How to create rss feed

11:25:00 PM
How to create rss feed -  Among bloggers, FeedBurner certainly is not foreign anymore. This free service from Google has many uses both to increase traffic particularly regular reader or to optimize your ad, particularly Google Adsense. 

But it is undeniable that it is still a lot of bloggers who do not know What is FeedBurner and How to Make it ?. On this occasion we will discuss FeedBurner, the discussion will be divided in two parts.

What is RSS FeedBurner?

First we identify the first, What is RSS? RSS (Really Simple Syndication) means the tool will retrieve the latest content from your site, if interested and pull them into your feed reader where you can read it all in one location rather than visit each site separately.

While the official explanation FeedBurner is a web-based tool that gives us the convenience to promote and manage the blog as a whole. FeedBurner was founded in 2004. Originally a separate service, but was eventually acquired by Google specifically for the blogger.

When referring to the explanation Wikipedia, FeedBurner is a web feed management services (web feed), which consists of RSS feeds and management tools (management tools) for bloggers and podcasters as well as other applications of web-based publications.

This service provides analysis of site visitor traffic and advertising system that can be selected.

FeedBurner itself has many features, such as checking the feed optimization statistics. Many bloggers are asking, for what use FeedBurner? What's in it and so on. Moreover blogspot is default has its own feed service.

The reason why using FeedBurner because the user will be given the ease of publishing content that others are easier to subscribe and distribution of feed is more compatible for all types of software subscriber.

Users can also analyze traffic FeedBurner subscribe to your feed, such as seeing the number of subscribers, from where they are and what they like. Another service of FeedBurner we will discuss another translation complete with ways to optimize it.

How to create rss feed

FeedBurner is a Google-owned sites that take care of the feeds RSS (web feed). This site makes it easy for visitors to subscribe to your blog or help you to ping your latest article. The point feedburner help your blog indexed faster.

If you wish to take advantage of feedburner, immediately register your blog and switch your blog's RSS feed to Feedburner. Follow the instructions below:

Register your blog on Feedburner

  • Go to the site Feedburner
  • Login using your Google account.
  • In view Feedburner you'll see a form like the one below, fill in your blog address or the address of your blog feed. In this example, we enter the blog address it, and then click next.
    How to create rss feed
  • If you only enter the address of the blog alone, then Feedburner will track feeder from your blog. You will be asked to confirm blog feeds which you want to use. In this example we choose Atom, then click NEXT
    How to create rss feed

  • Next to determine your feed title and URL of your feed at Feedburner. Please be filled according to your taste, then click NEXT

    How to create rss feed
  • Feed you've finished, please save your feed URL as printed blue in the image below, then click NEXT
    How to create rss feed
  • The next will give you some options. Please tick following the example image and click Next
    How to create rss feed

  • Feed your blog in finished.

Divert your Blogspot Feed to Feedburner

  • Time to switch your blog feed to Feedburner
  • Open the tab new window then go to account you.
  • Select the desired blog on the dashboard and click Settings.
  • On the Settings menu select the submenu Other
  • Select Post Feed Redirect URL please click Add
  • Box will appear to enter your Feedburner URL that was printed blue.
  • Enter your Feedburner URL.
  • Please click Save Settings.

Enable Ping Service Feedburner

  • In the window that is already finished you register click Publicize.
  • On the left sidebar there is a large selection of Ping Shot.
  • In view Ping Shot click Activate to activate this service.

it is an explanation and a way How to create rss feed, for those of you who want your blog to be quickly indexed by search engines should make RSS Feedburner from now in order to facilitate the search engines to index your blog.

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