How To Start a Blog

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How To Start a Blog
How To Start a Blog ? You can start a blog for free or for a fee, but for you the beginner you better make the first free blog
example: or and much more
But if you’re like most people, you may not know where to get started. Starting a blog can be intimidating if you don’t have the required technological skills. Not to mention that the number of options available for starting a blog can be just plain confusing.

I will show you how with our FREE, easy-to-follow step-by-step tutorials.

I will start one by one from scratch

1. Determine Top Topic blog

You may be thinking Singer Stage trivial ... just choose topics. When in fact Stage Singer That paled Important Preparation hearts. Let me tell one fact: THERE EVERY day 2.73 Million The new Content Published blogs from around the World. More Than 70% Of these blogs Less Than Just get 5,000 visitors per month, OR About 150 per day. Sad is not it? What caused it? It roots:
  1. Topic been NO they control / Keen so that the contents of his blog Also So NOT Qualified
  2. Topic blog NO Definitely, messy
  3. Topics are NOT attractive For Many orangutans

Well ... Suppose you only had time to read the 5 websites per day. Are you going to open a website whose content is quality, interesting, and useful for you ... or websites that only contain original articles written? Definitely a first. Yes, right? So you MUST be able to make the blog content better than other blogs. That's the key. Well, to be able to create great content, then you must choose a topic that you're interested / controlled and considered attractive by many people. If you choose a topic that you do not understand, as a result:

  1. Create content seems so heavy
  2. Content that has been made so not qualified
  3. You'll quickly get bored
We just try to use logic. If we are not interested and do not know anything about a topic, what we might be able to teach the subject to others and make them interested? Very difficult ... especially for beginners.
The topic which can generate money? Survey Based That I did some time then, some big From Readers articles Turns Want to get Income From blog. Yes, blogs It can be the source of income. BUT THERE 1 The legendary myth states that only blog hearts Certain topics can get income. It Wrong big. * All Topics can produce. Content Provided you create Able to attract interest Many orangutans. Any topic can Created Become blog for a review of income. The contents blog even amusing. Singer story From Personal Experience: 7-8 Years Then I Tried to create a blog topic hearts taxes (Taxation), BECAUSE Said Singer Topics can get Lots of Money From advertising. Though I was not interested WITH Taxes. As a result ... Content I create a quality Extremely was low. EVERY time writing content, feels stress. Without finally abandoned blog visitors get together once. So, Do not Pick A Topic For NOT attractive.

2. Choose the right platform for your blog

One of the toughest in the process of starting a blog already passed. Now we get into that much easier. Technology today is already advanced. By using a blogging platform, you can write in a blog like writing in Microsoft Word. These three most popular options:
  1. - self-hosted
  2. Blogspot - hosted
  3. - hosted
There are dozens of other blogging platforms, but I'm not going to complicate your choice by discussing less popular. Note 2 this term: hosted and self-hosted. What is that? Hosted mean that your blog 'ride' on their website. So you will not have its own pure website and your blog address like this: Self-hosted the opposite. You create your own website with a platform called WordPress. The website will 100% be yours, but you have to pay for a domain name and hosting.

3. Determine the service provider hosting and domain

For you who have never heard this term: Domain: name / address of your website. The original sense is more complex, but do not give a damn. Both use a lease. That means you need to pay each month / year when you rent a domain and hosting. There is no option to pay once for a lifetime. His role is vital to the blog. Surely you do not want to create a blog that you often have problems such as sudden death, or inaccessible suddenly. So, select a domain and hosting provider is reliable. This multiple domains and hosting services internationally usually recommended for beginners:
  1. Hosting Indonesia: Niagahoster (free domain)
  2. Domain: NameCheap
  3. Hosting international: BlueHost or HostGator
If you create a blog in English, please use the international hosting. As for the use hosting blog Indonesia Indonesia.

4. Specify the domain name

The domain name will always be attached to your blog. Although they can be replaced, but it would be a hassle and if one can prove fatal. Therefore you should carefully specify the domain name in the beginning. These 7 things you should consider:
  1. Also check the availability of his username on social networks
  2. Adjust to the topic of the blog
  3. Avoid names that are similar to popular websites
  4. Easy to write, remember, and spoken
  5. Wherever possible use .com
  6. Avoid a dash / minus (-) and numbers
  7. Do not use a trademark belonging to someone else

Some people may not agree with me on all four points, because in fact there are other extensions besides .com are also nice. For example .org, .net, .co, Id, etc. But the reason I chose .com because it is most remembered. I have a blog with a suffix .co, .net, and .org, but in fact there are many people who mistype ... they put .com instead.

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