5 Mythology creatures you rarely heard

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5 Mythology creatures you rarely heard. -We are still often amazed by the name of mythological creatures, regardless of whether we believe or will not be their existence. Many of them are really cool, whether it's Unicorn, Phoenix, Cerberus and a row of other famous mythological creatures. Actually mythological creatures are not only limited to this. When digging deeper about its origin, there are so many different kinds of creatures. One of them is a mythological creature combined.

Yes, as the name implies, this creature is not singularly like the others, but is a combination of two or more creatures. Although it looks like science fiction in films, but a row of mythological creatures combined has been recognized existence since thousands of years ago.

Here are Mythology creatures you rarely heard

1. Qilin

5 Mythology creatures you rarely heard

Qilin is a very beautiful mythological creature. For the Chinese, Qilin is arguably their greatest mythological creature. Qilin if described has a unique combination of forms. He is half a deer and a dragon. What is interesting is the scales of his bright body seemed to imply great beauty.

The myth of this creature is trust if its appearance is a good and bad sign. Usually associated with the birth or death of a great person. Qilin also has another famous name that is Chinese Unicorn.

2. Hatuibwari

5 Mythology creatures you rarely heard

Hatuibwari is often mentioned in older Melanesian stories or regional Pacific groups adjacent to Australia. This creature has a very unique combination shape. Their head is a man with four eyes, then his body is a snake, and has a hawk's legs and wings.

Hatuibwari is said to be the first human ancestor of man. Its own existence is often considered the philosophy of the male version of the earth identified with femininity. Yes, if the earth we know the motherland, then Hatuibari is the male version.

3. Hippalectryon

5 Mythology creatures you rarely heard

A hippalectryon is a kind of fantastic hybrid creature from Ancient Greek folklore, half horse (front) and half chicken (back), including the tail, wings and hind legs. The color varies between yellow and reddish. No myths associated with it are currently known.

The oldest representations today are known to date from the 9th century BC, and his motives grew most common in the 6th century, especially in vase paintings and sometimes like statues, often shown by a rider. It is also displayed on several currency pieces. Several literary works of the fifth century mention the beast, especially Aeschylus and Aristophanes, who use it as one of his favorite insults.

The exact function of Hippalectryon remains a mystery; As apotropic and prophylactic animals, it may have been dedicated to Poseidon and is in charge of protecting ships. Other studies interpret it as strange animals to entertain children, or fantastic fantastic decorative elements without specific functionality.

4. Centaurida

5 Mythology creatures you rarely heard

Centaurida is a creature in the mythological strongest in Greek legend. Centaurides is actually a female version of Centaurus. Her body is a combination of humans and horses. The hooves of the horse while the upper part of the human body. Although rarely mentioned in the Greek literary tale, but these Centaurides often appear in Roman and Greek art, you know.

One of the famous Centaurides is the wife of Centaurus Killaros, Hilonome. The origin of this Centaurides legend in Greek mythology is of course the same as that of Centaurus. It is said that once Centaurus was a born Birthday brothers of Lapithos. Therefore, Centaurus is not comfortable living with humans and prefer staying with mare on Mount Pelion. Well, Centaurus and the mare relationship later gave birth to the famous Centaur race, though they preferred to stay in the forest and did not like to attract attention.

5. Tarasque

5 Mythology creatures you rarely heard

This is the most complicated creature of mythology, but it must be admitted really cool appearance. Tarasque is a famous joint mythological creature in Europe in the Middle Ages. His body is a combination of bears, scorpions, turtles and lions.
Tarasque had a lion's head with a short six-foot bear. Tarasque also had tortoise shells, horned horns and scorpion tails. It is said that tarasque lives along the Rhone. Tarasque is also believed to be a beast that will pounce on anyone.

In ancient times, Tarasque was once attacked by King Nerluc and his warriors even though the King did not kill him. One day, Saint Martha can tame him and bring Tarasque to town.
Unfortunately, the citizens of the city attacked him to death without any resistance from Tarasque alias surrender. The townspeople who feel guilty about the incident changed the name of the town to 'Tarascon'.

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