of the blog, but if we only look at and continue see blog statistics that you governance that would be a waste of time, try to give the article a very helpful according to the title of the blog you or free may someday blog statistics that you governance will continue to grow.
4. Increase the articles are not eligible
Reproduce this article is very important in a blog, but if the article is useful for people? yes sometimes novice bloggers are more concerned with quantity than quality, which would be a problem as well for this blogger, especially if the published content is the result of copy and paste, it would be very bad fall for beginner bloggers.
5. Having the ambition to earn money with instant or quick
This is very often the case by the bloggers beginners, are vying to enroll to the AdSense to make money. The intention is very well and good, but try to look at the policies contained in Adsense in advance so that they would not regret it, and look again if our blog is ready to be registered to the Adsense to earn money from blogging.
it would be better if you do not rush to sign up for google adsense because the result would be the same if you do not meet the criteria blog google adsense.
Read also other interesting articles:
1.How To Start a Blog
2.Tips for Choosing Domain
it is an article about 5 mistakes that are often done beginner blogger, for those of you who are beginners should not do things like I explane above, because can make your blog to fall and difficult to register google adsense, To sign up for Google Adsense is you need a lot of effort, consistency, and will require a long time of course.