How To Start a Blog

1:15:00 AM Add Comment
How To Start a Blog
How To Start a Blog ? You can start a blog for free or for a fee, but for you the beginner you better make the first free blog
example: or and much more
But if you’re like most people, you may not know where to get started. Starting a blog can be intimidating if you don’t have the required technological skills. Not to mention that the number of options available for starting a blog can be just plain confusing.

I will show you how with our FREE, easy-to-follow step-by-step tutorials.

I will start one by one from scratch

1. Determine Top Topic blog

You may be thinking Singer Stage trivial ... just choose topics. When in fact Stage Singer That paled Important Preparation hearts. Let me tell one fact: THERE EVERY day 2.73 Million The new Content Published blogs from around the World. More Than 70% Of these blogs Less Than Just get 5,000 visitors per month, OR About 150 per day. Sad is not it? What caused it? It roots:
  1. Topic been NO they control / Keen so that the contents of his blog Also So NOT Qualified
  2. Topic blog NO Definitely, messy
  3. Topics are NOT attractive For Many orangutans

Well ... Suppose you only had time to read the 5 websites per day. Are you going to open a website whose content is quality, interesting, and useful for you ... or websites that only contain original articles written? Definitely a first. Yes, right? So you MUST be able to make the blog content better than other blogs. That's the key. Well, to be able to create great content, then you must choose a topic that you're interested / controlled and considered attractive by many people. If you choose a topic that you do not understand, as a result:

  1. Create content seems so heavy
  2. Content that has been made so not qualified
  3. You'll quickly get bored
We just try to use logic. If we are not interested and do not know anything about a topic, what we might be able to teach the subject to others and make them interested? Very difficult ... especially for beginners.
The topic which can generate money? Survey Based That I did some time then, some big From Readers articles Turns Want to get Income From blog. Yes, blogs It can be the source of income. BUT THERE 1 The legendary myth states that only blog hearts Certain topics can get income. It Wrong big. * All Topics can produce. Content Provided you create Able to attract interest Many orangutans. Any topic can Created Become blog for a review of income. The contents blog even amusing. Singer story From Personal Experience: 7-8 Years Then I Tried to create a blog topic hearts taxes (Taxation), BECAUSE Said Singer Topics can get Lots of Money From advertising. Though I was not interested WITH Taxes. As a result ... Content I create a quality Extremely was low. EVERY time writing content, feels stress. Without finally abandoned blog visitors get together once. So, Do not Pick A Topic For NOT attractive.

2. Choose the right platform for your blog

One of the toughest in the process of starting a blog already passed. Now we get into that much easier. Technology today is already advanced. By using a blogging platform, you can write in a blog like writing in Microsoft Word. These three most popular options:
  1. - self-hosted
  2. Blogspot - hosted
  3. - hosted
There are dozens of other blogging platforms, but I'm not going to complicate your choice by discussing less popular. Note 2 this term: hosted and self-hosted. What is that? Hosted mean that your blog 'ride' on their website. So you will not have its own pure website and your blog address like this: Self-hosted the opposite. You create your own website with a platform called WordPress. The website will 100% be yours, but you have to pay for a domain name and hosting.

3. Determine the service provider hosting and domain

For you who have never heard this term: Domain: name / address of your website. The original sense is more complex, but do not give a damn. Both use a lease. That means you need to pay each month / year when you rent a domain and hosting. There is no option to pay once for a lifetime. His role is vital to the blog. Surely you do not want to create a blog that you often have problems such as sudden death, or inaccessible suddenly. So, select a domain and hosting provider is reliable. This multiple domains and hosting services internationally usually recommended for beginners:
  1. Hosting Indonesia: Niagahoster (free domain)
  2. Domain: NameCheap
  3. Hosting international: BlueHost or HostGator
If you create a blog in English, please use the international hosting. As for the use hosting blog Indonesia Indonesia.

4. Specify the domain name

The domain name will always be attached to your blog. Although they can be replaced, but it would be a hassle and if one can prove fatal. Therefore you should carefully specify the domain name in the beginning. These 7 things you should consider:
  1. Also check the availability of his username on social networks
  2. Adjust to the topic of the blog
  3. Avoid names that are similar to popular websites
  4. Easy to write, remember, and spoken
  5. Wherever possible use .com
  6. Avoid a dash / minus (-) and numbers
  7. Do not use a trademark belonging to someone else

Some people may not agree with me on all four points, because in fact there are other extensions besides .com are also nice. For example .org, .net, .co, Id, etc. But the reason I chose .com because it is most remembered. I have a blog with a suffix .co, .net, and .org, but in fact there are many people who mistype ... they put .com instead.

6 steps to make money from blog

2:35:00 AM Add Comment

6 steps to make money from blog

6 steps to make money from blog. actually did not complicated, it's just that the process takes patience and persistence of high levels. everyone can create a blog, and the way is not too difficult. However, if we talk of making money from a blog, probably many blogger friends who still do not understand how. In this article, I try to share my experiences on how to make money from a blog.

It would be better if we planned from the outset what the purpose of building a blog, and how are we going to monetize the blog. The experience of each person will be different in building blog. Some people build a blog just for fun, and other bloggers blogging activities with clear objectives. In this case I was a blogger who has a clear goal in building a blog, the blogging for money.

read also articles on 7 How to make money on the most popular blogs

I have already built more than 10 blogs with different categories made in Indonesian and english . Every language blog that I wake up, definitely make money I get from some program. Income my blog each is different, there is make bite the fingers there is also what makes eyed . Ok, here are some ways to make money from blogs that I woke up. Sorry, I do not include screen shoot because it does not need.

There are at least five steps that need to be You pass. The steps are:

1. Commissions From Affiliate Marketing

Join in an affiliate program is one way to make money from blogs. It should be noted that our affiliate program should follow in accordance with the blog topic that we are building. For example a blog topic is about internet marketing, the affiliate program that we follow have to deal with this niche.

My experience when building a blog for affiliate programs, I first determine which products will I sell, I recently started a blog. For example, when I build a blog to promote products from, I did some research beforehand. What products will be promoted, keywords can make SEO becomes increasingly good, and how to build content.

That we must consider is the content in the blog that we build must have a value and useful to the audience. The better your content, chances are greater the higher the sales conversion of the blog. From the Amazon affiliate program, I can get hundreds to thousands of dollars. If I can, you certainly can.

2. Offer Advertising space in Blog

A blog which has high traffic usually more potential success getting advertisers. My experience, independent ad space on my blog for rent at a cost of $ 500 thousand - Rp 1.5 million for each ad spots every month, I think it was passable.

That must be considered is the product or website that we're advertising must be tailored to the topic of the website / blog that we wake up. For instance on the topic of the website or internet marketing business opportunity, then the types of ads that you can receive is a product or sites related to the niche.

Should we not accept ads that promote products or web sites that are completely unrelated to the niche our website as this will confuse your audience and conversions are usually ugly. For example your website in internet marketing, then you have ads from advertisers that promote hair growth.

3. Marketing Services or Your Own Products

This means that you have a business that wants to offer to your audience. I often find blogs that are made in a creative way, in the blog is the blogger writes about his daily activities, his hobbies, and his expertise in a particular field. Blogs like this we often find ya.

Well, the owner of the blog is to sell products, hobbies, or services, to the readers of his blog. So, besides getting friends blogger on the internet, she also gets revenue by selling expertise or products on the blog. Very creative.

4. Write Articles About Business / Website Others

This activity is usually referred to Paid for Review. There are many companies who want to know that their business is reviewed on other people's blogs. Usually these companies are willing to pay quite expensive for a review article. Based on my experience, the article reviews normally be paid at $ 30 - $ 50, depending on the negotiations.

However, it is not easy to get the Advertiser is willing to pay for a review article. I do not know the experience of friends, but from my experience the Advertiser always contact me to email and asked for a review article about their business.

If you do not want to bother contacting potential advertisers, no one tried to register as a publisher in blogs that offer these services and are usually the advertiser is willing to pay top dollar for a article from their publisher.

5. Sell Your Blog

This is the last way that maybe we can choose to make money from blogs. It must be very hard to sell a blog that we have built with great difficulty, but if indeed you have no time or were not able monitoring the blog, you can choose this option.

Sell ​​blog would be difficult if we do not know how or do not have a network of friends who can help sell your blog / website. My experience, contact a broker or mediator would be helpful to find a potential buyer candidates. Two of website / blog belongs Amazon affiliate I've sold each $ 1,000 with the help of a broker. Most of the money from the sale of the website I use for capital build another business.

6. Become a Google Adsense Publisher

Google Adsense is one of the most popular PPC program and most widely followed by publishers around the world, including in Indonesia. To be a publisher and earn money and earn money from Google Adsense, we must have a website / blog that has a sizeable traffic. publisher revenue obtained from valid clicks on the Adsense ads on your website / blog, but do not even think to click your own ads because it is banned by Google Adsense.

Today there are many great sites, both local and international, who joined Google Adsense publisher.

Read also: What is google adsense

You've read a couple of ways to make money from your blog, and this has been proved by my own experience. Not everyone is suited to the methods to monetize your blog I mentioned above, but at least you've got some ideas. Do you have the money from your blog? What method do you do?

What is Paypal?

3:30:00 AM Add Comment
What is Paypal?

What is Paypal? In the online business there are several ways or payment systems, ranging from transfer through a local bank account to the use of virtual money. Unlike a transaction with a local bank account transfer, payment mechanisms in virtual or online has a very complex system with different mechanisms and its derivatives. Moreover, this virtual transaction process also involves a third party, namely Secure Payment Gateway and Credit Card Authorization Service, including Paypal, Ipayment, Nochex, and others.

What is Paypal?

"PayPal Inc. company in a network that provides money transfer services through electronic mail, replacing the old methods are still using paper, such as checks and money orders".
Paypal is an online payment system or a means of payment on the internet is very hot in the world. More short Paypal account is a bank ATM or internet. The function of this Paypal remittances to replace older models, which are still using paper, such as checks and money orders.

In doing business on the internet, such as e-commerce, auctions and other types of businesses, Paypal is very helpful because it is international. Can be accepted worldwide and units of money dollar. Money in this Paypal will also be melted into the local bank, so we do not have to worry to earn our hard work that has been entered on Paypal. However, to be disbursed in a local bank, Paypal account we have already verified.
To create a Paypal account is easy, and profitable is not paid or free. However, the requirement to have a paypal account we must have a credit card.

As mentioned previously, Paypal is one of the many means of payment (Payment Processor) virtual. Until recently, Paypal is a virtual payment instrument most widely used by Internet marketers because this is a payment instrument that is safest.

Paypal can be described as a virtual account, in contrast to a local bank account that is accessed via online. If the local bank account can usually be used for transactions within a single country, in contrast to PayPal that can be used for transactions by all Internet users of any country, of course, those who already have a Paypal account. Only by knowing someone's email Paypal, we can send virtual money to a Paypal account the person quickly and safely.

Then how if you do not have a credit card? Is it still can make a Paypal account? You still can create an account at Paypal without a credit card. However, there are limitations in the Paypal account, one that we can only receive funding of $ 100 only, could not be, and we can not disburse these funds into our local bank.
Due to the nature of Paypal account has not been verified, so we have not fully . To be able to get the integrity of the Paypal account we must verified advance our Paypal account with a credit card.

However, a fund of $ 100 is already included large for a newly want to try on the internet, it never hurts to get a Paypal account first, then felt his business smoothly and the funds included in Paypal is always plus, our new verification Paypal account us.

The Internet users who want to conduct online transactions either send or receive money, for example, to buy goods, buy original software licenses, buy ebook, send donations, and others, usually using Paypal as a transaction medium because it is faster and safer. (online auction site) and many eCommerce sites to use Paypal as their payment instrument, this would require their members to have a Paypal account in order to make transactions.

What are the advantages for the buyer?

The buyers who use PayPal as a payment can submit a complaint to the Paypal within 45 days if the goods purchased not yet arrived at the appointed time of the seller or the goods delivered was not in accordance with the description of the goods supplied by the seller. If the buyer is not satisfied that the seller can prove fraud (fraud) then the buyer will receive a refund (charge back) of their credit card company.

What are the advantages for the seller?

Paypal is certainly not only protects one party only, but all parties. Paypal also protects the seller from your refund request or complaint from the buyer's false bad faith. Written for the seller protection policy designed to protect sellers from false claims or complaints from buyers who claimed to have sent the money that there was no record of receipts and transaction records.

Every transaction made by using Paypal there is always a record of proof of payment in each of the Paypal account, both sellers and buyers. These notes can be used as evidence that there had been sending money between buyers and sellers.

For how to create a free paypal account you can see in this post, first you must already have a Paypal account registration email to this, and I would suggest this email on Paypal, because the email you use will be a Paypal account ID.dont have an account email? you have to make because it is very important otherwise you will not have to make a paypal. For those who already have email, simply follow the steps below on how to make a paypal account on this post how to register paypal you can see in this post .

how to create paypal account

4:20:00 AM Add Comment

how to create paypal account ? PayPal is a popular way to buy and sell online. While it was originally used for eBay shopping, it has now grown to being an easy way to pay for many different online transactions. Choosing and creating a PayPal account is an easy and secure way to shop online without worrying about having your credit or debit card available.
On this occasion I will teach you how to How to Make Paypal Account plus a way to verify your PayPal account using a credit card or VCC and earlier also we have discussed about how to earn money from the internet, so... go straight into the tutorial.

read also articles on paypal
  1. Visit the official site paypal or click and On the PayPal homepage, click on "Sign Up" (see Resources below) button located in the upper right.
    how to create paypal account
  2.  Choose your country and language. There are three types of accounts to choose from: "personal" account is for individuals who simply want to shop and pay online; a "premier" account is for those that want to buy and sell online; and "business" account is for merchants using a business name. Click on the button to start the process for the account you wish to have.
    how to create paypal account
  3. You will be asked to fill paypal account email and password. Fill in your email according to your current email in order to verify the email and password in accordance with your wishes.
    how to create paypal account
  4. Please fill in all the data corresponding to the data yourself with a valid or correct. Use your real name or a similar name with your bank account account. If they do not have an ID card or a bank account on behalf of the people closest to you who already have an ID card / bank account, such as a brother, father, or mother. If the data is filled in correctly before proceeding you must  cklick the User Agreement and Privacy new policy then. Read the User Agreement and Privacy Policy, then click on "Agree and Create Account" button.
  5. You will be prompted to enter your credit card number. If you do not have a credit card you can skip this step by clicking on the words I'll do it later. No need to worry if you do not enter a credit card
    how to create paypal account
  6. Activate the account. PayPal will send a confirmation email to you.Then you have to open the email listed earlier in making a paypal account to verify through a message sent to your email by paypal team. Open the email and saw a message from paypal. For verification simply click Yes, this is my email.
    how to create paypal account
  7. You will be redirected to a login page for your paypal account. Put your paypal account password to login and complete your account has been activated


To verify your bank account, there will be two small deposits made to the account within a few days. After those deposits are made, log in to your PayPal account and enter the information into the "verify bank account" form. When deciding on which account is best for you, click on the "fees" button to see a list of fees associate with each account and transaction.If you receive an email that claims it is from PayPal and needs you to verify a password or other information, do not click on it through your email. Log in to your PayPal account directly through the PayPal website to verify you really do need to take action. Most of these emails are scams, and by clicking on the link you will allow hackers access to your account.

Differences paypal account verified and unverified

Paypal account status is still Unverified or verified. Now although unverified paypal account you can already do "Withdraw" or "Pull" to your bank account. Only unverified paypal account has a limit or the withdrawal limit is $ 1000 / month. Not big enough ?? so do not bother - bother to verify paypal.

To eliminate these limits you should verify paypal account. can by using your credit card or using VCC (Virtual Credit Card). Many paypal verification services that you can find on facebook, Google, or other social media at a low price. So please find their own way paypal account verification. I myself have a paypal account is still Unverified because it is still a student.

Verify your paypal account is typically used for large business transactions it can exceed $ 1,000 per month. But there are also some online stores that requires you to verify your paypal account first. So to shop online you have to verify your PayPal account first.
That's how to make a paypal account Articles Hopefully this article useful and thank u