cause of decline in blog traffic

10:19:00 PM
cause of decline in blog traffic
Cause of Decline in Blog Traffic- Experienced it once, suddenly your blog traffic initially stable but suddenly fell, fell, like a parachute, free fall, but so far we are diligent in updating articles. Is there something wrong with our blog? or maybe google longer cleaning and rearranging the latest algorithms? think about what are the main causes him to lose some visitors do not blog as usual.

There are times when a blog that has the highest bidding suddenly shrank significantly. That is because a number of factors, some of which volume due to increased competition, the blog in question is considered less qualified so that its ranking declined, on the list of spam blogs, etc.

Blog traffic will basically have increased and decreased. Throughout the presentation hikes and decline still quite reasonable (not significant), then the condition is a natural thing in blogging. So what if you find your blog traffic dropped drastically, let's discuss the causes and how to overcome them.

Keep in mind, the type of blog visitors there are two kinds of visitors that are seasonal and non-seasonal visitors. Visitors are seasonal visitors to the blog whose theme trending (seasonal), and non-seasonal visitor is a visitor to the type of niche blogs that carry long term. Niche trending, such as news, and niche for the long term include a tutorial or tips.

Referring to the two types of visitors how described above, the decrease in your blog traffic can be caused by two things. Niche what represents your blog? Is trending niche? If your blog carries trending niche, then the decrease in the number of significant traffic is normal. Here is a challenge for you to post more articles within a short span of time if you choose a niche trending.

What if you do not carry the niche blogs niche but decreased traffic trending very significant? Here are some things that cause a decrease in blog visitors drastically and solutions.

 Volume Increase Competition

measuring blog traffic based on keywords, SEO and any form of optimization practices blog refers to the degree of competition and quality. Increased competition has the potential to shift the position of your blog in the SERPs, and technically this condition will make your blog lose a significant amount of traffic.

How To Overcome Blog Traffic Decrease Due to Increased Competition

Post more articles (articles of quality) on a regular basis, multiply the quality backlinks, increase the popularity of blogs on social media.

Article Not Qualified

Measures of quality articles constantly analyzed by the search engines by making as many indicators as material ratings. It is very important for quality in order to keep posting articles to article ranking in the index of search engine results. Avoid posting articles written by "random" does not decline drastically ranked.

How to Overcome Decrease Due Blog Traffic Pages Not Qualified

Check out all the posts on your blog. Update articles that do not meet the criteria of quality articles. Quality articles is not only measured by the level of accuracy and usefulness to visitors, but also marked by the level of keyword density. Post the articles which contain the word at least not less than 300 words.

Too often Changing Templates

Replacement repeatedly template can influence the ranking of a blog in the SERPs. Templates give lots contribution during the crawling process conducted by bots spider search engines, and replacement templates overdone (too often) enough to allow the downgrade of the blog in question.

How To Overcome Blog Traffic Decrease Due to Frequent Change Template

Provide multiple templates that qualify template SEO friendly. Make a preview before you activate the template. If one of the templates that you have installed, go to Google Webmaster Tools, then select the Fetch As Google. This step aims to call a Google spider bot to crawl your blog at that time.

Perform Optimization to be Excessively

Optimization is a form of activity to increase visitors to the blog, but this would have a serious affect on your blog if done to excess. Search Engines consider over-optimization as a form of illegal activity, and if violated, then your blog will experience a downgrade or even removed from the index.

How to Overcome Decrease Due Over Blog Traffic Optimization

Make a reasonable optimization. How optimization was considered reasonable? Just mention you are in the phase of building backlinks for newly created blog, then you are not allowed to plant a backlink to number in the thousands. Optimization of the blog should be done in a measured so that your blog is not considered as a spam blog.

 Frequency Post Article

Frequency of posting articles influence the high-low traffic blog. Although the amount of traffic caused by the decrease in the frequency of posting articles that do not cause a decrease in traffic significantly, but declines in visitors in large numbers remains possible if at the same time many new blogs popping up on the theme is the same with your blog.

How To Overcome Blog Traffic Decrease Due Frequency Post Articles

Do not let your blog Stop (without a new article) over longer periods of time. Indeed, one blogger challenge is to post articles on a scheduled basis. So, take the time to post new articles regularly.


In most cases, a decrease in blog visitors drastically mainly due to the quality of the blog in question. Blogs are considered inferior more susceptible to downgrades, and the risk that the worst sign Sandbox or exposed Penalty (a form of punishment given Google the weblog with poor quality). Therefore, make sure you always focus post quality articles and not solely to give priority to the quantity.

Read also other interesting articles: to keep traffic blog to remain high and stable
2.How to increase your traffic 

it is an article about cause of decline in blog traffic, if you are not what experienced as the above? if there is please comment.

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