7 How to make money on the most popular blogs

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7 How to make money on the most popular blogs

7 How to make money on the most popular blogs. Below is a list of 7 most popular monetization method that is often used by bloggers to make money from their blogs.Most of monetization methods below've ever done, but there are some that I personally have never tried.But clearly monetization methods below are methods that have been proven.

1. Advertise

The first is the most popular among the most popular, is by placing ads on blogs.

To monetize your blog with ads there are two paths you can choose.

The first is to sign up to the program Advertising Networks or advertising network.

The second is to offer directly to prospective advertisers to advertise on your blog or commonly referred to as Direct Advertising.

advertising Networks

Advertising Networks or network advertising is a service program that connects between advertisers with the owner of the website or blog.

Well if you want to make money from a program like this, my friend simply need to sign up to the program's advertising network, then later my friend will be given an advertising code that needs to be installed on the blog.

Income earned is usually calculated every time there are people who click on the ads on your blog or commonly called PPC (Pay Per Click).

Advertising Networks program one of the most popular is Google AdSense.
7 How to make money on the most popular blogs

Direct Advertising

Unlike the Advertising Networks, Direct Advertising is a method where you offer directly to prospective advertisers to advertise on your blog.

The advantages of this method is the income your blog could be much higher because the ads that are installed on the blog is not through a third party intermediary.

Price advertising itself varies, generally match the amount and quality of the end of the blog.

Although you can get a higher yield, but this way you could say it's not easy. The reason is because my friend should be looking for potential advertisers who are willing to advertise on your blog

2. Paid Review

Paid reviews or paid posts is a monetization method which we earn money by reviewing products or services of people through our blog posts.

Basically there's no difference with Direct Advertising, Direct Advertising is only the difference if their ads in the form of a banner ad, while paid its advertising in the form of posting a review.

3. Selling your own product

Sell ​​the product itself is one of the best blog monetiasi method that can be done. The reason for selling their own products friend can earn many times greater than using other methods of monetization.

If you use this method you could say my friend does not make money from your blog directly, because the income is from the you get selling. While the function of the blog you will manage just as a place to promote products that sell pal.

Products that can be sold through the blog is divided into two types.

Ie physical products and digital products.

For physical products almost anything can be sold through the blog. But of course, the product sold must correspond to the topic of your blog.
  • For example your blog talks about the bird, the bird friend can sell drugs.
  • For example your blog talks about motivation, motivation friend can sell books.
  • For example your blog talks about gadgets, you can sell the gadget.
  • And so forth
As for Yang can review digital products sold through blogs typically Products Such as:
  • EBook (Electronic Book)
  • Video
  • Audio
  • Software
  • Theme Website
  • Plugin
  • design drawings
Selling its own products through blogs certainly not an easy thing. First you have to have a product to sell, the two buddies must find a blog targeted visitors that buy the products that you sell.

4. Selling its own merits

In addition to the products you can sell services through the blog. The monetization method is suitable for those of you who have the expertise that can be distributed via the Internet.

5. Following the affiliate program

For those of you who do not have their own product to sell or do not have the skills that can be used as a service, affiliate program is another alternative that can be selected.

Affiliates is a program where we help promote the products or services of others and we will get a commission if we succeed in selling these products.

To join the affiliate program like this you can find providers of products or services that provide affiliate program or it could be through an affiliate network.

6. Sale blog

The latest of which monetization method is by selling blog. So you earn money by creating a blog The blog continues to sell to others.

7. Provide a membership program

Program membership is one monetization method that I personally have never tried.
But this monetization method has been proven to provide a decent income for many bloggers who have proved it.

Program membership at basic is a program where you provide content on your blog premium and premium content that can only be accesed by the end of which have become a member by paying a sum of money.

Read also other interesting articles:

How are you interested in earning money from your blog that is several ways about 7 How to make money on the most popular blogs, and many thanks from me hope you enjoyed reading it

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