What Is Booting Process n Computer ?

11:41:00 PM
What is booting process in computer ? -The boot process is a process that occurs when a person turn on the computer, where the influx of electric current into the computer and then check whether or not the system (hardware) connected to the computer, so that computers can communicate with the user.

What Is Booting Process n Computer ?

How Process Boating Happen?

The initial stage of the boot process performed by the operating system is the Bootstrap loader. Bootstrap loader is the first application to run BIOS shortly after booting. The boot loader will load the kernel running an operating system, and aims to keep track of all means of input and output devices installed or connected to the computer. In some systems, there is a different bootloader. Windows bootloader, unlike the Linux bootloader, contrast well with the BSD bootloader.

Overview of the stages that occur in the boot process is as follows:

  • When the computer is turned on, the memory is empty. There are no instructions that can be executed by the processor. Therefore, the processor is designed to always find a specific address in the BIOS (Basic Input Output System) ROM. In that address, there is a jump instruction that leads to address initial execution BIOS. After that, the processor running a Power On Self Test (POST), which check the condition of the hardware connected to the computer.
  • After that, look for Video Card BIOS. In particular he was looking for a BIOS-owned Video Card. Then run the Video Card BIOS system BIOS. It was only afterward, Video Card in installation.
  • Then check the BIOS ROM on other hardware, whether it has a BIOS that separatedid not. If yes, then it will be executed as well.
  • Then again BIOS checks, such as checking the memory and memory types. Furthermore, he examines other hardware, such as disk. Then he searched the disk where the boot process can be done, is to look for a boot sector. This boot sector can be on your hard drive or floppy disk.

Based on the process, the boot can be identified by several types, namely:

1.Cold Boot  
Boot (the process of turning on the computer) that occurs when the computer is turned off. Cold boot is done by turning on the computer by pressing the power switch. Cold boot recycle computer's random access memory as well as remove viruses that may be in memory before.

2.Warm Boot
Boot (the process of turning on the computer) that occurs when the computer is plugged into back and the power is turned off for only a moment. With the aim of repeating the process a computer from scratch. Warm Boot This usually happens due to software crash or occurred resetting of the system. Warm or boot can also be interpreted reactivate without having turned off, for example by pressing the reset button, or squeeze once the CTRL + ALT + DEL on the operating system Disk Operating System (DOS). Restart the computer by pressing Ctrl + Alt + Del or shutdown and restart. Booting this heat can be detected and manipulated by the virus.

3.Soft Boot 
Boot (the process of turning on the computer) that is controlled through a system.

4.Hard Boot  
Boot (the process of turning on the computer) is done in a way forced. Event repeating reboot the system from scratch. Reboot performed by several things, among others, as the system does not react in time, or change the settings in the system.

Why Bios The Role is Very Important In The Process Of Booting?

The term BIOS (Basic Input Output System) first appeared in the operating system CP / M, which is one datu part of CP / M loaded during the boot process begins. BIOS dealing directly with the hardware (some machines running CP / M has a simple boot loader in ROM). Most, versions of DOS have a file called "IBMBIO.COM" (IBM PC-DOS) or "IO.SYS" (MS-DOS), which works just like the CP / M disk BIOS.

BIOS provides the low-level communication interface, and can control many types of hardware (such as a keyboard). Due to its proximity with the hardware, BIOS generally made using assembly language (assembly) used by the machine in question.

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