what is organic traffic to a website

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what is organic traffic to a website

what is organic traffic to a website- Performers Online Business SEO really liked Organic Traffic (Traffic Organic). Even those willing to try harder to get it. Because it Organic Traffic (Traffic Organic) is the most reliable traffic to become the Top Guns Online Businessman and Performers SEO for war in the world of Internet.

Organic Search Result (Organic Search Results) is a search results page that we can see when we type in the Keyword us and Clicking the "Search / Search" in the Search Engines.

Understanding Organic Traffic

Organic Traffic (Traffic Organic) is that we get direct traffic from Search Engines (Google, Yahoo, and Bing). Organic Traffic (Traffic Organic) can also be obtained from the Google Images (Google Image Search) if we are correct in giving the correct names and optimizing our image.

What it's organic traffic?

organic traffic is visitors who come to our blog via search engines. This is the main reason many bloggers are very eager to 'deposit' their articles to the search engines, of course, with the aim to get a lot of organic traffic from Google.

More and more organic traffic a visitor toward a blog, the greater the chance the blog improve his ranking to the top of search results in search engines. Organic traffic blog we can know in real time via Google Analytics. Let me help you to find out.

Sign in to Google Analytic, select the tag "Reporting" menu and select "real time". Sources of visitor traffic coming into your blog, can be seen on submenu "Traffic Sources". If the listed 'organic - google' in the column medium and the source, that means you've just got one organic traffic from search engine Google.

In addition, through Google Analytics you can find out the source of the majority of incoming traffic to your blog. How, on the "Acquisition" submenu select "Source / Medium".

Why do we Very Require Organic Traffic (Traffic Organic)?

Because Organic Traffic (Traffic Organic) is the Targeted Traffic. Traffic obtained directly from Search Engines (Google, Yahoo, and Bing) are traffic more qualified because of the traffic it is still looking for information they need in the Search Engines so when traffic that visit our blog, traffic will be really - really read and see content available on our blog so that they will devote more time to get the information they need and they certainly will not improve Bounce Rates.

Organic Traffic free ?

This is one of the most compelling reasons why Organic Traffic (Traffic Organic) referred to as the most desirable Traffic and SEO Favored by all perpetrators. That is because Organic Traffic (Traffic Organic), is 100% Free. Is not this great? Already Qualified, Internet again.

How to determine whether the traffic we get is Organic Traffic?

By using Google Analytics, we can see by the statistics is clear from our Blog. Google Analytics is the best choice to know where we get the traffic. From that we can determine whether we get is Traffic Organic Traffic.

Process of An Organic Traffic

The initial process of the organic traffic is when you register your site well into google, bing, ask or to a directory site like dmoz.org. Once your site is listed, the robots search engines begin indexing your blog from the homepage, internal links, meta tags etc. Then the search engine robots will store data indexed into the database. Database which will be used as information to be displayed to the information seekers.

For example like this, when you type the word "football", Google will display a variety of relevant information about football. Google receives information from the search engine indexing robots. More and more organic traffic a visitor to a blog, the greater the chance the blog climbed to the top of search results in search engines.

How to Get Organic Traffic

Organic traffic is highly preferred by Google. It includes components that determine the ranking of your blog. Is your blog already has a dominant organic traffic? This article is deliberately distributed to you that hard to get organic traffic from Google.

Visitor or visitors can come from anywhere. Can through social media, forums, communities, web directory or from anywhere that could provide opportunities so that visitors come to our blog.

But what visitors like highly preferred by Google? The right answer is organic visitors almost equal to the term or organic traffic.

In my opinion, organic traffic relatively fair way to earn an additional amount of blog readers, because articles that appeared in page one certainly not produced by the origin of so from the owner of the blog. Here I will share tips on how to get organic traffic.

Tips to Get High Organic Traffic

Let's look at some tips and tricks to get high organic traffic below:

1. Write Articles What's New and Unique

Google is very happy with blog writing unique and quality articles. That unique course you already know that is different from the others. Whatever you want to write about anything. Whether it's about the social, cultural, political, sports, technology and so forth. If you create an article helpful and nice, not just Google that love with your site, but the visitors of your blog. They will linger in your blog and do not hesitate to share your article to his friend. Seek in writing articles using language that can be understood and relaxed disposition.

2. Discipline and Consistent

It was rather difficult for bloggers. Many of the bloggers who initially passionate when he first entered the world of blogs, and lackluster in just a few weeks. Consistency of writing the article is in need, try to update the blog with the latest postings least 2-3 posts a week or if you can, post 1 piece articles every day. This will show to the visitors of your blog that you are serious and consistent in this blog world. Moreover, if the post that you wrote a very helpful, they would wait forever latest post your blog.

3. friendly to visitors

Being friendly to visitors can be shown by answering their questions, reply to comments and their testimony, as well as re-visit their blog if they have any. If you are friendly to the visitors you, they would repeatedly visit your blog every day, and they will become loyal readers of your blog.

4. Use Social Networking

Constraints faced by beginner bloggers is they can not compete on keywords with blogs that have been popular. It is also the one that led to the visitor in a new blog tend to be quiet. But this can be overcome by using existing social networks. Well, I'm sure 7 out of 10 people have a social networking account. Please promote your blog on social networks such as facebook and twitter, it will be very effective in building organic traffic.

5. Choose the Right Keyword

As I've said above, it is almost impossible to compete in the keyword with the blog that has been popular. Look for the right keywords for your blog. You can use the free keyword tool from Google that Google Adword keyword finder tool. Look for keywords that competitiveness is low, but it is quite sought after. Put those keywords in your post titles, meta tag description of your blog, or meta keyword tag your blog. placement of these keywords in the call unusual density of keywords or keyword density.

6. Share Articles You

You want to read the posts but you yourselves do not share them. Begin to share your blog article that can be read by many people. And add social sharing widget below the post so that visitors can come to share. But remember, too, when distributing articles do not spam!

That is some notion of what is organic traffic to a website and tips that I can give to build organic traffic. Try to work on all of them, or at least 5 of the above tips. And I am very sure, if you are already applying the above methods, you visitor traffic will increase dramatically.

If you have any tips in addition to the tips above, do not hesitate to share them in the comment box.

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