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- In Greek mythology, the Minotaur (Greek: Μινόταυρος, Minotauros) is a form of human-headed monster bull. His form is a result of the curse of Minos, king of Crete. Because the bull should he gave to the god Poseidon, he kept hidden so that Poseidon Minos dropped a curse to his wife. Minos's wife, Pasiphaë, created in love with the bull. By asking the help of Daidalos, Pasiphaë request made mock bull females. He then goes into a mock bull, to make love with the bull. So Pasiphaë a baby from its relationship with the bull, the Minotaur. These monsters live in the midst of a complicated maze designed by architect Daidalos to save the Minotaur. Every year, residents of the city of Athens had to send seven youths and seven girls as victims in order not to be attacked by Crete. This monster was eventually killed by Theseus, the Greek hero disguised as one of the victims. Previously, Thesus aided by Ariadne, daughter of the King of Crete, who gives him a sword and a ball of twine. Thesus use the yarn to scour the back trail to get out of the maze of complex and uses his sword to slay the Minotaur.

Minotaur is a creature in Greek mythology who had a bull's head and tail, as well as the human body. Minotaur is strongly connected with the island of Crete, where he is said to live in his adult life in a complex maze at Knossos. Minotaur is a ferocious and powerful creature before he could be killed by Theseus, the Greek hero.

Many experts argue that the root of the Minotaur came long before the Greeks adopted the Zeus and the other gods. Minotaur thought to have come from the sun god worshiped before the arrival of Zeus.

Most other experts connect Minotaur and her father who is a bull to Baal - the god of the golden calf - which became the Phoenician god. In Greek mythology, the Minotaur was described as a beast. Minotaur is the son of the wife of King Minos, Pasiphae and white Cretan bull. The myth states that King Minos prayed to Poseidon to be given a white bull.

King Minos much like the bull that refused to sacrifice him. Poseidon became angry and in return made Pasiphae fall in love with the bull. Pasiphae mating with the bull and as a result, was born a creature half-man half-bull was too fierce to be raised normally.

After growing up, Minotaur became cannibals and demanded offerings of women and men every year and then eaten. Most versions of the myth says that Theseus volunteered to be part of the annual offerings that can kill the Minotaur.

Theseus helped by Minos's daughter, Ariadne, are on the spool as a guide through the maze so as not to get lost.
Theseus finally managed to kill the Minotaur and liberate people hostage in a maze. Minotaur massacre a source of inspiration for many of classical Greek art to modern and postmodern art, like the works of Picasso.

Stories and death

Theseus quickly learned that the previous Athens defeated in the war against Minos, king of Crete and the son of Zeus and Europe. Minos lost a son named Androgeus, when Aegeus sent him to kill a minotaur. However, even the bull was killed Androgeus. Some say that Aigues accidentally sent Androgeus to be killed.

To punish Aegeus and Athens, Minos asks tribute every nine years. Athena is required to send seven youths and seven virgins to the palace of Minos at Knossos. There they put in the maze for as food for the monsters that are in it.

The monster known as the Minotaur. This creature has the head of a bull and the human body. Minotaur is the son of the wife of Minos, Pasiphaë, and a white bull, known as the Cretan Bull.

When Minos came to power in Crete, so he prayed to Poseidon sent a bull so she could sacrificed to the god of the sea. However, after the bull appeared, Minos did not sacrifice the bull as promised. He instead maintain the buff.

Angry because Minos had reneged, Poseidon was punishing the king. Poseidon made Pasiphaë fall in love with the bull. Finally Pasiphaë sexual intercourse with a bull it up to give birth to the Minotaur. To confine the creature, Minos sent a famous inventor, Daidalos, to build the maze.

Theseus wants to end this tribute by killing the Minotaur. He also participated as one of the prospective victims. He told his father that if he died in the attempt, the ship would sail back to Athens using a black screen, whereas if he survived the ship would use a white screen.

Theseus set off to live her greatest adventure.

Arrived at Knossos, the sacrifice exhibited along the way. Daughter of Minos, Ariadne, who watched the parade, immediately fell in love with Theseus. He immediately seek Daidalos and asking how to get out of the maze.

Ariadne then met Theseus and says that he can help Theseus out of the labyrinth. In return, he asked Theseus to take her to Athens and marry her. Theseus agreed. Ariadne gave him a roll of yarn. He sent Theseus to attach one end of the string to the entrance and the thread stalling while walking in maze. To get out of maze, Theseus can down the string.

Theseus boldly seek Minotaur in the labyrinth. Without weapons, Theseus defeat the monster. With his bare hands, he was able to kill. After that, Theseus along with the other offerings down the yarn and managed to escape from the labyrinth. He also brings Ariadne into his boat and sailed back towards Athens.

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above are some explanation of the very evil creatures that minotaur.

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