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Bahamut- Bahamut is a Class Dragon Platinum and always portrayed either as the King of Dragon Well, more accurately, as the god of the noble and glorious in the Right itself. He is always on the lookout to help kindness and sat unsleeping or without falling asleep in his palace on Mount Celestia, Sky Seven. This is the myth of Bahamut - The Dragon King.  Bahamut is the protector of all the good dragon and most often against evil. In addition to being a good dragon god, metallic, wisdom and enlightened justice. In much of the world, Bahamut is also seen as a moral power in general and as a small draconic powers horizon, the sky is mainly clear and bright, whether it is day or night.

   Bahamut is noble, wise, thoughtful, kind, and helpful, but he also could firmly. He believes in the sanctity of life, and will not be willing to kill another creature unless he has no other choice, prefer topolymorph them into a form that is not harmful rather than killing them. By the standards of the dragon, he was unselfish and sharing, because it will become not vain or would divide the treasure.   Bahamut has the values ​​of wisdom, knowledge and track. On the other hand, he hates injustice and foul play, which is very amenable crime and not tolerate any criminal offense offered by evil creatures.

 Bahamut is an active deity, ever arguing the case against crime. He also oversaw the creatures either legitimate, draconic or otherwise, in danger, offers help, healing, and knowledge, but do not want to involve themselves directly in the affairs of air Material Prime .All Wyrms good looking to him for guidance and wisdom, especially a golden dragon, silver, and bronze dragons, although some dragon brass and copper dragons also like to pay tribute to him.

   Bahamut is often used as an iconic guardian legendary force in serial Games Final Fantasy series. Its strength is very powerful and become a mainstay summon monster hero of this game. The resulting explosive force could destroy one area at a time.

bahamut mythology

Bahamut (Arabic: بهموت) comes from Arabian mythology is touted as a great fish to sustain the Earth. From some sources, Bahamut described as having a head resembling a horse or elephant Nile.

There are two versions about this Bahamut. The first version, according to excerpts Jose Luis Borges, author of a book entitled "Book of Imaginary Beings", from the Arabic there is a fish swimming in the sea unfounded. On it there is a bull named Kutaja, above the bull, there is a ruby ​​mountain, on the mountain there is an angel, an angel over there six hell, hell exists above the world, and over the world there are seven layers of heaven.

While other versions mentioned, that the Earth is above the water, while the water was at a precipice. The cliffs above the horns of a bull, the bull is above a layer of sand, the sand layer above the Bahamut and Bahamut swim above the wind beneath which there is a fog. No one knows what is under the mist.

In the story of the Thousand and One Nights, Bahamut here is a big fish ever seen by the Prophet Isa As. On his head there is a bull who carries a reef. On top of the rock there is the angel with the seven layers of the Earth. While underneath is the dark water, fire, and then a huge serpent called valak.

Told after seeing Bahamut, Jesus immediately unconscious. Borges himself concluded that Bahamut is a story that symbolizes tortured and power of God. This snake is so great that only the fear of the power of God, which prevent it swallowing all his creation.

In Greek mythology, mentioned active Bahamut as the god who never argue the case in the fight against crime along with Io, the pastor of Hera in Argos, the beautiful girl who was changed by Zeus into a white cow. He was ever vigilant against Tiamat.

In popular culture, appearing as a summon Bahamut in almost all video game series "Final Fantasy". Dragon-shaped and is also known as the Dragon King. Grade platinum dragon is always depicted with kindness, the king of all the good dragon, noble god nan scintillating constantly awake, sitting without falling asleep and alert in his palace, mountain Calestia, in seventh heaven, in order to help the good.

Bahamut is the protector of all the good dragon and fiercest in the fight against crime. In much of the world, he is seen as a moral power and the strength of small dakronik the horizon, where the sky will be bright, day or night, arriving when his presence.

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above are some explanation of the very evil creatures that Bahamut . Variants of Bahamut shown in Final Fantasy is Neo Bahamut, Bahamut Zero, Bahamut Sin, and Bahamut Fury. And aside from the Final Fantasy series, Bahamut also appears in the video game Chocobo's Dungeon, Kingdom Hearts, Lord of Vermillion, and Dungeon and Dragons.

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