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Mermaid- The mermaid is a water creature that has the body like a woman from the waist to the head, while a part of his body from the waist down fishlike. Mermaid is a mythological creature that belonged to a creature half-man half-animal. Mermaids are often associated with adverse events such as floods, storms, shipwrecks and drownings. In other traditions (or sometimes within the same tradition), the mermaid is described as having good character and generous, bestowing gifts or fall in love with humans.

The story of the mermaid appears in the folklore of various cultures throughout the world, including the Near East, Europe, Africa, and Asia. Stories first appeared at the time of the Ancient Assyrians, about a goddess named Atargatis that transform himself into a mermaid because of shame had killed her accidentally. Babylonian society is also worshiped as the god of the sea mermaid known as Ea or Oannes; Oannes depicted as a mermaid male.

In Greek mythology, the mermaid is said to be always tempting sailors negligent; anyone who is tempted doomed. Mermaids also associated with siren creatures in Greek mythology, likewise sirenian, order of marine mammals consisting of mermaids and Manatee. Some notes testimony encounters with mermaids by ancient sailors is most likely an error on the marine mammal observation form. Christopher Columbus claimed that he had never seen a mermaid while browsing through the Caribbean Sea, and reports of sightings also exist in the 20th century and the 21st in Canada, Israel, and Zimbabwe. In 2012, the US National Ocean Service stated that evidence the existence of the mermaid never found.

Mermaids also become one of the popular subject in art and literature of modern times, for example in the work of the famous Hans Christian Andersen, "The Little Mermaid" (1836). repeatedly literary works have been adapted as an opera, painting, books, movies, and comics.


The story of the mermaid was first discovered in Assyrian. The story is about a goddess Atargatis, the mother of Assyrian queen, Semiramis. Atargatis goddess fell in love with a shepherd, who was later killed by him. Embarrassed, she threw himself into the lake to transform themselves into fish. However, the water could not change himself entirely for her beauty as a goddess. Finally, only half of the body into fish-from the waist up human form, from the waist down intangible fish-although in the depiction in ancient times, Atargatis described as fish-headed and armed men, much like the Babylonian god Ea. The Greeks recognized Atargatis as Derketo.

In Greek legend is told that Alexander the Great's sister, Thessalonike, turn into a mermaid after his death, and wander in the Aegean Sea. she would always ask one question to sailors on each ship he encountered: "Is Alexander still alive?" (Greek: "Ζει ο Βασιλιάς Αλέξανδρος"), and the correct answer is: "she is still alive and in power and conquered the world" (Greek: "Ζει και βασιλεύει και τον κόσμο κυριεύει"). The answer would make her happy, so he will make the waters became calm and save passing ship. Another answer would make him angry, so he will bring a storm and the curse of the boats and sailors in it.

Mermaid in the culture of the nations

The first story about this creature could be traced to the year 1000 BC in Assyrian mythology. Goddess Atargatis, the mother of the queen Semiramis, called falling in love with a shepherd of the mortal man. One day, accidentally, the goddess killing the shepherd.

Because sadly, Atargatis attempted suicide by plunging into a lake to take the form of a fish. However, the lake refuse to hide the beauty that belongs to the goddess. So he just turns it into a fish from the waist down.

Acts of Assyria this might be the basis of the legend of the mermaid worldwide.

In his book, Curious Myths of the Middle Ages, published in 1884, a folk tale called S. Baring Gould believes that the story of a mermaid and Merman originated from the story of a half fish god or goddess in ancient religions.

God Oannes of the Chaldean and the god Dagon of the Philistines have such as Mermaid. god Coxcox and Teocipactli of Mexico also had the form of a half fish. American Indian legends even mention that they were taken out of Asia by human fish. Of these, perhaps the most famous is the god Triton and Siren Goddess in ancient Greek legend who also has a body part fish.

In addition to Europe and the Middle East, the story of these creatures can also be found in the mythology in various countries in Africa and Asia. In Africa, the Mermaid-like creatures called Mom Wata is believed to heal the sick and bring good luck to those who followed him. 

In the world of entertainment 

Mermaid is a creature in the stories of a bygone era that is now very well known for re-emerged through the imaginations of new and some of the stories borrow characters mermaid as alien charming.

Mermaid sightings in history

In 558 AD, mentioned that a Mermaid caught by a fisherman in Ireland. Mermaid was then taken to the village and was baptized by the residents. Not long after, the creature dies.

Then, a monk named Ralph Coggeshall never tell if a Merman was captured by fishermen in Suffolk in 1187. The creature was unable to speak and was immediately taken to the village to be examined. Even after being tortured, the creature was still not showing signs that she could speak. Merman was later jailed for some time in the castle Orford. But when the villagers wanted to bathe in the sea, he managed to escape.

Still in the 12th century, Speculum Regale of Iceland noted the discovery of a mermaid near Greenland.

"This creature looks like a woman from the waist to the head. Her chest also looks exactly like a woman. His arms were long and his hair is smooth. The neck and head are just like humans. From the waist down, this creature has a tail like a fish with scales and fins. Creatures this strange looks after the big storm hit. "

According to legend Iceland, Merman also been arrested in the year 1305 and 1329. The encounter with a mermaid is not only experienced by the local fishermen or lay people.

Christopher Colombus called also never met this creature in 1493.

Columbus was off the coast of Haiti when he saw three mermaid tail that emerged from the sea to the surface. According to him, the third creature was not as pretty as it is often portrayed, even according to him, the three face the creature looks like a man.

Possible Columbus saw three Merman, not a mermaid. But many people who believe that Columbus had just watched three fish Dugong (manatee), water creatures that are often seen in the Caribbean.

Another famous explorer, Henry Hudson also been recorded encounter with Mermaid in 1608.

"This morning, one of our colleagues saw a Mermaid and he immediately called other colleagues to also see it. From the waist up, back and chest like a woman. She was as great as one of us. When the creature dived into water, they could see the tail that looks like a dolphin tail that has a pattern such as mackerel fish. our colleagues who witness named Thomas Hilles and Robert Rayner. "

In 1614, another famous explorer named John Smith (who we know through the film Pocahontas) also claimed to see Mermaid. He mentioned that the creature has a pretty face, round eyes, sharp nose and a long green hair. He calls it being "very pretty".

What is the evidence that the creature named Mermaid really exist?


PT Barnum, one of the famous entertainer, once claimed that he had the carcass Mermaid later he exhibited to earn a lot of money. Carcasses belonging to Barnum known Feejee Mermaid. Lately, his mummies are known in part from the creation by combining several members of the animal's body.

Since then, many mummies stored Mermaid worldwide and is suspected as a result of the creation of the artist. Some have even been proven to be a hoax, some others have not found evidence, albeit also been suggested as a result of the creation of the artist.

Although the story of Mermaid legend is more popular in European countries, but in Japan, the story of the mermaid is not an alien. In some temples there, tucked away a few mummies Mermaid who is trusted by the owner as the authentic goods. Even so, quite a lot also believe if mummy - mummy is a result of the creation of the artist and as a mummy belonging to PT Barnum. But unfortunately, there is never any these mummies ever seriously examined.

Scientists or experts Crytozoology has long been trying to identify the identity of the real Mermaid. If this creature is just a mere hoax, why the historical record regarding these creatures can spread in various parts of the world and even have existed for thousands of years ago?

Is the testimony of the sailors who witnessed or villagers who had seen firsthand that occurs within quite a long time and thousands of years can be summed up as a hoax?

If Mermaid is not a hoax, the creature mermaid So is it really?

Although most of the researchers agree with the theory manatee or dugong, but some Cryptozoolog agreed if possible mermaid is a kind of sea creature has now extinct, although they also can not identified creature in question.

While researchers do not have conclusive evidence, some people are more trusting if Mermaid is a mythical creature. It might further explain why such creatures could be more popular in ancient religions. In African countries, a magician who has repented of his activities ever testified If a mermaid had been nursing him when he was small. In other words, he meant mermaid is a mythical creature of faerie who clearly did not belong to the territory of Cryptozoology.

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it is a few explanations, stories and history of the mermaid, a creature so beautiful that inhabit the oceans is still I still do not know whether it's true mermaid exists or does not exist.

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