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Archaeology comes from the Greek, archaeo which means "ancient" and logos, "science". Alternative name archaeology is the study of the history of material culture. Archaeology is the study of past cultures (human) through a systematic review of the data material left. A systematic review covering the discovery, documentation, analysis, and interpretation of data in the form of artifacts (material culture, such as stone axes and temples) and ekofak (environmental objects, such as stones, finely ground, and fossils) and features artifacts which can not be separated from where (archaeological sites). Engineering studies typical excavation (excavation) archaeological, although the survey also get pretty large portions.
The purpose of archaeology is diverse and a long debate. Among these is the so-called paradigm of archaeology, who compiled the history of culture, understand human behavior, as well as understanding the process of cultural change. As it aims to understand human culture, the science is included in the humanities group. Nonetheless, there are various tools of science are used, among other things, history, anthropology, geology (the study formed the Earth's crust reference relative age an archaeology), geography, architecture, paleoanthropology and bioanthropology, physics (among others with carbon c-14 to get absolute), the science of metallurgy (to get elements from metal objects), and philology (study of ancient manuscripts).

Archaeology at the present time encompass a variety of fields related. For example, the discovery of the bodies were buried will attract experts from different fields to learn about the clothes and the type of material used, the form of ceramics and how the deployment, confidence through what is interred with the corpse of the chemists were able to determine the age of the excavation through such means as the method of measurement carbon 14. While geneticists who want to know the movement of ancient human migration, researching DNA.

In particular, archaeological learn the culture of the past, who are already old, both in prehistoric times (before known writing), as well as in the historical period (when there is written evidence). On development, archeology can also learn about contemporary culture, as popularized in modern material culture studies (modern material culture).

Because it relies on relics of the past, then the very need of preservation of archaeological objects such as a data source. Therefore, later developed other disciplines, namely the management of archaeological resources (Archaeological Resources Management), or more broadly is the cultural resource management (CRM, Culture Resources Management).

The Aim Of The Archaeological Research are as Follows:

  • Reconstruct the history of culture.
  • Reconstruct how the car of human life.
  • Reconstruct the culture process.
  • Target to achieve these objectives are all remnants of the past as the object of study in terms of form, function and process of manufacture, use, disposal and recycling (conversion and reuse).

Archaeological Objects

  • Archaeological object is all that remains of the past can still be found today. Based on archaeological objects stjudi period can be categorized.

Archaeology Data Forms

  • Historical data, which is an archaeological data in written form, for example: inscriptions, literary sources and so forth.
  • Non-Historical Data, human remains were ever made, used, discarded without writing, for example: stone tools, cave and many others.

The nature of Archaeological Data

  • Moving data, data that can be transferred, for example: sculpture, stone tools.
  • Movable non-data, ie data that can not be moved, for example: temples,caves

Data sorts of Archaeology

  • The artifacts, which result from the conversion of natural objects partially or entirely man-made, for example: inscriptions, statues, stone tools and bronze.
  • Features, namely artifacts that can not be moved without damaging the position (matrix), for example: temples, mosques, caves and others.
  • Ekofak, ie objects from the natural elements that have been used and exploited by humans, for example: rivers, landscapes
it is some explanation about archeology, there are more archaeological remains of unsolved, I really like about the history and archeology because I wanted to know what happened at that time that left many relics are still a puzzle for the human race.

Also read articles What ts mythology

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