
6:54:00 AM
Arachne - Arachne is a former weaver best, polite and friendly in Hypaepa, a city in Lydia. Because a lot of praise and adulation given to her, it was all even affect the nature and Arachne eventually grew into one so very proud. In his skill as a weaver, she became cocky and arrogant and began claiming that her skill itself is much bigger than the job of Athens, known as the goddess of wisdom and war as well as the art of weaving.


Athena was furious after hearing the speech arrogance Arachne has exceeded the limit and finally the goddess Athena dropped to imitation.In disguise Athena then came and challenged Arachne to compete in weaving shrewdness. Arachne undertakes, she immediately began to weave a portrait image of the gods who was partying with erotic style. Although woven tapestry Arachne very much more perfect, but Athens still felt irritable and angry.

Athena was very angry then destroy non wovens Arachne and touched his forehead, a result of the touch of the hands of Athena, Arachne always be haunted by a sense of guilt. So she became Depression and continues to weigh on his mind in the end always makes it frustrating and decided to commit suicide by hanging herself.

But the guilt was also attacked by Athens, sje then comes to deciding revive Arachne and then change (cursed) Arachne into a spider. Because it says Arachne it refers to the "spiders" in Greek.

This story shows that the origin of weaving originated in imitation of spiders and are considered to have been perfected first in Asia.

Arachne in Myth

Once upon a time in Maionia city in Asia Minor, there lived a beautiful girl who has the talent to weave incredible. Not only his work, but the way She wove was very pretty, even the nymphs will leave their forests and springs just to see her weave and enjoy his work. The name of it is accomplished weaver Arachne.

She took a roll of tangled threads, and then with the patient collapsed it and shape it into a smooth and light as a cloud. Every movement of the hand is very good at arranging entanglement, stitches and patterns in the weave. I was so beautiful woven girls, a lot of people who say that the goddess Athena (goddess of weavers) herself who taught weaving.

But Arachne reacted strongly to the words. She refused if it is considered as a student of Athena, even he said that the ability to weave able to defeat Athens and She also openly challenged the goddess Athena to complain to her weaving skills.

Athena hear vanity Arachne, but She still wanted to give a chance to repent on Arachne. Athena also went Arachne who were weaving in the form of an old woman.

The old woman said, "you woven indeed very beautiful, but listen to my advice. You may challenge a fellow human being to try his ability to weave all you want, but do not challenge the goddess, in fact I think you should apologize to Athens on what you said earlier. She was very wise and forgiving, you may still be forgiven by her. "

Arachne stopped weaving, then shouted to the old woman, "Keep your advice to your children old grandmother! I know what I said and would not pull it out !! I'm not afraid of your goddess, let her come and try to fight me !! "

Athena was releasing his disguise and replied, "I accept your challenge."

The nymphs are there, immediately prostrate before Athens, as well as others. While Arachne nervous seeing the presence of the goddess, but She continued the challenge.

The match between Arachne and Athena place exciting. Threads of light float full of color and beauty. Each weave very quickly, but with very beautiful movements. Soon, the fabric woven in them was completed.

In Athens woven fabrics, the middle there is a picture of the twelve gods of Olympus on the throne respectively, and in the four corners portrayed the gods angry with humans who disobey. It was to warn his opponent in order to quickly give up before it is too late.

While on woven fabrics Arachne very beautiful, indescribable gods who were having an affair, and raped many women. Is Poseidon and Zeus, father of Athena, the most widely depicted there.

Athena Arachne admire the work but was very angry with what was depicted on it. she did not accept that there is a man who vilify his father. Athena also destroy the work of Arachne.

Then She touched the forehead of Arachne and with strength, Athens has to feel guilt and shame are profound. Can not stand the feeling of it, Arachne ran and hanged herself.

But Athena felt sorry for Arachne who was dead hanging on a rope, until Athena said, "Live !! O sinful girl !! Remember this lesson, and you and your descendants will continue to depend on a regular and continuing what you are doing !!"

Arachne form of slowly changing. His body shrank and became an animal that we know called spiders, to continue to weave during her lifetime.

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it is a few explanations and stories about mythology of Arachne . for those of you who like the creature in mythology you sure this article interesting to you, hopefully this article useful.

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