argus panoptes

6:53:00 AM
argus panoptes
argus panoptes
Argus Panoptes (Ἄργος Πανόπτης), this being the name means "see everything", these creatures have a hundred eyes that spread throughout his body. Panoptes Argus is a giant who had a hundred eyes who lived in Argolis. Argus is always alert, even while sleeping, some of his eyes open. Argus is a giant who kills an echidna

At the time I wanted to find info about the creatures on this one I can not imagine, what form this creature. But when I find pictures that tell these creatures, it turns out the reality is different from what I imagined. The creature turned out to be a person described in the Greek era.

The story behind the picture (I guess) the jar tells us that at that time he (Argus) Hera ordered to guard Io is transformed into a cow by Zeus because Hera wanted to keep her away from Zeus. With a hundred eyes that has spread throughout his body does not allow Zeus can take without the knowledge Io Argus. Argus asleep when he leaves two eyes to keep watch. Zeus then sent his son Hermes.

According to mythology, Hermes disguised as shepherds and lull Argus to the music game. Then Hermes killed Argus asleep so that Io may be free. After the death of Argus Hera took his eyes and put his peacock tail.

One day, Zeus transform Io into a cow to cover up his affair with Io. But Hera remained suspicious and commissioned Argus to keep the cow. To free Io, Zeus was sent Hermes. Hermes disguised as shepherds and make Argus sleep with a rebound of his music before finally Hermes to kill Argus with his sword. Due to kill Argus, Hermes earned the nickname Argeiphontes.

After the death Argus, Hera took all the eyes of Argus and put it in his favorite birds, the peacock.

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it is some explanations and stories about argus panoptesAs of this writing in the post, I still do not understand what should be killed reasons Argus, if not sleep Io Argus can also be freed? But never mind, still mythology mythology, the important thing we can still enjoy the story. Do readers also agree?

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