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Poseidon- In Greek mythology, Poseidon (Greek: Ποσειδῶν, Poseidon) was known as the god of the sea, rivers, and lakes. Poseidon has a weapon in the form of a trident which could cause flooding and earthquakes. The trident made by the Cyclopes during titanomachy.  Poseidon also has a vehicle being towed by hippokampos (half fish half horse creature). Poseidon married Amphitrite and had a son named Triton. Poseidon is also the god who created the horse in an attempt to seduce Demeter.

Nethuns sea god in Etruscan adopted as Neptune in Roman mythology: both were equivalent to the god Poseidon. Poseidon has been revered in Pylos and Thebes since the Bronze Age Greece as the brother of Zeus and Hades. There is a Homeric hymn to Poseidon. Poseidon has many children. Poseidon is a protector of many cities in Greece, even though he failed to get the City of Athens. His favorite animals are horses and bulls. The pine tree is sacred to him.

The Origin

Poseidon name clearly stems from the Greek posis "king, his wife" with elements -don, the possibility of the dea, "goddess". According to Linear B clay tablets, the name PO-SE-DA-WO-NE ( "Poseidon") occurs more often than DI-U-JA ( "Zeus"). Feminine form, PO-SE-DE-IA, is also found, indicating the existence of other goddesses into pairs Poseidon and Amphitrite possibility of a precursor. Clay tablets from Pylos to tell the offering objects for "Poseidon and two queen". The most obvious identification of "Two Queens" is Demeter and Persefon, or their predecessors, goddesses who were not associated with Poseidon in later periods.  At Knossos, Myceneae, Poseidon was known as "shake the Earth" (E-NE-SI-DA-O-NE),  a strong position given the earthquake was a natural disaster that caused the collapse of the Minoan culture. While in Myceneae culture that relies heavily on the oceans, did not reveal any connection between Poseidon and the sea; Among the gods of Olympus, the god who ruled over the ocean is determined by lottery which means god first exist before obtaining a territory.

Name of Demeter and Poseidon nothing to do on one sheet of Pylos, they appear as PO-SE-DA-WO-NE and DA, with the nickname Enosikhthon, Seiskhthon and Ennosigaios, everything is meaningless "shake the earth" and demonstrate the role of Poseidon as the cause of earthquakes.


Poseidon is always portrayed as a mighty man, bearded and carrying a trident.  One blow of his trident could split the earth. Poseidon is sometimes portrayed half-bodied fish.  He drives a chariot drawn by two tails hippokampos. Poseidon is often depicted with an entourage that Amphitrite, Triton, Nereid, dolphins, Dioskuri, Palaemon, Pegasus, Bellerofontes, Thalassa, Ino, and Galene.  Poseidon is often depicted with sea shells or other marine animals.  In Theogonia works of Hesiod, Poseidon as "The Dark-haired". Like most of the sea god, he has the ability to change its form, but Poseidon does not have the power to predict.  Poseidon figure does not characterize grandeur like his brother, Zeus; but rather reflects the characteristic of the ocean that can change, sometimes turbulent and sometimes quiet.


In Roman mythology, Poseidon was known as Neptune. He is also known by the nickname as follows: Aigaios, Asfaleios, Kuirios, Damatites, Epaktaios, Epopsios, Gaiaokhos, Genethlios, Helikonios, Hippios, Hippokurios, Isthmos, Lekhaios, Onkhestios, Pathros, Petraios, Samikos, Samios, Tainarius. 

Poseidon is also called the god of horses, with the nickname Hippios (or Konsos).  His nickname the other is Enosikhthon (Ἐνοσέχθων, "Pengguncang Earth"), and Geokhos (Γεήοχος, "Keepers of the Earth"). In the city Aegae in Euboea, he was known as Poseidon Aigaios and has a beautiful temple on the hill.

Poseidon in mythology


Poseidon is the ruler of the sea at the same time the god of earthquakes and horses. He is the son of Titan Kronos and Rea. In Roman mythology, he is known as Neptune.

After helping his brother Zeus in defeat and imprison the Titan Kronos other Tartaros, Poseidon gained the oceans as a regional power. If you are not in Olympus, Poseidon usually he lived with his wife at the same queen, Amphitrite, in the palace of the water in under Aigeia. Poseidon was the sea god Triton's father, and two daughters - Rhodes and Benthesikime.

Poseidon was always described as a muscular man with a beard who carries a trident strong. One blow from his trident can destroy a very large stone. He climbed the chariot drawn by two Hippokampos tail on the water. In Theogonia works of Hesiod, Poseidon called The Hairy Dark.

Like many gods other sea, Poseidon has the ability to change shape, but unlike some sea god, Poseidon does not have the power to predict. Poseidon never been in love and tried to rape his sister, Demeter. Demeter change shape to become a mare in order to qualify. Poseidon, too, turned into a stallion and in the form that he raped Demeter. From that relationship was born immortal horse called Areion, and a daughter called Despoina (goddess of horses). Poseidon is also known as the god of horses with nicknames such as Hippios (or Konsos).

Poseidon has two children are important and then go sailing together Iason without getting his feet wet. Euphemus played an important role in the clashing Rocks episode and later on when Reviews their ship was stranded in Libya. See. One of them is that thousands Ankaios Astipaleia. He is the captain of Miletus reliable. Erginos also a son and brother constitute Ankaios, but Erginos not much play. Other important Argonaut Euphemos, whose mother Europe, Titios daughter. Euphemos is a great runner, he can run over the surface of the water.

His son is the most famous heroes of the city of Athens, Theseus, which thousands Aithera, although some say that the father of Theseus is Aegeus.

Poseidon hated nation Troya and is caused by the actions of one of the king of Troy, Laomedon, father Priamos. Once Zeus punished Poseidon and Apollo and ordered them to work to build a defensive wall for the city of Troy.  Laomedon promise would give rewards to the gods in the form of gold wine. When the wall is finished, Laomedon broke his promise, he will not give rewards for them. Poseidon was angry and sent a sea monster to punish the Trojan, but these monsters eventually killed by Heracles. Because of that incident, the Trojan War he sided with the Greeks. Nevertheless, Poseidon still saves Aeneas, the Trojan hero son of Aphrodite and Anchises. He distanced Aeneas from Achilles because Aeneas is destined to one day lead the nation of Troy.

Poseidon's favorite animal is the horse and the bull, as well as dolphins, while his favorite tree is the pine tree. Worship place is in Corinth, Troezen and Athens, where he had to compete with the other gods.

At Argos, Hera Poseidon lost most worshiped as gods. Consequently Poseidon angry and sometimes he made a river in Argos become dry, other times he made the water flooded the city of Argos.

In Athens, Poseidon compete with the goddess Athena. Poseidon shows his strength by striking a rock with his trident, causing the release of sea water from the spring on the Acropolis. While Athens cultivate olive tree near the spring. Determined that all the citizens of Athens will choose a god who would be the principal deity of the city. All men choose Poseidon, while all the women chose Athena. Finally, Athena won the excellence of the sound. Posiedon furious and made the Attica region, which includes the city of Athens and the surrounding area, experience flood. To appease Poseidon, the Athenians decided to worship Poseidon, too. They also determined that in the later days, women were not allowed to vote. Poseidon was now no longer angry.

Poseidon also had to compete with Helios, the sun god to be worshiped in the city of Corinth. People of Corinth, who are afraid to make one angry god, finally chose to give Isthmos in Corinth for Poseidon, while Heliso obtain acrocorinth (citadel of Corinth). Games are held to worship Poseidona Isthmos.

Poseidon was the god of important pre-Hellenic civilization of Mycenae because of its name, PO-SE-DA-O-NE, appears in the piece Linear B. He name in the feminine form also appears in the sheet, ie, PO-SI-DA-E- JA. Cult center was at Pylos in the Bronze Age. Poseidon is the father of the twins Pelias and Neleus of relationship with Tiro. When Pelias power in Iolkos, Neleus moved to Pylos and became the father of Nestor.

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it is some explanations and stories about Poseidon that is considered the ruler of sea to the other gods. son of Kronos and Rea.

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