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HadesHades (Greek: ᾍδης, Hades, or Ἅιδης, hides) is the god of the underworld in Greek mythology. Hades was the eldest son of Kronos and Rea. He along with his brothers defeated the Titans and take control over the world. Zeus, Poseidon and Hades conduct a lottery to determine the place of power and Hades got the underworld.  Because of its association with the underworld, Hades is often regarded as the god of death although it was not. Hades is also sometimes referred to as the underworld itself.

In Roman mythology, Hades known as Pluto, Dis Pater and Orkus whereas the equivalent Etruscan god was Aita. Symbols associated with Hades is Helm of Darkness and the three-headed dog, Kerberos.

The term Hades in Christianity (and in Koine Greek) is similar to the teachings of the Jewish Sheol (שאול, grave or hole in the earth), and refers to the place for the human spirit. While the concept of Hell in Christianity is more similar to the concept of Tartaros in Greek mythology, part of Hades bleak and horrible and used for torture and suffering.


Hades was the son of the Titan Kronos and Rhea. He has three sisters of Demeter, Hestia, and Hera, and two brothers: Zeus, the youngest son, and Poseidon. Hades swallowed by Kronos when he was a baby. Once they mature, Zeus managed to make him regurgitate his brothers, and then take the fight against the power of the Titan. Zeus with relatives and allies conduct war against the Titans and called titanomachy. The Cyclopes made weapons for the gods. Zeus got the thunderbolt, Poseidon's trident and Hades obtained Helm got dark. On the night before the battle, Hades put on his helmet and slipped into the camp of the Titans. Hades invisible then destroy the weapons of the Titan. Titanomachy war lasted ten years and ended with the victory of the gods of Olympus. After defeating the Titans, Hades and his two brothers conduct a lottery to determine the power of Zeus ruled the sky, Poseidon got the oceans and the underworld Hades obtained. While the earth is governed by all the gods.

world Hades

In Greek mythology very ancient world Hades is the abode of the spirits of the dead are gloomy and foggy (also called Erebos).  In the next period, this myth developed with the judgment against the spirit and the rewards and punishments. Some people (including Heracles), should immediately leave this place as soon as they enter.

The world is divided into several sections, including Elisium, Padang Asphodel, and Tartaros. There is also a Blessing Island, where the human choice. In Roman mythology, the entrance to the underworld located at Avernus, a crater near Cumae, and is the route used by Aeneas to go to the underworld. 

The human spirit entrance to the underworld by crossing the river Acheron up the boat rowed by Charon. Charon asking for payment in the form of a piece of obolos, small coins stored in the mouth of the corpse by the family or relatives. The spirits who do not have the coin can not be crossed and should remain for hundreds of years by the river, they sometimes return to the human world to haunt those who should give them a decent burial. Greeks usually make offerings to the gods so that they are spared from such spirits. Across the river Acheron no three-headed dog, cerberus, guarding the underworld. cerberus will let people in but will not allow anyone out. cerberus been defeated by Heracles. After passing through cerberus, the human spirit then enters a place of judgment.

There are five rivers in the underworld are Acheron (river of sorrow), Kokitos (river lament), phlegethon (river of fire), Lethe (river negligence), and Stix (river hatred).  River Stix is ​​a very sacred river, the oath taken in this river can not be violated. Achilles soaked in the river to make it immune. Stix River is a river that restrict the underworld and the world above.

There are two pools in the underworld, the pool of Lethe, where the human spirit is collected and removed his memory, and an Mnemosyne, where the spirits acquire their memories back. On the front page of Hades palace is no place for the three judges of the underworld, Minos, Rhadamanthus, and Aeacus. From there there are three roads that lead to different places. The spirit will be tried by a judge and sent to the appropriate path for them. Spirit people who had never done evil will go to Padang Asphodel, evil spirits will be sent to Tartaros, and the spirits of heroes will go to Elisium.

Hades in the mythology

Lord of the underworld Hades was the son of Kronos and Rea. Hades is the god of death, and he ruled over the underworld more than Zeus. Hades is the god of gloomy but not evil. Other names are Aïdoneus, meaningful "Invisible". In titanomachy, Hades fought against the Titans using the helmet of darkness, which can make the wearer to become invisible.

HadesAfter defeating the Titans, Hades the underworld gained as its own territory. He rarely leaves the underworld. Once he leaves the underworld by driving a chariot drawn by black horses. He then kidnaps Persephone, daughter of Zeus and Demeter. Hades wants to make his wife and his queen as a Persephone in the underworld. To compromise with Demeter, Hades allow Persephone to stay in the world over the past half year, and a half-year longer Persephone would live in the underworld.

In the war between Herakles against Neleus, king of Pylos tribe, for some reason, leaving Hades the underworld and pro Pylos Neleus and tribes. As a result, Hades was wounded by an arrow of Heracles.

While running the final task, Herakles find Theseus and pirithous trapped in the underworld. They became like that because they wanted to kidnap Persephone but their plans have been known by Hades. Heracles freed Theseus but do not have time to help pirithous.

Hades and Persephone fascinated by music and singing Orfeus, who has lost his wife Eurydice. Hades allow Orfeus to bring his wife back to the upper world, with the proviso that on the way to the upper world Orfeus should not look back. Unfortunately Orfeus even look back so that the ghost of his wife returned to the underworld. Orfeus Hades refused to give a second chance.

Based Ovdidius and geographer Strabo, Hades affair with a nymph named minthe. Persephone minthe angry and transform into a plant that is now known as the mint plant. Hades had livestock which he placed near livestock geryon, near Eritheia. Hades shepherd named Menoites. When Herakles geryon seize cattle, Meniotes facing Hades to deliver the news.

Elis is the only city that had a temple to Hades. People Elis was the only tribe that worshiped. The temple was built after the war between Herakles fight Neelus in Pylos. Once a year, only the priests are allowed enter Hades temple.

Hades in popular culture 

Although in mythology the god Hades is described as fair, Hades appears frequently in fiction as a villain.

Hades appears in the film Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief (played by Steve Coogan),  and Clash of the Titans (played by Ralph Fiennes).  In the second film he described as the god of evil. Whereas in anime Saint Seiya, Hades is the main antagonist who wants to destroy mankind. Hades also appeared in the series Xena: Warrior Princess.

In the Disney movie Hercules made in 1997, Hades is the god who wanted to overthrow Zeus and took control of the world.

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it is some explanations and stories about Hades that is considered the ruler of sea to the other gods. son of Kronos and Rea.

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