How to Link Building To Get Quality Backlinks

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How to Link Building To Get Quality Backlinks

How to Link Building To Get Quality Backlinks-  Blog optimization strategy can not be separated from link building. Every blog requires a backlink to compete in the SERPs. Backlink role is to give a vote to the blog / website to be eligible to appear in top search results of search engines. The more backlinks (quality backlinks), weblogs concerned more potential to occupy the top ranking search engine results.

Methods of link building is divided into so many ways. Of the many methods umpteenth not all of them can deliver maximum results. Link building itself is one of optimization activities is quite time consuming. In addition, link building too monotonous if we do not have the proper concept of link building. If you want to make an instant link building, you can use a software or tool that is designed to build backlinks. However, I do not recommend this method, because the results tend to be less than the maximum. Link building is the right link building is done naturally and manually.

Before doing link building it is better first to understand what the correct criteria for link building so the backlinks obtained will be quality backlinks. Below is the picture quality backlinks in general you need to know before doing link building.

  • Backlinks from sites that have a high reputation.
  • Backlinks from relevant sites with content / theme of your blog.
  • Backlinks from sites that have a high PageRank.
  • Backlinks from sites that use DoFollow attribute.
  • Backlinks from sites that do not apply blackhat optimization techniques.
  • Backlinks from sites that do not currently logged sandbox / search engine penalty.
  • Backlinks from reputable social media sites
  • Backlinks from social networking sites (Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Linkedin, etc.).

Backlink that you wake up from these sites above illustrates the quality of backlinks that you can, and in theory it will provide a very significant influence for the development of your blog associated with the discourse of competition in the SERP.

Most major sites, such as social media sites and social networking sites do use nofollow link attribute, however backlinks from these sites are still considered qualified even in the form of backlinks nofollow. In fact, based on the analysis of a number of search engines like Google currently gives added value to backlinks from social networking sites in the rating process / pagerank of a blog.

Here's how link building is easy and natural to gather quality backlinks from a variety of highly reputable sites to boost your blog's position in the SERP and increase the volume of traffic the blog.

Link building using Facebook

Create an account on Facebook, then create a fan page too. Connect your blog to your Facebook account and fans of your page. Socialize regularly the fans page to your friends to get their Like. When you post an article they'll get a notification, and if your articles are considered interesting of course they will visit your blog.

Link building using Google+

Create a Google+ account and integrate with your blog. Enable Google+ Author on your blog then connect your blog with your Google+ account belongs to you. The article you share on Google+ will be read by search engines. In addition to getting backlinks potential to increase blog traffic more open with the help index the article in Google+.

Link building using social bookmarking site

Create accounts on social bookmarking sites. Submit your blog article to social bookmarking sites are to get backlinks and direct visitors. Choose social bookmarking sites to help your blog ranking in the SERP.

Link building utilizing forum

There are many online forums that you can make the media to build backlinks. Create an account on popular forums and then went into the living room / room that language according to your blog niche. Some of the most popular local online forum including,, and

Link building by means pinging blogs / articles

This technique is actually not necessary if your blog has existed for a long time. However, the blog is still relatively new, which still minimal backlink this way you can do to help the process go faster articles index.

You can use a blog pinger tool options for pinging your blog. Some blog pinger which is widely used by bloggers, including totalping,,,, and

Quality backlinks by way of pinging is not very good, but this could be an alternative for blogs are still new to reveal its presence on the internet.

Build quality backlinks with article capital

Writing quality articles is always a priority with regard to blog optimization techniques. Side of the other benefits that can be obtained by writing quality articles is to allow other bloggers to link back to your blog article if the article is used as articles The reference by the person concerned.

Planting backlinks by utilizing the RSS feed submission

Submit your blog feed to a feed container sites to get backlinks from these sites. Methods of link building in a way that this one proved to be quite effective to improve the position of an article in the SERP. There are innumerable websites feed submission, and just use the free ones if you do not want to pay.

Link building by finding blogs that are relevant to the theme of your blog

Look for information through Google Search to find blogs that have similarities with the theme of your blog. To do this you can use the search query "intitle: title / themeofyourblog". Leave a relevant comment on each blog you visit so that your comment is approved by the blog owner.

Do not spamming, and doing blog commenting ethically. Some indication of the comments are less ethical likely to be on the list as comment spam by the blog owner them using names that are too long (containing the keywords), number of words in the comments were too little, ask the blog owner to visit your blog, and only aims to promote / leave a link alone. it is some explanation about How to Link Building To Get Quality Backlinks. Do not forget to comment and follow this blog , Thanks.

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