In Greek mythology, the Harpies ( Latin: harpeia, Greek: ἅρπυια, harpūia) is one of the famous winged spirits because always stealing all food from Phineas / Pineus (a king of Phoenicia Thrace).
Harpies described as a real half-woman, half-bird and beautiful. Legend say, THAT Harpies like stealing a dead corpse, spreading the stench and poison food in villages in
the past.
Like the Siren, which Harpies actually comprised of two beings, but according to legend harpies plus one other, so that number to 3 creatures. The Harpies brother and sister Iris, daughters of Typhon and Echidna. They also are mothers to horses who may speak Achilles, which Xanthus and Balius. The Harpies are often regarded as a marker that is not either in the sea or the bearer of bad weather for the gob.
Greek oral poet named Hesiod, they subtly surname with the share of two people being "pretty blonde". And he gave names to them, namely: Hello and Ocypete, and called Celaeno last. Their names mean: Hello "noisier fast", Ocypete "fast wing", Celaeno "black clouds or darkness" - also known as Podarge "fleet of foot". Three pendera recognized as King Pineus, who had been saved by the Argonauts.
Notified, King Phineas has the gift of prophecy (divination). Zeus angry, because Phineas expose too many predictions. Zeus then punished him with blind him and put him on an island with a sideboard food he should not eat it. The Harpies was always arrived and stole the food that comes out of his hand, before he was allowed to meet hunger than leftovers. This quest so that arrival of Jason and the Argonauts.
The Boread, Calais and ZETES are children Boreas (North Wind) and Oreithyia (daughter of King Erechtheus of Athens). They also have the ability to fly, succeeded in driving the Harpies, without killing one of them. They came at the request of Iris who promised that the king Phineas would not be bothered again by the Harpies, and the "big dogs belonging to Zeus" returned to their cave in Minoan Crete.
Grateful for the help of those who had saved her, the king Phineas Argonauts unmasked the secret to how to make it through Symplegades, a pair of stone on the Bosphorus that clashed together randomly.
Modern culture
Harpies often the term in some cultures to refer to the wicked woman who interfere. In the works of writing, Harpies often arise, such as: Dante's "Divine Comedy", Trilogy Anne Bishop "The Black Jewels", William Shakespeare's "The Tempest", book series Harry Potter, etc.
Similarly, in the works of the film, such as: Popeye, The Last Unicorn, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Fantasia, etc. And also in the television shows, the presence of Harpies are often included.
In the world of games especially, Harpies aplenty encountered as a term, as well as being evil in the games-games, such as in games: Suikoden II, Dungeons & Dragons, Fighting Fantasy, Warcraft, God of War, Castlevania, Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation, The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, Heroes of Might and Magic III, Ragnarok Online, Breath of Fire, Final Fantasy, and much more.
it was some of the images and stories of mythology harpy, a very mysterious creature and is very pretty.