Why your PC Should Have SSD ?

8:59:00 PM Add Comment
Why your PC Should Have SSD ?- Now present a replacement hard drive data storage device. Faster, high performance and low power consumption. Its function is the same as the hard drive as we know, but the views from vastly different constructions. Name is SSD, Solid State Drive. Nowadays if we buy a Pc or Notebook latest, perhaps we would be offered would that uses a regular hard drive (HDD) or SSD wear. The following article might be a little help you make decisions when given a choice between SSD and HDD.

What is the SSD?

SSD stands for Solid State Drives or Solid State Disk, is a data storage device that uses a series of IC as a memory used to store data or information As an analogy, we may not be familiar with the USB Flash Drive or USB Thumb Drive or USB memory stick. An electronic device that we use to save of data, which we often take it everywhere, which is plugged into the computer's USB terminal when trying to retrieve or store data.

SSD can be considered as an advanced version of the USB flash drive with a capacity of a much larger and serve as a replacement for hard drives used in computers.
So SSD is an electronic device that stores data such as a hard drive (HDD: Hard Disk Drive) but constructions such as USB Flash Drive, which consists of several IC as a memory.

As well as USB Flash Drive, SSD also has no moving parts in it. Data or information is only stored in the microchip. Unlike the hard drive that has a mechanical arm that moves to and fro to write and read data on a magnetic disk. This difference makes the SSD to work much faster than hard drives.

Hard drive (HDD) moves mechanically to pick up and storage of data or information, while moving electrically SSD to store and retrieve data or information. SSD works faster than HDD.

Components SSD

Why your PC Should Have SSD ?

SSD generally uses a so-called NAND-based flash memory. This is a type of Non-Volatile memory. Simply put, Non-Volatile means that memory can still store data even though its supply voltage is switched off. This is the basic principle of a permanent memory such as USB Flash drives.

At first, many doubted the resilience of the data stored in the memory of this type. They assume the data can only be stored for a few years. Data will be lost if stored for much longer. But the reality is not the case especially with the latest technology. Even data can be stored safely up to 200 years. Here are examples of the brand Samsung SSD.

Advantages SSD

  • Speeding up the boot (super fast in just 4 seconds on windows 8). SSD can boot faster to just take 30-75 percent of the hard disk boot time.
  • Search files faster. Search files on the computer will be faster with the SSD even without indexing.
  • Transfer files faster. Copy files to SSD only takes 50 percent of the hard disk
  • Starting faster application. Opening a file with SSD takes only 10-50 percent of the hard disk.
  • Processing files and data more quickly. The process of files and data to SSD only takes 50 percent of the hard disk.
  • Care faster. Maintenance with SSD only takes 10-50 percent of the hard disk (eg maintenance, virus scanning, clean up registry).
  • Save power (longer battery). SSD requires only 10 percent of the power of the hard disk.
  •  Multitasking nice. With multitasking SSD does not make your computer lag.
  •  Edit video faster. With SSD edit video only takes 50 percent of the hard disk.
  •  It can be carried safely SSDs do not use media discs easily scratched, so shockproof
  •  Cold SSD cold because no mechanical work.
  •  Weight. SSD weights only 50 percent of the weight of the hard disk of the same size
  •  No need organize files. With SSDs you do not need organize files.
  • Cut your CPU work. With SSD load files faster so the processor does not wait for a long time and create a bottleneck to the CPU cooler, more power efficient.
  • Faster response. SSD does not use mechanical so much faster response than the Hard disk.

Disadvantages SSD

  • Expensive, price per byte capacities up to 10x the price per byte Hard Disk.
  • Small Capacity.
It was some of the advantages and disadvantages of the SSD, With advantages like that you must have ssd on your computer so that your computer faster and you also comfortable to wear.

From the above article have already explained why you should have an SSD on your computer or on your laptop, so if you want to buy a computer or a computer assembling I suggest using SSD for considering the performance is very fast and highly enhances your computer work. But I also do not force because the price is quite expensive.

why you should ping your website ?

10:58:00 PM Add Comment
why you should ping your website ?What is a ping? ping is calling. More precisely call the robot search engines or search engines like google to browse your website or blog in the ping to google in order to quickly and easily indexed.

If a website or blog you have already registered and there is a sitemap or sitemaps in google with services or through google google webmaster tools, the robot will index every new page on your site or blog website.

why you should ping your website ?

Just in time 'visiting hours' (robot google) to index new pages of our blog are not necessarily able to quickly and could also slow, and often time is slow because we are acquainted with the new blog search engine google. So it is necessary notice to the robot ping google that website or blog we can immediately crawl or crawled by google robot (Googlebot) so a quick google search results in the database.

How to ping Google, there are 2 types:

Nowadays a lot of services from a website which provides the facility to ping Google services. including:

Most webmasters or site owners rarely use the automatic pinging service among other reasons because it comes from a third party instead of the Google party that was allegedly the result would be less good because it may ping services such third parties are not functioning properly or is unable to call a Google robot. About the effectiveness of these services is still a question.

It is therefore recommended to ping using google services are certainly the google will prioritize any website or blog ping from his own home, rather than from a third party.

As for how to ping google automatically, can follow the following way:

Go to Google Ping page: http://googleping.com

Fill in the "Blog Details" such as:

1. Blog Name: Fill in the name of your blog
2. Blog Homepage: Fill your blog Url
3. RSS URL (optional): Fill your blog feed url (your url Feedburner)
4. Email (required for some): Enter your Email address

After you fill in the data, please click the writing (Check All) and check everything.
Once in check everything, content chapta or write code that looks and then click on "Send Pings" ping blog then we will in the process.

As for how to manually ping Google is as follows:

1. Click http://blogsearch.google.co.id/ping
2. Enter the url address that you will ping Google
3. Click the Submit button Blog

Done and Googlebot will visit your blog to crawl the page url that had you send (ping)

it is understanding and the way to ping in which ping is a useful tool as a means to warn / call search engines and directories will update their content or articles in our blog, do not often do a ping from being considered spam by google. I hope this article is helpful to you


6:54:00 AM Add Comment
Arachne - Arachne is a former weaver best, polite and friendly in Hypaepa, a city in Lydia. Because a lot of praise and adulation given to her, it was all even affect the nature and Arachne eventually grew into one so very proud. In his skill as a weaver, she became cocky and arrogant and began claiming that her skill itself is much bigger than the job of Athens, known as the goddess of wisdom and war as well as the art of weaving.


Athena was furious after hearing the speech arrogance Arachne has exceeded the limit and finally the goddess Athena dropped to imitation.In disguise Athena then came and challenged Arachne to compete in weaving shrewdness. Arachne undertakes, she immediately began to weave a portrait image of the gods who was partying with erotic style. Although woven tapestry Arachne very much more perfect, but Athens still felt irritable and angry.

Athena was very angry then destroy non wovens Arachne and touched his forehead, a result of the touch of the hands of Athena, Arachne always be haunted by a sense of guilt. So she became Depression and continues to weigh on his mind in the end always makes it frustrating and decided to commit suicide by hanging herself.

But the guilt was also attacked by Athens, sje then comes to deciding revive Arachne and then change (cursed) Arachne into a spider. Because it says Arachne it refers to the "spiders" in Greek.

This story shows that the origin of weaving originated in imitation of spiders and are considered to have been perfected first in Asia.

Arachne in Myth

Once upon a time in Maionia city in Asia Minor, there lived a beautiful girl who has the talent to weave incredible. Not only his work, but the way She wove was very pretty, even the nymphs will leave their forests and springs just to see her weave and enjoy his work. The name of it is accomplished weaver Arachne.

She took a roll of tangled threads, and then with the patient collapsed it and shape it into a smooth and light as a cloud. Every movement of the hand is very good at arranging entanglement, stitches and patterns in the weave. I was so beautiful woven girls, a lot of people who say that the goddess Athena (goddess of weavers) herself who taught weaving.

But Arachne reacted strongly to the words. She refused if it is considered as a student of Athena, even he said that the ability to weave able to defeat Athens and She also openly challenged the goddess Athena to complain to her weaving skills.

Athena hear vanity Arachne, but She still wanted to give a chance to repent on Arachne. Athena also went Arachne who were weaving in the form of an old woman.

The old woman said, "you woven indeed very beautiful, but listen to my advice. You may challenge a fellow human being to try his ability to weave all you want, but do not challenge the goddess, in fact I think you should apologize to Athens on what you said earlier. She was very wise and forgiving, you may still be forgiven by her. "

Arachne stopped weaving, then shouted to the old woman, "Keep your advice to your children old grandmother! I know what I said and would not pull it out !! I'm not afraid of your goddess, let her come and try to fight me !! "

Athena was releasing his disguise and replied, "I accept your challenge."

The nymphs are there, immediately prostrate before Athens, as well as others. While Arachne nervous seeing the presence of the goddess, but She continued the challenge.

The match between Arachne and Athena place exciting. Threads of light float full of color and beauty. Each weave very quickly, but with very beautiful movements. Soon, the fabric woven in them was completed.

In Athens woven fabrics, the middle there is a picture of the twelve gods of Olympus on the throne respectively, and in the four corners portrayed the gods angry with humans who disobey. It was to warn his opponent in order to quickly give up before it is too late.

While on woven fabrics Arachne very beautiful, indescribable gods who were having an affair, and raped many women. Is Poseidon and Zeus, father of Athena, the most widely depicted there.

Athena Arachne admire the work but was very angry with what was depicted on it. she did not accept that there is a man who vilify his father. Athena also destroy the work of Arachne.

Then She touched the forehead of Arachne and with strength, Athens has to feel guilt and shame are profound. Can not stand the feeling of it, Arachne ran and hanged herself.

But Athena felt sorry for Arachne who was dead hanging on a rope, until Athena said, "Live !! O sinful girl !! Remember this lesson, and you and your descendants will continue to depend on a regular and continuing what you are doing !!"

Arachne form of slowly changing. His body shrank and became an animal that we know called spiders, to continue to weave during her lifetime.

Read also other interesting articles:

it is a few explanations and stories about mythology of Arachne . for those of you who like the creature in mythology you sure this article interesting to you, hopefully this article useful.

How to Backup Template and Post in Blogger

9:15:00 PM Add Comment
How to Backup Template and Post in Blogger

How to Backup Template and Post in Blogger - Back up templates and data blog posts are sometimes considered trivial, and even dismiss, but the procedure is very light, Keep track of articles regularly and periodically we already wrote struggled very important, if at any time this happens we do not want , we can still restore the data to the post as a whole. Likewise with blog template that contains html code and other important widget code, it is good we did last backup after making changes, such as adding another script or html code.

Importance of backup article / post is to avoid the risk, if at any time the blog deleted by Google (specifically blogger / blogspot) is not without good reason, because the google often do this on a blog a blog that frequently violates the TOS and rules, the impact blogs are not sinners sometimes come in contact with delete, of course, this will dampen our enthusiasm in blogging activity for the future.

Full Backup and posting template is not only true for novice bloggers, but has been applied by professional actors other webmasters and bloggers, for the sake of data security and avoid what we do not want, and below is the easiest way

Backup template blog

  •  Login to blogger
  •  Select the name of the blog you want to backup template
  •  Select a template and select the "Backup / restore"
  •  Select the download button complete

You will get a form template file xml.file, keep it well into the xml file storage on your computer, if at any time you need to recover / restore template as the original state. Use the upload menu templates to perform a restore.

Backup post / blog articles.

  • Open the settings menu
  • Scroll down, open the sub menu "Others"
  • Select the export blog, and please click on "download blog"

Save the XML file such documents in a safe place, this thing you can do once a week, so that your post or article we have a reserve, and can be in use at any time if the worst happens in future .

So simple and easy is not it? But sometimes we underestimate it. Bloggers actually use the facilities provided by Google, we need not fear even though the blog we deleted, we can return it without losing visitor traffic, as long as the document XML file is stored properly.

Tips on using Blogspot without fear.

If we regularly make backups of the articles that we post, we need not fear even though the blog was deleted by Google, we can still restore these blogs without losing traffic from visitors by doing Custom domain.

Excess custom domain and its relationship with backup. If we use blogger / blogspot, we automatically follow or ride with blogspot hosting, if a blog is deleted, the domain will not be erased. and we can move to another hosting by hiring the services of a good hosting provider and quality.

Provided backup XML files saved with the document still good, we can move all these postings to the new hosting (installing CMS from worpress) by utilizing the redirect URL, we will not lose traffic / visitors, because the domain address not delete.

Read also other interesting articles:
1.how to add favicon in blogger
2.How to increase your traffic 

That's multiple functions and benefits as well as the importance of backups, especially data backup posts / articles regularly and periodically, immediately make backups of your blog data now, or you yourself will regret later in life. May be useful.

how to add favicon in blogger

11:01:00 PM Add Comment
how to add favicon in blogger -Favicon (favorite icon) or Icon is a small image or a small image and appear in the left corner of the image used blogger. The size of the requested title is not more than 100 KB for the image size is then automatically adjusted to the size of favicon. Favicon as well as ornamental plants or characteristics of this blogger, usually watermark icon is often used as proof that we have pictures or other things.

Every professional definitely has its own favicon icon emblem, where with favicon symbolize or characterize the identity of the blog. for example like facebook with icon f, alexa with a icon, and this blog with smile icon.

In making favicon, create favicon were as good and interesting as possible, because faveicon it is a symbol of our own blog, as well as the favicon image size should not be too big, do not exceed 100KB, because it will slow down the loading of your blog.

How To Make a Favicon?

Suffice to Make Easy Favicon We Just Need to Prepare Drawing Format .JPEG .JPG .PNG .GIF After That We Just Need To Change Image Being ICO format, trick Below:

  1. Visit the site http://www.html-kit.com/favicon/
  2. In the Create a favicon from any image, click 'Browse'.
  3. Then click 'Generate favicon.ico'
  4. After that if you want a favicon animation, download the gif format and save the image.
  5. Then upload the image using your hosting, or you can upload to blogger, then you'll just grab the URL

Here is How to Change Favicon in Blogger:

1. login to your blogger account.

2. On the Dashboard select the Layout menu so that there is a section contained in the section of your blog. Next, select Favicon and click Edit.

3. Then it will open a new tab, and the tab is used to select an image or specify which image will be used on a favicon or Icon blogger.

4. Select Choose File and then find where you saved the image that will be used to replace the Icon blog, after it was discovered then click it and then click Open Image.

5. So the result would be like this. If it's like this we just click Save and refresh the your blog or click View blog manage to open your blog.

6. And we see on the Tab bar or above the Address Bar let's see if the icon has been changed or not, if you do not follow these steps. To succeed, the result will be like this.

If Favicon Unchanged Wait Just Because Have My Own Changed After 3 Days

That's How To Change Icon Display favicon in Blog, if you are interested to change the default icon to icon blogger you made your own, please follow the tutorial above, may guide How to Change Icon Display favicon on a blog, be useful to you