Tips on Choosing a VGA Card for Gaming PC

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Tips on Choosing a VGA Card for Gaming PC. -Before buying the latest Gaming VGA, prior specification PC motherboard or VGA card of you know. If you only choose the best Gaming VGA, not necessarily your PC with VGA support it. For that before buying a nice VGA for Computer Gaming note the following:

Tips on Choosing a VGA Card for Gaming PC


What is that the GPU? GPU is the Graphic Processing Unit. If the computer's processor / brain of a graphics card. So, Graphic Card Add On it has its own processor so that the main processor performance will be reduced. For now NVIDIA and ATI Radeon GPUs are the two best. The GPU has a rate of speed which is more known as Core Speed. Thus, the greater Core Speed ​​a better GPU.


For this one no doubt. Known brands generally have better performance. Artificial graphics cards of famous brands like Gigabyte or Asus performance would be better than the artificial Zotac graphics card. How did it happen? That's because the well-known brands typically use components with better quality. However Zotac could be an alternative if you want to assemble a computer gaming funds are mediocre. With a performance that is not so far away and a cheaper price, we can get a graphics card that is qualified. But still, about the durability of the graphics card known brands have better endurance.

Speed Clock Memory

Memory Clock Speed ​​Graphic Card is the memory speed in processing data. The faster the memory clock speed, the better the graphics, of course, more expensive. Memory clock speed indicated by the same unit with Core Speed ​​MHz on the GPU. Sample Memory Clock Speed ​​on MSI Graphics Card NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 is 7010 Mhz.

Core Speed

As explained above, See also how core speed / CUDA cores maximum that can be generated by the GPU Graphic Card. The larger the core speed that can be achieved, the better the VGA. In addition to core speed, there is also bost speed mode. Usually there are two types, namely the base mode Core Speed ​​and bost mode. Sample Core Speed ​​Graphic Card ASUS NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 is Bost Mode Mode Base 1241 MHz and 1102 MHz.

Memory Type

Memory Interface type used by Graphic Card, shown by the code DDR or GDDR. Type interface greatly affect the data transfer speed of the processor> motheroard> Graphic Card. The higher the type of interface or DDR, the higher the speed of access. Example DDR1, DDR2, DDR3, DDR4, and GDDR5. For now this type of GDDR most recently was GDDR5. So choose Graphic Card which uses GDDR5 interface type.

Memory Capacity

Sample specifications VGA memory capacity of 512 Mb, 1 Gb, 2 Gb to 12 Gb Asus GTX Titan Z. The function of the VGA memory is similar to RAM function on a computer. That is menyimpnan while the data that has been processed by the GPU and then transferred to the RAMDAC. Then RAMDAC will convert digital data into visual data and send the results to display to the monitor through a VGA cable, DVI and HDMI.

Memory Interface

The larger the data path, the greater the data can be accessed. The depiction of the data path is like a highway. If the course is great, the more numerous and varied the number of passing vehicles. Some of the data path; there is 32bit, 64bit, 128bit, 256bit, 512bit, and so on. Usually the greater the greater the Line data memory and interface type Graphic Card.

VGA Out Port

The VGA port is a port to display the results of a VGA screen. Generally there are three ports available, namely D-Sub, DVI, and HDMI. D-sub used for output to a CRT monitor. While DVI and HDMI are used for output to the monitor LCD / LED High Definition. Today, some VGA even already support more than one monitor at a time.


SLI and CrossFire technology is the use of two or more graphics cards simultaneously. But to use it, be aware of the motherboard. That's because not all motherboards support this technology.

Type PCIe

There are 4 types of PCIe 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, and 4.0, with a choice of speeds 1x, 2x, 4x, 8x and 16x. For the moment 4.0 of the most recent series.


Tips on Choosing a VGA Card for Gaming PC

DirectX is useful as a controller DirectInput (care of the input to the computer hardware), DirectSound, and DirectPlay (take care about multiplayer gaming network). Old games are usually still use DirectX 9. But for now most of the latest VGA supports DirectX, which is DirectX 10 and DirectX 11. The latest version of DirectX itself that DirectX 12 is already out but still slightly games that require DirectX versions ,

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