how to use google picasa

8:19:00 PM
how to use google picasa

how to use google picasa - Picasa is software that is useful to organize our photos and edit their photos of us, and this app can be used by all operating system. With picasa we can organize our pictures very easily, we can sort our pictures either by date, album and other information.

Event photography has become part of our daily life today, especially those living in big cities. With the advancement of technology today, we were so easy to capture the moments that we think is impressive, whenever and wherever we are, only armed with a camera phone that always we use everywhere every day. A cellular phone was created in order to carry comfortably. The presence of multiple camera features embedded in the latest mobile-phone making activities of shooting becomes more comfortable and mobile.

However, cell phone camera shots of course not as good as digital cameras (non-phone) that are deliberately designed to the needs of qualified imaging. Arguably, only a mobile phone camera shots of origin so alone, even if the size of the camera phone is already mega the mega pixels. Pictures taken from camera phones in general, even though the phone's camera features auto-focus and auto-auto diverse functions of other, still, the result is always mediocre and sometimes less than satisfactory. To obtain good quality photos, no less than we were then to be polished in advance with a program on the computer before printing, or uploading to the internet.

One software (software) are well known in the world of digital remixing is Adobe Photoshop. However, the way the use of this software may be too complicated, especially for us who lay in the world of edit-edit digital photos. Indeed Adobe Photoshop is not intended for the amateur, but it was created for the needs of professional digital remixing. Require special skills to master in full, there is even a computer course in Jakarta, which opened a special class program Adobe Photoshop.

for you budding photographers who want to improve the quality of digital shots, is now available software called Picasa This is the output image management software Google Inc. As usual, Google's software output is always made simple, easy to use, looks attractive, and most importantly: Free!

Picasa main function is to manage the collection of images on our computer hard drives are more practical, accessible, and user-friendly. However, he then enriched with a few simple tools to enhance the quality of our photos. If the object of our pictures are too broad or any parts you want removed, cut only the photo with crop function. If the photos we take slant, we can align them to straighten features. Want to give the impression of a classic on our picture? Just give sepia effects of the tools available in Picasa. Red eye due to lack of proper lighting effects eye alighted on one of the objects of our photos? Features redeye can be overcome. Not to forget, Picasa can also be used to simply adding text in our pictures.

One of my favorite features that exist in Picasa is the availability of a button called I'm feeling lucky. Just a click I'm feeling lucky button, the digital image we will be automatically corrected intensity of the lighting, sharpness, and color becomes nicer. As a result, our pictures will be clearer and sharper. For photos are blurry, such as the environment are exposed to sunlight is too intense, polished result of a click I'm feeling lucky is quite riveting. Like magic!

Application program functions Picasa

Picasa is used to take photos stored on a digital camera, and then sorted them into visual albums organized by date and named based on folder names you can recognize easily .In addition, we are also free to perform drag-and-put (drag and drop) to organize and create albums labels to create new groups in our photo collection.
In addition to the photo file management program as mentioned above, Picasa also provides some interesting tools, such as giving a modest effect on photos, collage-making, manufacture of screen saver, the ease of sharing a collection of photos and some additional functions. Then advanced photo editing complex will become easier by using Picasa. While the basic fixes only require one click and various photo effects easy to use.

And as mentioned above, Picasa also makes it easy for we in the collection share (share) photos. As a share using email, printed, made into a photo collage, gift CD, or even sent to our blog.

How to Install Picasa

  1. Download Picasa for Windows from
  2. Once the download is complete, double-click the executable file, which ends'. Exe '.
  3. You will be asked to accept the terms of the agreement. Click I Accept.
  4. Dialog 'Picasa Setup' will appear. Select a location on your computer where you want to save the application and click Next.
  5. Click Finish to complete the installation.
  6. Picasa setup will then launch and prompt you to specify the folders for the initial scan. Picasa will display the photos without moving the files from an existing location.
  7. Picasa offers the option of using Picasa Photo Viewer on your computer. Picasa Photo Viewer is standalone photo viewer that lets you quickly view photos on your computer. Learn more.

How to use Picasa

Many bloggers do not know if any images or photos that they upload to the blog is actually everything that was stored in Picasa Web Albums. Google Picasa program provides a 1 GB for each account that we created to store and share the pictures we upload. In Picasa Web Albums we could see all the pictures or photos we found on the blog.

How do I use Google Picasa Web Albums:

  1. Sign in to Picasa Web Albums using your Gmail account.
  2. Upload your photos via the keypad software's "Web Album" or through your regular web browser. You will be asked to create or select an album to categorize photos and images to be saved.
  3. If you choose the option 'unlisted' on the photo of your album, then you can see the contents of the photo album is one who accepts your bid.
  4. You can start sharing with your friends photograph the image, select the album where you are going to show you. Instead of uploading your photos one by one into an email and send it, it will be easier if you create a link to your photos, your albums, or even link to your online gallery so all your friends can see it all completely.
  5. If your friend 'share' album with you, you can download all the albums he's into your Picasa.
  6. You can also create titles and comment on your photos or your friend's photo. If you have given a title on your photos in Picasa then uploaded to the web after the title will be the same. The title and comments of photos and images rendered in Blogger and Picasa Web Albums will look at each venue.

For the SEO to optimize your images, you can tag and activate the 'public display' your picture in Picasa Web Albums. Normally the picture image that is uploaded to Picasa Web Albums will be in the 'unlisted' and you have to convert it first. You can publish the drawing by going to album> Edit> Album properties> select the 'public' and click save. You can also label the images in the album to improve SEO.

Read also other interesting articles:
1.How to use Google Webmaster Tools
2.How To Use Google Drive

it is some explanation about Google Picasa and how to use the Google Picasa, you should have this app because this app is very useful for bloggers potografer well as to facilitate our work.

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