What is Google Adwords?

1:09:00 AM
What is Google Adwords? If Google AdSense allows you to display ads and every publisher will earn, AdWords is the same. Will remain associated with the ads, but they are of our own making. That means we as an advertiser on Google and will pay for it. Google Adwords is one of the advertising service based Pay Per Click Advertising, Google Adwords is an advertising service facilities provided by Google. Pay per click advertising is an advertising service where we would be charged if someone clicks on our ads, on PPC advertising, no advertising costs, because we would spend if we ad is clicked by others.

We could use the services of google adwords to promote our website, as we know now google search engine is a service that is most widely used around the world, of course, there are many advantages to the installation of our ads on google, because the more the search the greater the possibility that our ads performing and clicked by someone else, so that our website traffic will be higher as well. By using Google Adwords then we will be given the ease to be able to advertise on Google's network.

Where we Adwords ads appear?

Broadly speaking adwords advertising we will be displayed: the search network (page of Google search results) and the content network (shown in webs-websites that advertise adsense), we as advertisers are given the option to determine where the latter adwords advertising we display, whether to displayed in the search network or content network, but based on the search network selection bidding experience higher costs than the content network.

Example display adsense ads in the search network:

What is Google Adwords?

Examples adwords ads on the content network:

What is Google Adwords

With the appearance of the image above, we can draw the conclusion that by using Google Adwords would be very easy for us to market a product merchandise. It is also influenced by a lot of people use search engines such as Google to search for something. pretty obvious right where adwords ad will be shown, I try to repeat, later adwords ads will appear on Google search results page, or on the websites of the advertisers adsense.

Suppose we have a site that sells jackets and we are using Google Adwords. So if someone is doing a search on Google and type "jacket" or "cheap jacket" that automatically our site will appear as shown above circled in red line.

Appears at the top of the search engine would provide many advantages on our site. Surely it is not free, alias costs.

Google Adwords has two ways of advertising, namely:

  1. PPM or Pay Per Million Impressions is the users who pay based on the number per thousand ad slot.
  2. PPC or Pay Per Click is the Adwords users who pay for the clicks that come from the ad. So, if the ads that appear in search results but not clicked by the person it is not charged.
Keywords here are also very important. Because it will be used as research material by people who are looking for products that we offer. We can know the keywords that are often used by visitors using the adwords keyword tool. We can also use Google Insight or Google Trends to see the trends of keywords that will be used.

For platform or ads appear on Google Adwords is divided into two types, namely:

  1. Google Search or Google search is where our ads appear in search results with the keywords used. For example, as shown above.
  2. Google Display Network is where our ads will appear on sites that use Google Adsense *. Generally the Display Network Platform will appear in the form of text, image, flash or video.

When we advertise using Adwords, our ad can be displayed on different places. Ads we can show on:

  • Search Google or other search
  • On sites that people visit
  • Mobile phone with a browser, tablets and devices equipped

Methods of payment adwords

As an advertiser, of course, we shall be imposed if the ads that we deliver nothing ngeklik, therefore we need to know how to make the payment that:

1. Via bank transfer, only for Indonesia now can not use this method because to my knowledge there is no bank in the premises that support it, but if already could you please'm telling you.

2. Via credit card, usually a credit card that can be used is a credit card bearing the visa and master card, may support also for other types of credit cards, payment method via credit card is more likely for you.

For payment by credit card, there are two methods that we can choose are:


Prepay is a payment method in which we make a payment in advance for adwords, adwords will ultimately reduce the cost we have to pay according to the amount of costs that are not used in our ad when clicked by others. This method includes the most secure method and is recommended by most marketers.


Postpay is the method of payment made after the ad aired clicked by someone else, so the cost will be charged later, this method is quite risky if we are not able to control it well.

Adwords is the fastest promotional solutions

If we mengininkan website we have a lot of visitors with high traffic in quick time, adwords is the solution, because if we only rely on SEO methods will be long enough to reach the target, not to mention rival our website that many plus SEO capabilities that have not qualified to make a website we long ago reached the target.

Google will put ads paid to appear in the page search precisely in columns sponsor ads, which would be widely seen by other people, not to mention Google will also display our ads on several websites that have high traffic (of course if webstie are put adsense ads) ,

Read also other interesting articles:

it is an explanation of What is Google Adwords?. Actually I have a very brief explanation, but hopefully enough to give additional knowledge to the reader about what the adwords.

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