What is Alexa Traffic Rank ?

9:52:00 PM
What is Alexa Traffic Rank
What is Alexa Traffic Rank ?. Alexa Traffic Rank is a ranking or service to determine the position of a site on the Internet developed by Alexa Internet. Alexa is an Amazon.com-owned Internet services company founded in 1996 by Brewster Kahle and Bruce Gilliat. Alexa chose the name as a tribute to the Library of Alexandria.

To determine the Alexa Traffic Rank, Alexa Internet using the search engine robots as well as Google, Yahoo and other search engines. Alexa crawler (robot), which is identified as the archiver is the User-agent, to browse websites on the internet. Basically, the robot Alexa began with a list of URLs that exist all over the internet, then grouped based on local URL link when it was discovered.

Alexa also apply the Standard for Robot Exclusion (SRE) strictly to respect the privacy of the site. When doing Alexa crawl Crawler look for a file called "robots.txt" created a site administrator to direct the robot's behavior when crawling the web.

Benefits Alexa Traffic Rank

Although it is not the only provider of information traffic rank, Alexa is still considered the best even though the results are sometimes inaccurate by some webmasters. Through Alexa, the condition can be seen on the internet site. How and local sites in the world ranking, how many sites link to link up information loading speed.

For personal websites (blogs) it only for their own interests, Alexa Traffic Rank is not an important factor. But for a corporate site or sites expects revenues of its review, the quality of Alexa decisive. Many advertisers, potential consumers of products viewed websites Alexa Traffic Rank. Trust the quality of the site by the majority of Internet users can be seen from Alexa Traffic ratings.

How it Works Alexa Traffic Rank

Alexa Traffic Rank is get a list of all sites on the Internet that is sorted by traffic website. Alexa also collect information from various sources to provide statistics of any site on the web. For instance, Traffic Rank, the number of Pageviews, and Average Time Expense sites, etc.

Unlike the Page Rank Google is assigning a number from 1 to 10 to determine the quality of the site and updating the late 3 months, Alexa uses the order of 1 to 30 million (more: not indexed / No data) for the quality of the site, which means that the smaller the number of Alexa Rank the better. While updating the late data is done every day. Alexa data will be changed every 24 hours whether it goes up or down, which certainly would not stay for a few days.

Such as search engines, Alexa also closed for the crawl algorithm problem. We do not know how to actually work, it's just that Alexa explained briefly that the retrieval of information from a website sorted, sifted, calculated, to finally get the traffic rankings shown in the Alexa service for. Additionally, Alexa Traffic Rank of a site is not only determined by the site's traffic, but takes into account the traffic at all sites. Changes in traffic on other sites affect your site ranking. It is the cause why the rankings can change. This process is relatively complex. For more details, what is Traffic Rank and explanations please see http://www.alexa.com/help/traffic-learn-mo

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