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ApolloApollo- Apollo (Greek: Απόλλων, Apollon; or Απελλων, Apellōn) is the god of light, music, archer, treatment, Sun, and poet in Greek mythology and Roman mythology. Apollo is the god of prophecy, and gave his blessing to the oracles, so that they can read the future. He is the son of Zeus and Leto and the twin brother of Artemis. oracle in Delphi is very famous. Many people from all over Greece who visited his oracle to find out about their future. In Etruscan mythology, she is known as Apullu. Apollo was worshiped both by the ancient Greeks and the ancient Romans.

He has a bow made of gold. Laurel, crows and dolphins animals sacred to him. Treatment and healing attributed to him or his son, Asclepius (god of medicine), because Apollo was seen as a god who brings health, disease outbreaks. As the god of music, Apollo is the leader of the Muse (goddess of music and singing). Hermes created the lira to the Apollo and the instrument became an essential attribute of Apollo. Hymns sung to Apollo called Paian. In ancient Greece, especially in the third century BC, he was associated with Helios (the Sun god) and his sister, Artemis, is associated with Selene (the moon goddess).

Apollo is the god of archery, and he carries a silver bow like Artemis. Apollo's love to hunt with his sister, and sometimes with his mother as well. Apollo also has a gold sword.

Apollo was the god of music. Hermes gives musical instruments lira that he had created. Hermes made of tortoise shell and the strings are made of fleece. No man nor god capable of playing the lira as great as Apollo.

Some argue that Apollo was the greatest man musician father, the Orfeus, from his relationship with Kalliope, one Musai. While other opinion says that Orfeus father is the king of Thrace, Oiagros. Nonetheless, Orfeus also good at playing lira. Other Apollo's son, named Linos, also an accomplished musician, but he was killed by his student, Herakles.

Several times humans and other creatures to challenge Apollo in music contests, and they were punished for that effrontery. Apollo sometimes often punish those who dare to compete against him. A satyr named Marsyas, who plays a flute made in the goddess Athena, never challenged Apollo. Marsyas lost and as a result he was flayed alive by Apollo.

Apollo also had to compete against the god Pan in a musical contest. Three judges responsible for determining the winner. Two judges chose the Apollo, while King Midas feel that the reed pipe Pan produce music more beautiful. Apollo upset to hear words of Midas. Apollo also punish the king to change his ears into donkey ears. Midas was forced to cover his ears with a hat so as not to shame famous.

in mythology

Apollo is the god of prophecy and oracle. The oracle at Delphi is where the most important predictions, even though the place was originally owned by Gaia, then by Themis and Foibe, before finally oracle was handed over to Apollo. Delphi is just a small settlement in the New Mycenae period pad 8th century BC the area was built and became the center of worship of Apollo.

Apollo is the god of medicine and healing. Although, in his source earlier, the god of medicine is Paeon, but it could have been the name is a nickname of Apollo.

Perhaps his most famous is Asklepios, from his relationship with Koronis, daughter Flegias. When pregnant, Koronis had an affair with a man named Iskhis. When Apollo knowing this, he got angry and killed Koronis, but she had to save his baby from the womb of Koronis. Asklepios grown into an outstanding physician, even he was able to revive the dead. Some even called Asklepios as the god of healing.

However, its ability to raise the dead bring harm to himself. Zeus killed him with a thunderbolt, because he was afraid of Asklepios action can change the destiny of man. Angry that his beloved son was killed, Apollo retaliated by killing the Cyclopes who makes lightning for Zeus. For this action, Zeus very angry. Zeus was even going to throw Apollo to Tartaros. Fortunately, his son Leto begging forgiveness so that Apollo obtain a lighter sentence.

Zeus ordered Apollo to serve for nine years to a man named Admetus, king Ferai. During the tenure of Apollo, Admetus sebagao being a nice guy and very respectful of the gods. Apollo repay Admetus to warn him about his destiny. Admetus can avoid death if there are other people who want to die in his place. But no one wants to end up Admetus own wife, the Alkestis. Admetus still alive, but he was sorry to hear that his wife had died. Fortunately Herakles helped Admetus. The hero goes to the underworld and fight with Thanatos, god of death. Herakles won and managed to bring Alkestis back from the dead.

Apollo and Poseidon also been punished by Zeus to serve Laomedon, king of Troy, for a year. With the help of a man named Aeacus, king Aigina, they build defense walls of Troy. Once the wall is finished, the gods were asking in return that had once promised by Laomedon. However, Laomedon reneged on his promise and did not want to reward them. Both the god it was punishing the king. Poseidon sent a sea monster to terrorize the people of Troy, while Apollo inflicting the plague to the city of Troy.

Even so, during the Trojan War, Apollo helped the Trojans, particularly the Trojan hero, Hector and Aeneas. In this war, again Apollo sent plagues, this time to the Greek forces, because Agamemnon would not free prisoners at once mistresses, Khriseis, to his father, Khrises, a priest of Apollo. Apollo punished Agamemnon to the Greek camp with arrows showered the gods contain the deadly disease from the sky, triggering an epidemic in the Greek camp.

In the myth of Niobe, Apollo kill all the boys while Artemis killed all Niobe daughter with arrows. Niobe previously boasted that she was superior to Leto, mother of Apollo and Artemis, because she gave birth to seven pairs of children while Leto just a pair. It makes Apollo and Artemis angry.

On the way to Troy, Achilles kill Tenes, king of Tenedos, who is the son of Apollo. As a result, Apollo was involved in the death of Achilles in the final year of the war. When the Achilles chasing the soldiers of Troy being blurred, and Paris fired his arrow at Achilles. Apollo arrows directing it to the point of weakness of Achilles, namely heel.

Like many other young gods, Apollo never married, but he raped many women. One girl who was raped is Kreusa, Erekhteus daughter, who became a mother for the Ion. Apollo and Hermes fell in love with Khiones, daughter Daidalion. Once, Hermes Khione raped during the day, while at night the turn of Apollo who raped Khione. Khione gave birth to a pair of twins, namely Autolikos (thieves) son of Hermes and Filamon (poet) son of Apollo.

The love story of the most famous Apollo precisely is the relationship that failed. Apollo mock Eros (Cupid) and said that she was superior in archery. Angered over this mockery, Eros uses the golden arrow and make Apollo fell in love with a nymph named Daphne, daughter of the river god Peneios. Eros with his bow and shot Dafne too, but Dafne by arrows lead, which made him unable to love others. Apollo tried to chase but the nymph Daphne constantly blurred. In order to qualify, Daphne prayed to his father, or perhaps to the earth goddess Gaia, so that his form was changed. His prayer was granted and she changed into a laurel. Apollo grieve for her hero had turned into a tree to commemorate Dafne, Apollo broke the branches of laurel and put it on his head. Apollo also makes laurel as a sacred tree. Not only that, every nine years, in Thebes held a festival to commemorate this event. In such event, there is a process in which a boy walking along a pastor and one of the closest relatives, who brought an olive stem. The boy brought flowers greeting and bole bronze.

Another girl who failed to get by Apollo is Marpessa. A man named Idas was about to marry Marpessa, but Apollo kidnap the girl. Jum not flinch against Apollo and tried to chase the gods to regain his partner. Zeus prevent the two rivals clashed, and asked the girl to choose one among them. Marpess chose Idas.

In Troy, Apollo provides the ability to predict the Kassandra, daughter of Priamos and Hekabe, so that the girls want to have sex with him. Unfortunately Kassandra refused Apollo. This refusal makes Apollo cursed Kassandra angry so that his predictions will never be trusted by others.

Apollo is not only interested in women, but also to the young man. He's been a lover of a prince named Hiakinthos Sparta, son Amikles and Diomedes. Apollo accidentally killed his with a disc. Hyacinth flowers grow in its place died. To commemorate Hiakinthos once adored Apollo, Hyakinthia festival held each year in Amykles.

Diomedes in the Trojan War, with encouraged by Athena, trying clashed with Apollo. Diomedes has previously been successfully wounded Aphrodite and Ares. When Diomedes was about to kill Aeneas, Apollo came to the rescue Aeneas. Diomedes did not shake at the god. Three times he tried to launch an attack and three times Apollo protect Aeneas. The new Diomedes retreat after Apollo banish with the power of his god, and Diomedes warned not to fight a god.

When Herakles came to the oracle of Delphi to find out how to cure skin diseases, forecasters there are not willing to tell him. Herakles angry and seize the tripod where the seer sitting. He then told the forecasters there that he would set up his own orakelnya. Apollo already angry and want to fight Herakles, but Zeus intervened and prevented them from fighting. He separated his two sons were with lightning. Herakles did not really want to fight against Apollo, she just wants him medication. Apollo amazed by the courage of Heracles, and told peramalnya to tell cure for Heracles.

When Hrakles participate in the Olympics and won all canag sports, all the gods gave a gift to him. Apollo gave him a bow, but Herakles prefer to use his bow, he made his own. In a story, the Olympic originally implemented in Olympus. When Apollo participated in this event, dai beat Hermes in a race run and defeating Ares in Punch.

Apollo was introduced into the Roman through Greek cities in central and southern Italy, as well as by the Etruscans, who know him as Apulu. Apollo was originally probably was the god of medicine, but over time, he gained many of the attributes of the Greek gods, such as the god of oracles and divination, the god of light and sun. Apollo appears in many stories are likely to come from the Greek mythology. His temple in the city of Rome was first established in 432 BC.

Apollo has many nicknames, including Akersekomes (not cut) Akesios (healer), Kynthios, Delios, Loxias, Lykios (god wolf), Moiragetes (supervising Moirai), Musagetes (protective Musai), Paean (god of healing), Phoibos (shine ), Smintheus (god mice).

The place is a cult in Delphi, Delos, and Tenedos. Sacred trees are laurel, while his favorite animal is a wolf, failed, geese, eagles, snakes, rats and locusts.


Apollo origin of the name is unclear. Plato, in Kratilos, linking the name Apollo with ἀπόλυσις (apolisis), "redeemed", with ἀπόλουσις (apolousis), "purification", and with ἁπλοῦν (aploun), "simple". Hesikhius connects the name Apollo with απελλα (Apella) from Doria language, which means "assembly", so-called Apollo as the god of politics. Another possibility is that apellai derived from an ancient form of Apollo which can be equated with Appaliunas, the god of Anatolia whose name the possibility of meaning "lion dad" or "father of light". The Greeks associate the name with a verb Apollo απολλυμι (apollimi) means "destroy". 

In modern times, there is an opinion that the name comes from the name Apollo god of mythology Hurrians and Hittis, Aplu, who was worshiped during the "time of plague". Aplu itself comes from Akkadian mythology, Aplu Enlil, meaning "son of Enlil", a title given to the god Nergal, who is associated with Shamash, the Sun-god of Babylon.

The origins 

There are two general opinion about the origins of Apollo: One is that Apollo comes from the eastern region, other opinion associating Apollo with Doria nations and their gods apellai (also in Apellaios). Walter Burkert states that its origins can be seen from his worshipers: Greeks Doria, nation-Minoan Crete, and the Syro-Hittis nation. According to the first opinion, either Apollo in Greek and in Etruscan began to appear in the Aegean in the Iron Age (between 1100 BC - 800 BC) of Anatolia. Homer tells the nation sided with the Trojan Apollo in the Trojan War, and he was associated with the god of the Luwian, Apaliunas, who seem to be traveling from east to west. Aplu gods (gods of mythology Hittis and Hurrians in the Late Bronze Age, between the years 1700 to 1200 BC), is also similar to Apollo as told by Homer, is equally a god of plague. In addition Aplu also symbolized the god Apollo Smitheus rats.

In popular culture 

Apollo Creed is the name of one of the characters boxer in Rocky film series. Captain Apollo is one of the characters in the television series Battlestar Galactica. In the television series Lost No candy store named Apollo Candy.

Showtime at the Apollo is the name of a musical event produced by the Apollo Theater in New York. While Live at the Apollo is a television comedy show in London.

In the Star Trek series, there is the best group class called Apollo.

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it is some explanation of the god Apollo, retaining and known by the nickname Foibos Apollo, who is the son of a titan leto.

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