How To Quickly Indexed Pages Blog Google,Yahoo,Bing

12:53:00 AM
How To Quickly Indexed Pages Blog Google,Yahoo,Bing

How To Quickly Indexed Pages Blog Google,Yahoo,Bing. How To Articles / Posts Quick Indexed Google, Yahoo and Bing, many questions from visitors about how to order articles or blog posts quickly indexed Google or indexed by search engines (engine) is more on blog / website, the actual SEO tips that posts / articles blog quickly appear in Google's index already widely reviewed by both Blogger and SEO experts, but here I will review the experience that I know.

Indexed by the search engines is very important for the progress and development of the blog / your website, without in index your blog will be lonely visitor and looks dead even though you write fresh content and quality but keep the content you would like buried, well this is where SEO knowledge that function so that the content on your blog recognized and indexed by search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Bing and other search engines for almost 60% of visitors will come from search engines, a number of techniques or strategies that should be applied to make the indexed faster.

Submit Search Engine Sitemap to Google / Bing

Sitemap is a list of contents that explains about what is on your blog / website, sitemap here is not content like on the page, but sitemap in the form of XML, XML is a language that is understood by search engines. For WordPress users can create a sitemap plugin, and for users Blogspot usually already integrated, as in the example below.

  • http://yourblogcom/feeds/posts/default?orderby=updated

Please submit your sitemap to Google Webmaster Tools, for Bing / Yahoo please submit to Bing Webmaster Tools

Link Building For Quick Postings Indexed Search Engines

To quickly indexed you have to build a link to your post page, do not just look for links lead to the homepage alone, find DoFollow links that point to your content. It also will make your blog becomes popular and credible in the eyes of search engines, search engines like Google are very pleased with the blog / web that has relevant dofollow link pointing to a page of your blog and Google Pagerank can get.

How to Quickly Detected Google With Social Bookmarking / Social Media

One very quick way for your blog indexed by search engines is to distribute (share) your content on social media sites or social bookmarking that many have encountered today such as Google+, Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, Pinterest, etc. Besides your blog will also get traffic from the social media sites.

Internal Linking In Home Blog / Website

If you want a new page in your site indexed faster then the internal linking will be very useful. Mention your new page with the anchor text links, and update (update) pages that have been indexed previously to include a link to your new page (make sure the discussion on the content you previously matched with your new content).

Linking your web page is not just about building external backlink. It is very important also is building links within your website (internal linking) that will alert the search engines about the presence of new content on your site.

Ping website / blog to call Google / Bing spider

Ping was originally a method for bloggers to alert search engines on the new content on their blog. However, it has been developed in which everyone can use them to update (update) not only blogs but also traditional websites

Ping is a very useful tool to warn the search engines and directories for updates in your content.
There are many sites online ping services provided. Some of the best that I know are:


Comments On Blog Quick order Indexed Search Engine

Blog with active reader and lots of new content will be crawled regularly by search engines, by commenting on blogs like that then you will get the impact of its popularity and will get its own page indexed quickly. Try to comment on the latest post on blogs that are well known and have a high rank, this is a very effective way to get new pages indexed quickly and make sure that you use the page you want indexed as your website URL when commenting not only the front page (homepage) only.

Update Content Blog / Website Regularly

Make sure you update your site regularly, content or articles that fresh is important to get a new page indexed. If the content / posts that exist on your blog is already stale then the search engine will not explore (crawl) of your blog on a regular basis, on the other hand, if you keep your blog fresh and updated (although updating the index page), then the search engine spiders will keep coming back. As a reason why many blogs have good ratings and its articles indexed quickly is none other than because the blog owner frequently update their sites with content or posting fresh new.

Mobile Friendly and Responsive Design

Can not be denied again, the gadget users of smartphones and tablets now exceeds that of the user PC and laptop computers, then it is obligatory for us now to change the old template us to be responsive and mobile friendly so that visitors who visited the site / blog we did not trouble to read content in our blog, especially now that Google has implemented an algorithm that should MOBILEGEDDON us to create a website / blog that is mobile friendly and of course it will have great impact on SEO Onpage and our rank on Google search, especially mobile search. So for those of you who still use old templates please be upgraded to be mobile friendly and so quickly indexed Google, a few days ago I had to review the premium responsive and SEO friendly blogger template that I use in my blog, and to zoom passable nice and elegant.

Read also other interesting articles:
1.What is Google Analytics
2.How to use Google Webmaster Tools

Those are some seo tips on how to blog quickly indexed by search engines / search engines according to my experience, if there is a shortage and other suggestions can be submitted via comment.

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November 15, 2016 at 5:25 AM delete

Can you please share some tips about how can i get high authority dofollow backlinks? (does not matter it is free or not). An SEO Specialist like you can help me out, thanks!
