Xbox Project Scorpio Have an outstanding Specifications

10:51:00 PM
Xbox Project Scorpio Have an outstanding Specifications

Xbox Project Scorpio Have an outstanding Specifications. -Xbox Project known as a company ScMicrosoft severe enough to keep a secret about the projects that are working on, including the latest version of the Xbox Project Scorpio. But not as usual, This software seems to be moderated by giving us the leaked specifications owned Xbox Project Scorpio.

But to make a public impressed, Microsoft did not announce a new console specs alone, it invites another company called Digital Foundry to see the strength of the latest generation Xbox at Microsoft offices. The first impression of the Project Digital foundy Scorpio is, that it is a very powerful game consoles, and even can be said to defeat the most advanced console Sony, the PS4 Pro, as reported in the New Atlas, (06/04/2017).

Not surprisingly, Microsoft's latest console is equipped with up to 6 teraflop of graphics power, higher than the PS4 Pro only 4.14 teraflops. In addition, Microsoft replaced the 8GB DDR3 RAM with 12GB DDR5 RAM. Sony's PS4 Pro only has 8GB of DDR5 RAM only.

Microsoft has provided the specifications for the newest console Xbox Project Scorpio that will come out right in the middle of 2017. Project Scorpio will beat PS4 console competitors who already beat Xbox One. Scorpio Project will be run at 4K and VR for Xbox Project Scorpio specification is higher than the PS4.

We get the following specifications:

Xbox Project Scorpio Have an outstanding Specifications

Xbox Project Scorpio will run using a custom processor Eight-Core 2.3GHz x86 and using GPU Radeon 40 running at 1172MHz with 12GB of memory GDDR5. From this specification shows that the Xbox project Scorpio has a higher specification than the PS4.

Xbox Scorpio Project is expected to be in demand by gamers because of the higher specification Project Scorpio will certainly have a special experience when playing the game. With prices that can be predicted about $ 400 to $ 500 this console will be given the choice given specifications better than the PS4. Because of the possible Microsoft will cooperate with game developers to produce special game for this console. Xbox Project Scorpio so this has advantages in terms of performance and quality of the game given also satisfy gamers worldwide.

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