TOP 10 SEO Tools You Should Be Using

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TOP 10 SEO Tools You Should Be Using

TOP 10 SEO Tools You Should Be Using - There are 10 SEO tool optimation best for your website which you can use for your SEO work or you want to increase the resource and modify a number of additional tasks that are tedious. For a professional SEO necessary to always try and do the maximum in order to remain at the top of search engine results. Professional SEO tasks involved in the regulation, management and execution of SEO campaigns are very time consuming. Therefore, to assist these tasks, need an SEO tool that can help them to perform the task.

Here are TOP 10 SEO Tools You Should Be Using, you can consider for use in support of your SEO work:

A list of the best SEO tools

1.Majestic SEO Tools

This website is a website that is quite large which is widely used by professionals in the field of internet marketing or SEO practitioners. This website is a website that provides facilities for we can monitor news, traffic on our website, can analyze our competitors and create backlinks. We can use this website for free and forever so we do not need to spend money that is large enough to be able to increase traffic on our blog.

2.Ahrefs SEO Tools

This tool is a tool that we can use to check the backlinks, this application provides highly accurate data on the number of backlinks that exist on the blog that we manage and provide a backlink update that we have every 15 minutes. This web application is one of the most popular applications for among SEO experts.

3.Small SEO Tools

Wait do not be fooled by its name, although the name is a small but tools are complete, with us using small seo tools we will be given as many as 59 analyzes and reports for free, including a check plagiarism, articles rewritter, the position of our keywords, ping website, backlink checks, link tracker, backlink maker, google pagerank checker and many more tools that we can use for our purposes to improve our blog to be in a first position of google.

4.Google analytics

Google analytics This gives us an analysis report on our blog for free and also paid. Google analytics is commonly used to analyze and report on the traffic on your blog or website. Currently Google analytics is a very good application used to analyze the traffic coming to your blog or website.

5.Google Webmaster Tools

Google Webmaster Tools is also a very useful tool for us to increase traffic to our blog. Google Webmaster Tools is an SEO app's that we can use for free. We can check on the status of our site. By using Google Webmaster Tools application we can see the broken links, register a blog or site to google, to see how google bot indexing your blog or website that we manage and more usability of the application of this Google Webmaster Tools.


Keyword is a tool that we can use to search for keywords and doing research about the keywords that we Be using. by using Keyword we will get a long tail keywords that are relevant enough to use google auto complate. This tool is the best tool why, because this tool can provide 750+ keywords and have accuracy in guessing keywords and also Keyword free and we can use in conjunction with google keyword planner and ubersuggerst.


Copyscape is a tool that we can use to check whether the articles that we created has escaped from plagiarism. This application is a free application but to get better facilities CopyScape also provide premium account. CopyScape may be able to detect plagiarism existing article on the internet anywhere. These tools are widely used by bloggers to check the articles they have made and to check we can also read my article entitled 10 Ways Doing Checking Authenticity Articles On Your Blog.


Seoquake is a free tool that we can use to analyze your site or blog even we can also analyze the SEO of our competitors by using this free application. This application can be downloaded and works as a plugin from Mozilla Firefox browser, this way we can more easily analyze our blog and blog our competitors.

9.Ubersuggest keyword tool

Ubersuggest keyword tool is a tool that can help us to analyze keywords. This application can help us to get a keyword or keywords that match based on current trends.

10.MozBar SEO Tools

This tool is in use by many seo experts to look at the number of backlinks from blogs or websites that they see. this tool we can use in our browser and can show backlink analysis results when we access the blog or site we have our own or a competitor's.

Read Also about:

And many more SEO tools that we can use in a free or in other words free does not pay. Probably quite so first tutorial of me discussing the 10 Free And Best Seo Tools To Increase Blog Traffic Visitors you have. This tool can we use queried simultaneously to solidify our blog or site and put your site or blog on google first rank.

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