How to Get Money From Youtube

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How to Get Money From Youtube?

How to Get Money From Youtube- If you frequently use the Internet, must have been familiar with the site This site is the online media where we can upload our own videos to the internet, and we could also watch videos that are uploaded to YouTube others for free. youtube Users often spend a lot of time in front of the screen for watching videos a unique and interesting uploaded by YouTube users from around the world. This site becomes one of social media's most widely used around the world and become one of the moneymaker is quite popular.

As business principles that we know so far, where there are crowds then there will be no money or profit potential. And indeed, today there are many people who make money from the videos that they upload to YouTube, there are even people who make money to hundreds of million rupiah per month just from videos that they upload to YouTube. Where does the money go? Here's a short review.

YouTube Making Virtual Worlds Looks Real

One of the reasons why YouTube is so popular with internet users is because YouTube provide video content that looks real. In contrast to the image content or invisible text 'live' in the eyes of Internet users. Various existing video content on YouTube uploaded by users with different objectives.

There is a YouTube user who uploaded the video for the purpose of fun, something to promote businesses and events, there aiming want to share with others, and others. All Internet users definitely prefer the REAL content visible and attractive, which is why internet users linger on YouTube.

Various types of videos can be found on YouTube, ranging from video tutorials, music videos, video news, video humor, videos of science and technology, video documentation of a person when on vacation, video footage, and many other video. If we open up the YouTube site, then most likely we will see ads there, be it on the video or on the side bar. They usually appear on the videos that the number of views it a lot. Well incomes of the owners of this video comes from ad clicks or the number of ad views that appear in the video.

Then How to Make Money on YouTube?

If you want to earn money from YouTube then we must be uploading video content unique and attractive to YouTube. The more views to your video, the greater the revenue opportunities that we get from YouTube.

Earlier I want to emphasize that there is no guarantee that your videos on YouTube will generate a lot of money. This article merely provides information steps that need to be done in order to become a YouTube partner and make money from their services.
Here are the steps:

1. Make a YouTube Account

Not difficult to create a YouTube account, if you've created an account with one of Google products (such as Gmail) then we can use that account to create an account on YouTube. The first step is to log into your Google account (eg Gmail), then open the site Later you will see the YouTube site as shown below,

How to Get Money From Youtube?

The next step is to create a Channel to your YouTube account. Click on the link "My Channel" which is on the left. Later will come the option, whether we will use the original name (the name when registering email) or use a different name as the name of the Channel on Youtube.

If you want to create a unique Channel, you should use a different name as the name of the YouTube channel, for example, your website domain name or a specific name. Click the link "To use a business or other name, click here", will be directed to a new page.

On the new page, enter the name of Channel that corresponds to what you want. Then choose the appropriate category, do not forget to check the "I agree to the Pages Terms" and click "Done". 

After the above steps, we will be redirected to the page belongs to our YouTube Channel. Furthermore, we can adjust the Channel display, ranging from adding images to icons, adding covers, and other settings. So far we've managed to create a YouTube account and make a special Channel.

2. Start Uploading Videos to YouTube

In order to make money from YouTube, we need to have original video content uploaded to our YouTube Channel. Video content should be your own or video material does not infringe the copyrights of others, ranging from video material (video clip, image, logo) to back-sound. Actually not too difficult to get an idea of ​​video content, we can make unique video by recording daily activities unique (eg, gaming), video tutorials, record while playing music, and others.

Diligent uniquely create and upload videos to your channel, you need to upload at least about 100-200 unique and interesting videos to YouTube to earn substantial income. The more videos uploaded to your channel, the greater the opportunity to generate revenue from YouTube. An important note, never upload any video material that violates the copyrights of others into your YouToube Channel because it could create a problem with your account at a later date.

3. Increase your YouTube Channel Popularity

There are many ways that can be done to increase the popularity of YouTube Channel. Among others are:

  • Diligent upload videos that are useful, unique, and interesting. Note also the quality of the videos you make, the video should have a good resolution and zoom obvious.
  • Focus uploading content according to your niche or interest. If you have expertise in playing the game, then focus building-related video games. For example you can make a review of the latest games or play exciting games. Channel so you will be easily recognized by YouTube users.
  • Invite your audience to become a subscriber of your YouTube Channel. The more subscribers you the opportunity to get more views on videos you will be even greater.
  • Promote your video or your YouTube Channel to other social media

4. Sign up for Google AdSense

Although there are several ways you can do to benefit from YouTube, but most people prefer to use Google Adsense to monetize their video content. Usually channel that owns the video with many views will get an invitation directly from Google Adsense. But if we do not get an invitation, you can register with Google Adsense.

If you previously had a Google Adsense account, then you do not need to register again. All you need do is simply connect the Google Adsense account to your YouTube account, of course, email is used must be the same. Once your AdSense account linked to your YouTube account, then you're just waiting for the earnings coming from your videos.

Read also other interesting articles:

it was the explanation from me about How to Get Money From Youtube. The key to success in playing YouTube is creativity. The more creative and interesting videos in your channel, then the opportunity to earn revenue from YouTube will be greater as well. There are no income limits that you can get, because that determines the uniqueness, quality video material, and the number of views the video that we uploaded to YouTube. I will discuss this topic in the next article. May be useful.

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