5 Mythology God of Death

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5 Mythology God of Death.- Gods have a variety of forms, usually tangible human or animal. They live forever. They have the personality of each. They have emotions, intellect, like humans.

Some natural phenomena such as lightning, rain, floods, storms, and so on, including the miracle is the hallmark of them as a natural regulator. They can also give punishment to his inferior beings. Here are seven gods of death from a variety of beliefs that exist in the world.


5 Mythology God of Death

Anubis in Ancient Egyptian beliefs regarded as the god of death in the form of a dog's head and a human body. Anubis is the Egyptian name for the dog-headed god associated with mummies and the afterlife in Egyptian mythology.

In the ancient Egyptian language, Anubis is known as Inpu. The discovery of the oldest call Anubis the oldest royal pyramid texts, where he is associated with the violence of a king at the time.


5 Mythology God of Death

Osiris is the ancient Egyptian god of death, in some ancient Egyptian literature, he is also called the Asar, Asari, Aser, Ausar, Ausir, Wesir, Banish, Usire or Ausare. There kingdom in the west, he judges the human soul according to merit that they collect.

In the annals of literature of ancient Egypt, Osiris was known as the Ancient Egyptian god of death, also called Asar, Asari, Aser, Ausar, Ausir, Wesir, Banish, Usire or Ausare. His power is in the west, the Egyptian myth of Osiris in charge of judging the human soul according to the deeds that they collect. He was portrayed as pharaoh beard wearing a green-skinned, half his body wrapped like a mummy, wearing a unique crown with two ostrich feathers on each side, holding attributes hooks and whips.

Egyptian legend says, Osiris was the eldest son of earth god Geb and the sky goddess Nut, as well as the twin brother and husband of Isis. His son Horus, acquired after he died. Most of the Osiris myth comes from Pyramid manuscript written since the 5th dynasty, later in the story mentioned in the new royal inscription documents Shabka and whose story is recounted in the narrative by the Greek poet, including Plutarch and Diodorus Siculus.


5 Mythology God of Death

Thanatos is the god of death in Greek mythology. He brings a calm and peaceful death, as opposed to one of his brothers, Ker, carrier painful death.

Thanatos was the son of Niks and Erebos and has a twin brother Hypnos. The other brother, namely: Geras (god of old age), Oizis (god of suffering), Moros (god of death), apate (goddess of fraud), Momos (god of mockery), Eris (goddess of discord), Nemesis (goddess of vengeance) and Charon. Thanatos is often portrayed as an old man with wings.


5 Mythology God of Death

Ker is the goddess of death in Greek mythology. The Ker is the goddess who brings a cruel death, including death in combat, accident, murder or disease. The opposite of Thanatos which gives a peaceful death. The Ker is described as a dark creature with claws and teeth chattering and bloodthirsty.

The Ker is being bloodthirsty and cruelly tore the soul from the body of the dying and send them to the underworld. Thousands Ker fly over the battle area, and if there are people who die, then the Ker will fight each other like vultures. The Ker actually has no power over life and death of man, but the nature of their bloodthirsty make the Ker trying to make people die. Zeus and the other gods can stop or speed up the Ker.

The gods of Olympus are often standing near the troops they support to prevent the arrival of the Ker on their troops. Ker also haunt the affected area to search for the dead and took his soul.

5. Yama

5 Mythology God of Death

Yama is the god of the afterlife in Hinduism. According to Hindu belief, the god was he who first encountered by the spirits of the dead when he went to the realm of heaven, so he also holds a god of death.

Main task is to hear the spirits of the dead, accompanied by his assistant called Citragupta, registrar of human karma. Because justice, it is also called Dharmaraja.

Yama had rides in the form of a female buffalo. He was armed and carrying mace or danda meshes. He has two dogs, four-eyed terrible guarding the streets where the spirits of the dead to the nature of Yama.

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