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Aphrodite- Aphrodite (Greek: Ἀφροδίτη) is the goddess of love, beauty, sexuality, pleasure, and procreation in Greek mythology. There are two different legends about the birth of Aphrodite. The first version, which was mentioned by Homer in the Iliad, mentions Aphrodite is the daughter of Zeus and Dione, but is less popular legend. The second version, which is based on Theogonia works of Hesiod, says that Aphrodite was born from Uranus's genitals were cut by Titan Kronos and thrown into the sea. Genitals were covered by sea foam (aphros) and of foaming that Aphrodite emerged. According to Plato in the Symposium, two this story is true, because it tells two different Aphrodite, the Aphrodite Urania and Aphrodite Pandemos.


Because of her beauty, the gods feared that Aphrodite will cause divisions among the gods, therefore Zeus married Aphrodite with Hephaestus. But the Aphrodite had many lovers, both from the gods, such as Ares, as well as of the human race, for example Anchises. Aphrodite is an important figure in the legend of Eros and Psikhe, and also became the foster mother at the same time a lover Adonis. Many humans and gods minor is touted as the son of Aphrodite. One is the famous Aphrodite's son Eros (Cupid), the god of love.

Aphrodite also be known as Kithireia (Female from Kythira) and Kipris (Female from Cyprus) because these two places is regarded as the birthplace of Aphrodite. Myrtle plant, pigeons, sparrows, horses and geese sacred to him.

In Roman mythology, she is known as Venus.  The Greeks also identified the ancient Egyptian goddess Hathor with Aphrodite. Historically, her cult in Greece comes from, or influenced by, the worship of goddess Astarte in Phoenicia.

Aphrodite has many other local names, such as Akidalia, Kythereia and Kerigo, which is used in certain regions of Greece. Each name has a little difference in terms of the cult, but overall the Greeks recognize their similarities as Aphrodite. The philosophers of the fourth century BC Attika goddess Aphrodite separates into two, namely the heavenly Aphrodite (Aphrodite urania) with the principles and Adoridt transender more commonly known by the people (Aphrodite Pandemos).


Aphrodite has many equivalents in other mythologies, among them Inanna (Sumerian mythology), Astarte (Phoenician mythology), Astghik (mythology Armenia), Turan (Etruscan), and Venus (Roman mythology). she has similarities with davit dawn of Indo-European mythology as Ushas or Aurora. The cult of Aphrodite comes from the eastern region: according to Pausanias, first established in Assyrian worship. After that, the Phoenicians spread the cult of Aphrodite on people in Kythira.  It is said that Aphrodite was able to make all men fall in love with her at first sight.

Aphrodite also has many other names, such as Akidalia, Kythiria, Pandemos and Kerigo. These names are used in certain areas in Greece. When the Greek cities joining, the names of the neglected, and the name Arodit used instead.

Infidelity stories Aphrodite


Aphrodite is the goddess that is very fascinating and coveted by all the gods. To prevent the war between the gods, Zeus married Aphrodite with Hephaestus, god of fire and blacksmith. They did not have children and Aphrodite is not a faithful wife, she was a lot of cheating, and the most famous is the affair with Ares, the god of war.

When Hephaestus was not at home, often to the Aphrodite and Ares have sex with the goddess of love Aphrodite on the mattress. From the relationship was born Eros (Cupid), Anteros, Fobos, Deimos, and Harmonia.

infidelity was initially safe until one when Helios, the sun god, the sun was riding the train and suddenly saw underneath Ares is engrossed fondle Aphrodite. Helios immediately notify Hephaestus about infidelity. Ares actually already told Alectryon to stand guard at the front door to warn Ares if Helios pass. But Alektryon asleep in his duties so that Helios could be caught Ares and Aphrodite.

Knowing his wife works and Ares, Hephaestus angry and plan their revenge.his then made a strong net and unseen, then put it on his bed. After installing it, Hephaestus tells his wife that she would go to his shop on the island of Lemnos. Aphrodite saw this as an opportunity to re-make love with Ares

After leaving his home Hephaestus, Ares immediately crept into the house of Hephaestus. Ares and Aphrodite hugged and took her to the bed to be enjoyed without realizing that the bed had been given trap. In the midst of their enjoyment, suddenly a net fall and locked them. So strong was the net, Aphrodite and Ares could not escape.

Hephaestus then returned to her home, carrying a bunch of gods. while the goddess did not want to come because they do not want to see it embarrassing. Aphrodite and Ares felt very embarrassed to be in such a state while watched by the gods. On this affair, demanding the god Hephaestus to replace the first wedding gift she gave to Zeus and Hera.

Two young god, Apollo and Hermes, laughing at these events. Hermes even said that she would not mind being in the position as long as it could be with Aphrodite Ares. Poseidon then asks Hephaestus uncuff them and promised that she would pay compensation to Hephaestus. After receiving assurances from Poseidon, Hephaestus was releasing Aphrodite and Ares. Once free, Ares fled to Thrace, while the Aphrodite went to Cyprus,

While Alectryon were negligent in their duties, by Ares sentenced to be a rooster who never forgot to tell the coming of the sun. Aphrodite own intend to punish Helios who has revealed the affair. Helios loved a nymph named Klitia. Aphrodite makes Helios loved another girl named Leukothea. Leukothea Klitia so jealous that he spread rumors that Leukothea fucked by ordinary people. Orkhamos, father Leukothea, deluded Leukothea gossip and bury him alive.

As a result of his actions, Klitia was abandoned by Helios. Klitia, who loved Helios, could only lie on the ground and stared through the sky train Helios afternoon. During the nine days Klitia looked at Helios before finally dying. Klitia body is then converted into Heliotrope plants, which flower is always facing the sun.


Actually Poseidon compensate based Hephaestus with a special motif. When Poseidon saw the naked body trapped nets Aphrodite, Poseidon directly to lust after the goddess. With the help liberate Aphrodite, the Aphrodite became indebted to Poseidon and Aphrodite knows paid what is most desired by the god of the sea. Poseidon and Aphrodite also went to have sex. Erix born of that relationship, an Argonaut.

In addition to Poseidon, Hermes also want to enjoy the beautiful body of Aphrodite. Hermes then asked the help of her father, Zeus. Zeus sends the eagle to steal slippers Aphrodite. When Aphrodite searching for the missing slippers, Hermes came and told him that he will return as long as the Aphrodite Aphrodite sandals to sleep with him. For slippers, Aphrodite was to give up her body enjoyed by Hermes. From the relationship Hermes and Aphrodite, sprang Hermaphroditus

Aphrodite and Zeus

Once Zeus also lust and desire to rape Aphrodite goddess. Aphrodite tried to escape from her father, who had filled that desire. Zeus Aphrodite continues to pursue but fly like the wind. Zeus Aphrodite kept trying but proved to be too fast for him. I was so passionate about, Zeus semen splattered on the island of Cyprus. The semen was fertilized Gaia and from the ground sprang a strange creature with horns, called Kentaur of Cyprus. Because it does not work, Zeus eventually give up and go out of business.

Later, Aphrodite voluntarily ready intercourse with Zeus. From that relationship, Aphrodite pregnant. But Hera was angry and put her hand on the belly Aphrodite cursing the baby Aphrodite. As a result of the curse ugly Aphrodite gave birth to a baby named Priapos. Aphrodite and tossed it into a mountain. There he was raised by a shepherd. Priapos famous for huge genitals.

Aphrodite in mythology

Aphrodite was born of the sea foam near Paphos, Cyprus after Cronus cut off Uranus's genitals and threw it into the sea, while the Erinya created from Uranus blood droplets. Hesiod in Theogonia illustrates that the genitals are carried away in rough seas and around emerging foam, Aphrodite was born from the foam.

In the Iliad, Aphrodite was the son of Zeus and Dione. In another version, the parents Zeus and Aphrodite is Thalassa.

Aphrodite does not have childhood: she was born in the adult state. Zeus was worried her beauty will trigger discord among the gods so that Aphrodite was married to Hephaestus. In another version, the Aphrodite was married to Hephaestus Hephaestus so willing to let Hera trapped by homemade throne. Despite having been married, the goddess Aphrodite is not faithful, her has a relationship with Ares and Adonis.


Aphrodite name associated with ἀφρός (aphros) "froth," so sometimes Aphrodite translated as "emerging from the froth."  Other etymology connects with ἁβροδίαιτος habrodiaitos Aphrodite ( "he's soft" word ἁβρός habros and δίαιτα diaita).  Aphros which appeared in Messapik and Etruscan language (which was later adapted into April), presumably derived from the Greek as well.

Although Herodotus realized that Aphrodite comes from the Phoenicians,  but he is still trying to find the link with the name Aphrodite Ashtoreth Semitic languages, through Spread Hittis are not documented, and the results are inconclusive. If derived from Semitic languages, the etymology of which is not included will be emerging from barīrītu of mythology Assyrians, barīrītu is a female demon of Babylonia Central and found in texts Babylonian end  her name is the possibility of meaning "she who (came) at dawn , "a manifestation of the planet Venus as the morning star and the attributes of the goddess Inanna / Ishtar in Mesopotamian mythology.

An opinion from M. Hammarström  which was rejected by Hjalmar Frisk associate the name of Aphrodite with πρύτανις (prytaneis), a Greek word that comes from the Etruscan (e) pruni, "lord". While the opinion of the etymology of European languages ​​Abhor "very" + dhei "shine" filed by J.P. Mallory and D.Q. Adams. 

In popular culture

  • Aphrodite appears in the novel Orphans of Chaos by John C. Wright. Told that she decisive replacement Zeus.
  • Aphrodite appears in the video game God of War.

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it is some explanations and stories about very beautiful goddess that Aphrodite, thank you for visiting

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