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ZeusZeus (Greek: Ζεύς) or Dias (Δίας) is the king of the gods in Greek mythology.  In Theogonia works of Hesiod, Zeus called the "father of gods and men". Zeus lived on Mount Olympus. Zeus was the god of sky and thunder. Its symbol is the thunderbolt, eagle, bull, and oak. Zeus is often depicted by Greek artists in a standing position with hands holding lightning or sat on the throne. Zeus also known in ancient Roman and ancient India. In Latin called Iopiter while in Sanskrit is called Dyaus.

Zeus was the son of Kronos and Rea, and is the youngest among his brothers. Zeus was married to his sister, who became the goddess Hera marriage. Zeus is famous because of its connection with many women and have many children. his children include Athena, Apollo and Artemis, Hermes, Ares, Hebe, Hephaestus, Persefon, Dionysus, Perseus, Heracles, Helene, Minos, and Mousai. 

Zeus split and divide the world into three worlds with his two brothers, Poseidon who became god of the seas, and Hades who became god of the underworld (natural death). But others argue that the division is done by lottery conducted three deities.

Zeus Jupiter is associated with the god of Roman mythology, the god Amun from Egyptian mythology, the god Tinia of Etruscan, and the god Indra of Hindu mythology. Zeus, along with Dionysus, the god associated with Sabazios of Phrygia, known as Sabazius in Rome.


Zeus, often referred to as Zeus pater ( "O, father Zeus"), is the development of * Di̯ēus, daytime sky god in the mythology of the Proto-Indo-European, which is also called * Dyeus ph2tēr ( "Father Sky"). Thus, Zeus is the Greek god whose name is derived from the Indo-European culture. Zeus adapted to be Jupiter in Roman mythology. In Norse mythology, Zeus / Jupiter known as Thor (god of thunder). In contrast to Zeus and Jupiter which is the lord of the sky, not the leader of the gods Thor but Odin.

Zeus in mythology

Zeus is the king of the gods and ruler of heaven. He is the son of Titan Kronos and Rea. The Romans knew he as Jupiter or Jove. Kronos gained some children of his wife, Rea, that Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades, and Poseidon. But Kronos swallowed all his children as soon as they were born because Kronos afraid of the prediction that the power would be overthrown by his descendants as he seized power from his father (Uranus). But when Zeus was born, Rhea hid in Crete in order not to be swallowed Kronos.

Rhea provides a rock wrapped in cloth at Kronos and said that it was he son. Rhea Kronos trust and swallowing stones that he thought these children. Zeus is the sister of Hestia, Poseidon, Hades, Demeter and Hera. Zeus is the youngest among his brothers.

The brothers Zeus swallowed by his father, as a forecast stating that Kronos will be defeated by their children. Zeus was born in Arcadia or the possibility of Crete. He did not get swallowed up by his father, because his mother, Rea, gives Kronos a stone covered with cloth and pretend that they are the offspring of Zeus.

Kronos believe and swallow the stone. Baby Zeus on Mount Dictation hidden possibilities or Mount Ida in Crete, where he was brought up by the nymphs of the mountain and obtaining milk from a goat named Amalthea. If Zeus was crying, the Kouretes will dance and banged spears on their shields to cover the sound of crying Zeus. As an adult, Zeus frees older siblings from the belly of Kronos by way of presenting a potion at Kronos, which made him vomit all that ever swallowed.

Assisted by Poseidon and Hades, as well as by the Cyclopes and Hekatonkhire, Zeus defeated Kronos and succeeded him as leader of the gods. He locked the Titan Kronos along with the other men in Tartaros. When they divided the world, Zeus obtained the sky, controls the clouds, rain and storms. Zeus, Poseidon and Hades along, jointly ruled over the earth and Olympus, but Zeus was quickly recognized as the highest penguasai over the gods and mankind. He is also the god of the strongest because of lightning, made by the Cyclopes for him in the war against the Titans.

Zeus was married three times. His first wife was Metis. After hearing the forecast Gaia that her son would later defeat, Zeus promptly swallowed Metis to prevent the realization of the prophecy. Metis was pregnant at that time, and when it comes time to give birth Metis, Athena was born from Zeus's head with a shirt full war. His second wife was Titan Themis, who is the mother of the Horai and the possibility of Morai well.

Zeus also married his sister, Hera. From this relationship, he gained some children, namely Ares, Hebe, and Eileithyia. Some opinions say that Hephaestus also was the son of Zeus and Hera, although the more famous stories mention that Hera gave birth to Hephaestus without a father. his children another possibility is Eris and Enyo, especially since both are often referred to as the sister of Ares.

Zeus had an affair with a lot of goddesses and humans. Titan Leto, he became the father of Apollo and Artemis. A Pleiades named Maia gave a son named Hermes. According to some stories, Zeus is also the father of his relationship with Aphrodite Dione, who was probably a daughter of Okeanos or Tethys. Thus the possibility Zeus is the father of all the gods young Olympians.

Of his relationship with Demeter, Zeus became the father Persephone. Another important god who is the son of Zeus is Dionysus or Bakkhos, whose mother was the daughter of Thebes named Semele, son of Cadmus and Harmonia.

According to myth Orfik, after the birth of Zeus, Rea changed his name to Demeter. Zeus then raped his, and Rea / Demeter gave birth to Persephone. Zeus then raped his daughter so as to obtain the first child named Dionysus or Zagreus, but the Titans kill the infant Dionysus. Zeus and Semele raping and fathering a second Dionysus.

Zeus made love to many human females, so have many children. Many of the children who became king, while others become a great hero.

Man who was raped by Zeus is Io, the daughter of the river god Inakhos. In the form of a bull, Zeus never carried off Europa to Crete and there they make love to be born Minos, Rhadamanthis (Rhadamanthos) and Sarpedon. Zeus change shape into a shower of gold and raped Danae, who was imprisoned by his father in a tower. Danae gave birth to Perseus. Zeus also impregnate Alkmene by posing as his husband. Alkmene of that relationship gave birth to Heracles.

In Sparta, Zeus raped Leda in the form of a swan, and became the father Polideukes and Helene. In another version that was raped by Zeus in the form of a swan and then gave birth to Helene is the goddess Nemesis, while simply raising a baby Leda Helene.

Zeus had many nicknames, including Basileus (king), Mekhaneus (regulator and inventor), Moiragete (supervising the Moirai), Meilikhios, Panhellenios, Soter (savior), and the terminal (protective border). The main worship place is in Arkadia, Crete, Dodona, and Rhodos. His favorite animal is the eagle, which symbolizes power. His favorite tree is the oak, symbol of strength. The olive tree is also sacred to him. Zeus had a chariot drawn winged horse, which once used to chase Typhon, a monster dragon offspring of Gaia.

In Athens, ASIA festival is held to worship Zeus and is held in late February or early March. Olympics are also held to honor four years in the city of Olympia in Elis.


  • Hospites and Zeus Xenios Zeus - protector of guests,
  • Philoxenon Zeus - protector of strangers,
  • Olympios Zeus - the god on Mount Olympus,
  • Zeus Agoraios - protective trade,
  • Zeus Aegidukhos - Aigis holder,
  • Zeus Horkios - guard oath,
  • Astrapios - holders of lightning,
  • Brontios - holders of lightning,
  • Solar Tallaios Zeus or Zeus,
  • Zeus Meilikhios,
  • Kasios - Zeus from Mount Kasios in Syria,
  • Ithomatas - Zeus from Mount Ithomi in Messenia.

In popular culture

  • Zeus appeared in A Wonder-Book for Girls and Boys bouquet of Nathaniel Hawthorn, precisely in the story "The Miraculous Pitcher."
  • Zeus is one of the characters in the series Percy Jackson & deities Olympia, the first book is told that lightning is stolen.
  • In Chronicles of Chaos by John C. Wright, Zeus is referred to as "Lord Terminus".
  • Zeus is a character in the video game God of War.
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it is some explanations and stories about Zeus that is considered the ruler of heaven to the other gods. son of Kronos and Gaia.

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