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Ares- Ares (Ancient Greek: Ἄρης [árɛːs], modern Greek: Άρης [aris]) is the god of war in Greek mythology. Ares is the son of Zeus and Hera and included in the 12 gods of Olympus. Two guards primarily Fobos and Deimos. Ares is the god of bloodlust and an embodiment of murder.  Ares power over the tools of war, attack and defense of the city, rebellion, looting, virility, and courage. Vulture and the dog is an animal sacred to Ares. In the Iliad, he appeared surrounded by various incarnations of the horrors of war, but in a somewhat softened his character Odyssey.  Ares also involved in the founding of the city of Thebes. In Roman mythology he is known by the name of the god Mars. Mars name became the name of one of the planet close to Earth and has two months named after his bodyguards, Phobos and Deimos. Name of March is a gift for him.

The origins 

Ares was found appears in Linear B clay tablets in Knossos, Crete, his name is AR-E but at Pylos name is spelled A-RE-JA. Enyalios (E-NU-WA-RI-JO), a name that is also found in Linear B at Knossos, the likelihood is the nickname for Ares or the personification of war and brother Enyo. 

Ares is the god of the gods of Olympus are important in ancient tradition as told in the Iliad. His character is quite ambiguous, Ares is mentioned in a funeral stele from the late 6th century in Attika, it said, "Stay and mourn at the grave of Croesus / which had been destroyed by a raging Ares, he fought in the forefront.

In ancient times the name "Ares" is also used as a nickname for the aspect of the war from the other gods, such as Zeus Areios, Athena Areia, even Aphrodite Areia.  At the time of Mycenae, there is an inscription that shows about Enyalios, nickname for Ares.

Greek Mythology / Gods of Olympus / Ares

Ares is the god of war. Ares is the son of Zeus and Hera, and was known by the Romans as the god Mars. Ares is the sister Hebe, Eileithyia and maybe Hephaestus.

Ares may appear in the piece Linear B. In Knossos, Crete, it is called AR-E, but in Pylos Mycenae, legible name A-RE-JA. Enyalios (E-NU-WA-RI-JO, also found in sheets of Linear B in Knossos, Greek god of war, the possibility of an epithet of Ares. If not, Enyalios is the personification of war and civil Enyo. Ares is also said to be a brother of Eris (goddess disputes) and is the father of a son named dispute. on the battlefield, accompanied by Ares Enyo (Bellona called by the Romai), the god of war, Enyo is his sister or his chances of a relationship with Aphrodite.

AresAlthough the Aphrodite was married to Hephaestus, he had an affair with Ares. Of infidelity, Ares became father Anteros (Desire), Eros, Deimos (Fear), Fobos (Panic), and a daughter, Harmonia, wife of Cadmus of Thebes.

As the god of war, many kingdoms in Greece do not worship it, because Ares symbolizes murder cruel and uncontrollable in battle, and he himself was involved in bloodshed or battles for love itself. Many Greeks who prefers Athena, goddess of war whose decisions are not only influenced by the desire to fight, but also by a good purpose and discipline.

Although Ares was the god of war, Athens seems to be a better fighter when a fight between the two. In the Trojan War, when Ares attacked Athens brandishing his sword, the goddess calmly throw a stone to the god of war. Ares and the stone hit him reeling backward. In addition to these events, Ares has also been dealing with Athens at the time of others. According to the Epic Cycle, Telegonia, Ares is in the tribe against tribe Brygi Thesprotios, led by the hero Odysseus. In that conflict, Ares ruffled Odisses forces. When knowing this, Athena, protector Odysseus, decided to fight Ares. This time, both Athena and Ares nobody superior because they stopped by Apollo.

Although Ares was the god of war, he is not a great fighter. He even defeated by a few men. Heracles has defeated Ares twice. Diomedes also been defeated Ares in the Trojan War. Both the hero manages to make Ares wounded. When Ares wounded by Diomedes, Ares scream louder than the screams of a thousand people.

Ares fight the hero Heracles after killing Kyknos in Itonos, Thessalia south. Kyknos himself was the son of Ares with Pelopia or the Pyrenees. Kyknos has a habit to challenge the travelers to fight against it. Ares fight with his son until Herakles wounded the god of war. Herakles might hurt Ares more severe if the course is not stopped by the strike with lightning Zeus.

Two giant (aloadae) son of Poseidon with Iphimedia-Otos and Efialtes-ever catch Ares and shut his in a bronze jug. Ares held captive for thirteen months until rescued by Hermes.

In Athens, there's a hill near the Acropolis called Areiopagos ( "Hill of Ares"). This hill used by the people of Athens to prosecute perpetrators of the murder. According to Apollodorus, Ares been raped Agraulos, daughter and wife Actaeus Kekrops, until Ares fathered a daughter named Alkippe. Once Alkippe raped by Halirrhothios, son of Poseidon with nymphs Euryte, so Ares angry and killed the assailant. As a result of the offense, so Poseidon sued Ares Ares was judged on that hill. The court ruling that Ares free generate. After the events of that hill was named Areiopagos, according to the name Ares.

Ares has a lot of nicknames, among them the Enyalios (god of war), Gradivos (squad leader), Alloprosallos and Aphneius (generous). The main place cult possibilities in Sparta and Thebes, while in other cities it's relatively rare worshiped. He was also worshiped in Skythia where they do sacrifice for his people and animals.

Ares favorite animals are dogs and vultures. Ares had a chariot pulled by four horses tail, ie Aithon ( "Fire Red"), Konabos ( "Chaos"), Flogios ( "Flame") and Fobos ( "Terror").

According to the script early Romans, Mars was originally known as the god of agriculture, and instead of the god of war. However, as the Romans were getting stronger, the nature of Mars turned into regarding the war. Mars later became the second most important god in the Roman pantheon, after his father, the god Jupiter.

In Roman mythology 

The Romans recognized him as Mars, the god which was adapted from Etruscan. Initially the Romans regard Mars as the god of agriculture more than the god of war. But Mars is slowly transformed into a god of war over Roman power are becoming increasingly powerful. In Roman mythology, Mars was the god that is the second most important after his father, Jupiter (Zeus).


Originally his name associated with the Greek ἀρή (are), the development of ἀρά (fig), the "curse, destruction".  While Mars possibility name associated with the Greek word μάρναμαι (marnamai), "fight, fight" or Hindi or Punjab maarna (kill).


In Greek mythology, there are some gods symbolizing various aspects of the war, for example Athens which symbolizes wisdom and strategy of war, and to protect people and their homes during the war. While Ares, on the other hand, is a symbol of brutality, cruelty and horror of war. Athena and Ares hostile. Sister Ares, Eris, triggering war, Zeus directs the course of the war, but Ares loved war for his own pleasure, he enjoyed the bustle and cries of war, genocide, and the destruction of the city. He even did not follow the spirit of partisanship, he sometimes supporting one side and then to help others, he just do it according to his will.  Ares also considered to play a role in human deaths caused by the plague and epidemics.  Ares bloodthirsty nature and this makes him hated wild either by their parents or by other gods. 

Among the gods, Ares was the least trusted. In the Iliad said: "You are gods of Olympus's most hated me," Zeus said to Ares, "disputes, wars, and massacres are the things you love. The birthplace once home Ares is located among the Trakia, barbarians like war.  That's where he went after his affair with Aphrodite was revealed.

As the god of war, Ares instead often lose the battle. Athens had several times defeated Ares. Diomedes Herakles and Ares had also hurt the body. In addition, Ares also been defeated by aloadae, a pair of giant.

In popular culture 

Ares is a permanent character on the television series Xena: Warrior Princess. He is played by Kevin Smith. He is described as a warlike god at once a passion for Xena. After the fall of the gods of Olympus, Ares became man but managed to become the god Odin back after eating apples.

In the film Alexander in 2004, Macedonia troops chanted "Enyalios" when they advance in the Battle of Gaugamela.

Ares also appeared as a supporting character in the novel series Percy Jackson and the Olympians Rick Riordan bouquet.

Ares is the main antagonist and the last enemy in a video game God of War. In the video game, Ares trapped Kratos so that Kratos slaughtering his own family. Since the incident, Kratos grudge against Ares.

British pop music group, Bloc Party, has a song called Ares in their third album, Intimacy. Gackt, a musician from Japan, enter a song called Ares in his second album, Mars.

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it is some explanations and stories about the god of war (Ares). Ares is very well known for their brutality.

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