Keyword Density

1:15:00 AM
What is the Keyword Density?

What is the keyword density ? Keyword density is a keyword density percentage in a single blog pages compared with the entire word in the blog page. In post SEO friendly, many SEO experts who say to the percentage of keyword density in a posting that ideal is 0.5% - 2%. It aims to not too many keywords in a single post, and because it can be considered spam. Writing keyword repeatedly - again and exceeded the recommended percentage of keyword density can be fatal. This technique is referred to as keyword stuffing technique is one of the black hat SEO techniques that are hated Google and can be bad for our blog like exposed pinalty and entered into the Google sandbox.

The number of keywords or keyword density percentage proper density in a single post would be good for these postings rankings in Search Engine Result Page (SERP).

In accordance with the previous post about keyword density. Keyword Density is one of the things that should be considered by the blogger in improving the SEO of the blog. Keyword Density is the number of keywords percent in the articles or blog's main page. How to find Keyword Density is as follows.

The number of repetitions keyword / total words across the page * 100 = Keyword Density

So, suppose you write an article with the number of repetitions of keywords A 10 times, while the total words on the page of 100 words, the keyword density on the page A = 10%.

Then, how SEO keyword density?

Good keywords are keywords that are not excessive, do not you? A good keyword density is not more than 5%. So, if the total on a page of 100 words, the maximum number of repetitions of keywords is 5. Keyword Density is different every search engine. So, there is no definite benchmark for maximum keyword density. There are say 5%, 4% or even 7% .It should keep in mind that what counts is the repetition of keywords including the keyword itself, not the number of keywords.

Where do I know?

you can predict what word the most heavily loaded in your article and count repetitions, and then see the total word by copying them into Microsoft Word, then count to the above formula. There is an easier way if the above methods are too difficult and long.

1. The first thing to do buddy clicking this link
2. Enter the url of the article my friend
3. Fill in the captcha
4. Press Submit

Read also other interesting articles:

1.SEO Tips and trick
2.Optimization SEO On Page

So, when creating articles, see the most used word, then analyze whether too much or too little. If it is too much, add words to the article my friend. If you've already created, can check the above manner. Hopefully I check the keyword density above can help you.

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