Windows 7/8.1 will not run on the latest generation processors?

12:19:00 AM
Windows 7/8.1 will not run on the latest generation processors?.- Windows 10 seems to be the main focus of Microsoft today. For the sake of bringing users of Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 to Windows 10, various means have been adopted by Microsoft, ranging from free upgrade, vigorous provide notification of upgrades, and the latest is to maximize support to Windows 10 only.

Windows 7/8.1 will not run on the latest generation processors?

Through Official Windows Blog, Microsoft explained that in the next processor generation, only Windows 10 only to be given official support, while Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 is not.

Windows 7 will indeed still obtain support for security, reliability, and compatibility until January 14, 2020, as well as Windows 8.1 until 10 January 2023. But it's processor version of "legacy" which was released on his time, not support for processor support for the latest release.

Microsoft provides examples of that in the next version of the processor, the Intel "Kaby Lake" silicon, Qualcomm "8996" silicon, and AMD "Bristol Ridge" silicon, only Windows 10 which will be supported by Microsoft.

This means that only Windows 10 are confirmed to be running smoothly, and able to use every power of the new processor. While Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 is not guaranteed smoothness, because there will be no official support from Microsoft.

It is already starting to look at Intel Skylake today. Through the blog official start Microsoft explained that they have made Windows 10 were able to walk with 30x better graphics and battery 3x more durable than the Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 running on the same processor Skylake.

In the future, the difference support and this support will be more pronounced again to ensure that users of Windows 10 to get the maximum satisfaction.

Microsoft hopes this strategy users of Windows 7 and Windows 8.1, buyers of new devices, as well as business people would prefer to use Windows 10 rather than endure in OS Windows 7 / 8.1.

The end goal of course order for Windows 10 majority used by Windows users, so Increasingly Many developers Yang attracted to review developing Windows 10 applications, and make the ecosystem in the Windows Store is not smooth walk.

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