How To Use Google Drive

1:43:00 AM Add Comment

How To Use Google Drive  and What is Google Drive ? Well, before you ever heard the term, but from Google Drive? Definition of Google Drive storage service owned by Google. Google Drive is long launched since 24 April 2012.. Google Drive is a change from Google Docs, if you open google docs it will be redirected to Google drive. Users will get the service Google Drive the 5 GB of free storage, and can be added to certain payments. With the same excellent features as Dropbox, synchronize data via a special folder on your desktop or better known as the Client Desktop Sync. Google Drive provides 5 GB of space for free and of course features integrated with other Google services such as Gmail, G +, and Google Search. Features that can be highlighted from Google Drive is an API for Developers. Until now GDrive has been linked to dozens of third-party applications. Working with more file types when my friend install Google Drive apps from the Web Store Chrome.Google Drive works with an increasing number of applications continues to plug from the Chrome Web Store. With this application, you can edit photos and videos, fax and sign documents, manage projects, create flowcharts, and more. No matter how many Google Drive apps that have your partner, you can access all your files in one place: Google Drive on the web.

Functions and Benefits of Google Drive

After finding out what Google Drive is, then I'll explain a little about the function and How to Use Google Drive from benefits Google Drive that has functions like Dropbox is synchronizing data from your PC, so you can create and share data and documents in the google drive. In addition you can also access data files from anywhere at home or in the office by connecting to the internet of course.

Another advantage that Google Drive has been integrated with Google services including gmail , Google+, google search and more. If you wanted to try this please Google drive straight to then login is using you Email that you could use Google Drive. Later will appear as shown below if Google Drive you already enabled, but if not please wait for notification from google to your email.

How to Use Google Drive

  1. Tops, entered on Google Drive account by typing in the address bar
  2. Sign in with your google account your drive.
  3. Next you'll be taken to the dashboard or the main page of Google Drive as shown below.
How To Use Google Drive

Information :

New: Add a new file to be saved
Drive I: The files are never stored on Google Drive
Incoming: sharing files or files that have been shared with you by others
Latest: The most frequently opened files
Starred: Files are never given an asterisk or critical
Trash: Files that have been deleted

How to Upload Files in Google Drive

To upload a file or save a file, click New to backgroup red box
Then select the type of upload, for example forms the folder, document, image or other.

How To Use Google Drive

Afterwards you will be taken on the My Computer window, find the file you want to upload and click OK. After the upload process will run on the bottom right side and wait until finished.

Setting Files that have been uploaded

Click the file you want to follow up, as I gave the red box, you can perform actions on files you select this, suppose you want to share, renamed, opened, or others, you can choose according to your wishes.

How To Use Google Drive

In addition, Google drive will provide 5GB of free data storage capacity is also true. The news did come from people in Google who leak information to the tech site The Next Web.
Google Drive is currently available for the computer operating system Windows and Mac, and Android smartphones and tablets. From the information on the official website of Google Drive, the search engine company will make Google Drive for iOS-based devices, namely the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch.

Google Drive can be made to store the data of all formats. Documents, photos, videos, applications, and everything you want.

For users of the service Google Docs, might instantly comfortable using Google Drive for your data automatically stored in Google Drive.

Likewise with Android users, you can integrate the data on the smartphone or tablet to Google Drive. Google Drive offers several options to increase the capacity of data storage space. Among them, 2.49 dollars per month for 25GB and 4.99 US dollars per month for 100 GB.

If you decide to use Google Drive paid, then the storage capacity of your GMail account will be increased to 25GB.

Google Drive options available additional capacity of up to 16TB.
To start using Google Drive. However, according to Google, not all users can enjoy Google's cloud storage.
Apparently, users still have to be patient to enjoy the hard disk Google's online.

Google Drive Facilities

  • Google Drive provides space (space) for free as much as 5 GB. If less, you can upgrade to 25 GB by paying $ 2.49 per month or $ 30 (around Rp280 thousand) per year.
  • Create new documents, spreadsheets, and presentations instantly. Able to edit a document with colleagues together at the same time. It's one of the advantages of Google Drive when compared with sites sharing.
  • Gmail attachment (inset) is no longer necessary. Links from Google Drive can be sent to Gmail for an attachment automatically.
  • Videos and photos stored in Google Drive will be automatically available on Google Plus.
  • Specialized search engines available in Google Drive to search for an existing file. Equipped with extension-based search option (type) files, not just the file name only.
  • Can open all file formats, including Adobe HD video, Photoshop, etc. even if you have not installed the software on the computer.
  • Can be a variety of file (file) by using a variety of applications. Thus, this feature works the same as any other clothes sharing sites.
  • Auto save. Once you make a change in one of the files in Google Drive, it will be saved automatically.

Availability of Google Drive

Google Drive can be used in multiple devices (devices) the following:

  • Windows-based computers
  • Computer-based Mac
  • I0S based tablets (iPad)
  • Android-based tablets
  • Smartphones iPhone
  • Smartphones based on Android
  • But for those who use Linux system do not get discouraged. Although Google Drive is not yet supporting the Linux operating system, but thanks to the team ppa, google drive can now be accessed via the Nautilus on your Gnome desktop. If you do not want to be bothered, you can also try other cloud storage which supports Linux, such as Dropbox.
Read also other interesting articles:
1.What is Google Analytics
2.How to Use Google Webmaster tools
Thus using Google Drive. Easy, right? By using the Google Drive service, you will more easily collaborate with others. Sharing multiple files is also increasingly easy to do, to upload the files are also not limited to how much capacity the maximum, you can directly upload large files though.

What Is Google Analytics?

6:49:00 AM Add Comment
What Is Google Analytics?

What Is Google Analytics ? As the name suggests, Google analytics is a tools for the analysis, this tool is free and provided by google despite the paid version as well. the difference with google webmaster tool is analysis google analytics stats on this result is global.

In addition to also support for the global advertising needs adwords, google analytics where users can see the effectiveness of a keyword, and so on. on this google analytics you can see a keyword, and so on. on this google analytics you can see all the traffic data that goes into your website, start a search on google to visit from social media or other sources.

Google analytics used to obtain a more global picture of the visits to your website. many do you do in improving SEO using google google webmaster tools and analytics is, therefore, as an SEO practitioner you need to use both these tools for your needs in the analysis and improvement of the keywords used by your website.

The goal is of course to increase the number of visits and varying the number of keywords that can be found by the search information leading to your website. more and more variations of keywords can be entered in the search results, the higher is also the number of visits to your website.

Features that support:

Analysis tools

Google Analytics is built on a powerful reporting platform and easy to use, so you can decide which data you want to view and customize reports with just a few clicks.

Content analysis

The content report helps you understand which parts of the website are performing well and which pages are most popular so you can make the experience better for the customer.

Social analysis

Web is a social container and Google Analytics to measure the success of your social media program. You can analyze how visitors interact with a sharing feature on the website (such as Google's +1 button) and engage with content on various social platforms.

Mobile analysis

Google Analytics helps you measure the impact of mobile on your business. Additionally, if you create a mobile app, Google Analytics offers a Software Development Kit for iOS and Android so that you can measure how people use your app.

Conversion analysis

Find out how many customers you captivate, the amount of your sales, and user engagement with the site through a series of analysis features of Google Analytics.

Advertising Analytics

Maximize your advertising by studying how social advertising, mobile, search, and display. Link to your website activity to a marketing campaign to get a complete picture and improve your ad performance.

How do I use Analytics?

You can use Analytics to track a variety of web-based content.

  • Tracking multiple websites. Google Analytics will track as many websites as you own! We've provided multiple profiles in your account, so you can view individual reports for specific domains or subdomains.
  • Tracking your blog, MySpace, or Facebook . To use Google Analytics to track your pages on Facebook, MySpace, WordPress or other solutions, we recommend that you search for third party widgets that simplify the Analytics set to a predetermined site templates. You may not be able to use Analytics on your site where you can not edit the page code (such as on MySpace, for example). However, often you can find plugins or widgets that will help you use Analytics in your page.
  • Tracking visits from RSS feeds. In order for Google Analytics to track data, it is important to execute the Google Analytics tracking code. Since most RSS / atom readers can not execute JavaScript, Analytics will not count pageviews that are loaded through an RSS reader. Analytics requires that the visitor execute a JavaScript file on Google's servers in order to track that pageview.
  • Using Analytics with other web analytics solutions. You can run Google Analytics in parallel with any third party or internal solution whatever was used
Read also other interesting articles:
1.How to Use Google Drive
2.How to Use Google Webmaster tools

It's a few things I know about google analytics, Hopefully this article useful for you who still do not understand about google analytics, but you need to know about this because this is essential for the SEO and you can also read articles on Google Webmaster Tool here (Click Here). And thank hopefully useful to you, do not forget the comments.

How to use Google Webmaster Tools

11:56:00 PM Add Comment

What is Google Webmaster Tools and How to use Google Webmaster Tools? Google Webmaster Tools is a free tool which is given by google for webmasters, where webmasters can conduct a evaluation of variable searches involving the use keyword search by what we know through google to find your website.

Google Webmaster Tools created specifically for the needs of the analyze of the search engine google. all the statistical data being displayed comes from search engine Google, traffic Data from other sources, such as social network or search engine or other sources do not go into statistical data.

Google webmaster tools is a tool or tools provided by Google to optimize a blog or website that can be accessed if the blog or site must have been registered prior to google. When we talk about Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and the SERP (search engine result page) will not be removed with this tool. 
This means that SEO efforts without Google webmaster tools = Minimal results. Minimum Why? However even if we do not register your blog and submit a sitemap blog on google blog we can still be indexed google, but only a small fraction.

How to Use Webmaster Tools For Beginners

1. First sign in to your Google Webmaster Tools account.
2. Next, add your blog URL, as shown below.

How to use Google Webmaster Tools

3. Then click the Add A Site.
4. Then click the gear icon in the upper right corner, then select the menu Verification Detaills.
How to use Google Webmaster Tools

5. You will be taken on the verification page.
6. Then click Verify using a different method.
7. Next you will be taken on a blog page verification option. Well, for the blog select HTML Tag option.
How to use Google Webmaster Tools

8. Then copy the code from the image above the arrow number 2.
9. Next save the code on your blog, on your Template saved under the code < head >.
10. After that, save.
11. The next step you can click Verify to verify your blog on Google the webmaster Tools.
12. Done

How to Use Google Webmaster Tools

Already signed up in Google Webmaster Tools now we find out how to use it. On the Webmaster Tools home page of your blog which will be managed, only the URL is clicked. Once inside, you will certainly see the Webmaster Tools Dashboard home page. There is a new and important status messages as well as the Current Status, do not be surprised if the same search query Sitemap blank for your new list.

About Webmaster Tools will leave you find some tabs. rear tab you will find many tools that can be used. I'll tell you more important to write and often will use you let me not too long my post, check point.

1. Configure> Settings >> Here you can only select countries change GeoTarget write your blog being targeted.

2. Health> Fetch As Google >> function of this tool for the process of indexing URL or a new post. Can also be used to force Google to immediately send the old index update URL. How to stay Adding a URL into the column which already then click Download. Wait a few seconds if you managed to stay click Submit to index. After you send the URL to Google at this address .

3. Optimization> >> Map This site is a very important tool that Googlebot can crawl every page of your blog either. How can add click SITE MAP ADD / TEST, then typing sitemap.xml into the empty box and click Submit a Sitemap. stay we wait for the results, for how long this sitemap indexed depends on the health and activity updates in a blog post.

4. Optimization> Remove URL >> Tools that can be used to remove the Google search URL post. Living simply by entering the URL of the post will be removed from Google search. Before deleting your URL should read the rules first in

Read also other interesting articles:
1.What is Google Analytics

2.How To Use Google Drive

it was a way to use google webmaster tools. If you have any questions please comment, I hope this article is helpful.

Optimization SEO On Page

6:45:00 AM Add Comment
How to do Optimization SEO On page on a blog is actually very easy if you already have the knowledge. Unlike the optimization Off page, even if you already have the knowledge, the execution will still be difficult.

Optimization SEO On Page

Optimization SEO On Page What is it?

Optimization SEO or Search Engine Optimization is a term in SEO On Page, which refers to everything that you do on the components of a web page. The main goal of this optimization is to improve SEO On Page factors that search engines get the emphasis right keywords from a page.

Why this optimization SEO On Page to be done? So that search engines are not confused when they arrive in the pages of your blog. To make it easier we suppose you understand it like this: there are so many people in a field, you will not be able to distinguish which is important and which the ordinary people if they wear uniforms, right? Now, therefore, developed a system attribute. Who is wearing a top job attributes, then he is the most important.

The system attribute is used by Google to determine, any suppression of a web page .... Maybe now friends ask what on page SEO attribute it?

Attributes In Optimization SEO On Page

Consider the following this is on page optimization attributes are commonly used:

  • title tag
  • meta Description
  • URL
  • Title Page
  • Article Title
  • Sub Title In article
  • Print bold / italics 
  • If there are pictures, then there must be the alt attribute

Now understand this. If a word does not charge any of the above attributes, then said it was not important. If a word wearing 1-3 attributes above, then said it must be important. If a word appears in all of the above attributes, then it is certain that the most important words on the page.

So I will try to discuss this on page problem for both the section above. Before we begin please go to the web page would you value on page If it is open, press CTRL + U to open the source code of the web page


It is only in the < head >, and the code is ....
< Title > The contents of the title tag < / title >

The important thing is what can you fill in the title of this tag. Please be careful in filling the title tag, since many SEO practitioners who think that the title tag is the most important on page attributes. Supposing royal attributes, then this is the crown ....

The best way to fill the title tag is to use key words and no longer than 70 characters. You need to know that getting in front of that word, then the point will be very high so should the format of the content of the title tag is:

But avoid structure BLOG NAME: TITLE ARTICLES blog Unless you've got a reputation exorbitant, it can not just up.


It is the only one that became my focus meta (meta robots just in case any duplicate content). The meta description should consider several things, namely:

  • Maximum length of 150 characters.
  • Do not repeat a word more than twice
  • Of course it contains the keywords targeted in the early parts 

If you confuse the issue title tag and meta description, in its application in blogspot, can read the article how to install the title tag and meta description. Again, this holds the highest points in the < head > On Page SEO Optimization so do not miss this one.


Good URL should contain the domain / category / sub_category /tittle article . An example is shown below:

So every part clearly contains obvious keywords. Unfortunately there are still many people who wasted URL and create URLs that are not obvious as below

URL as above do not contain keywords, and actually wasted an important attribute in  SEO On Page factors.

HIGH POINTS IN on page optimization < body > THERE IN TITLE PAGE < h1 >

The title page of course attempted to contain the keywords you are targeting, because after all < h1 > should contain the most important words on the page. It also is the basis of the development of techniques Dynamic Heading, where the creator of the blog seeks to page articles displaying the article title as the title of the page.


The title of our article h2 tag. Someone asked whether the value on page not excessive if the same article title page title? Of course not, because the page titles h1 and h2 article title. So although the content is the same, but for each heading appearance only once, after all this time the application is absolutely no problem.


This can be regarded as complementary, but in many cases this additional excellent in strengthening onpage. So there is no harm in making a sub-sub-headings in the discussion to emphasize the relevance of the discussion civil.


Boldface or italics are also very important in onpage optimization. But it does not need all of them, just the appearance of the first course in bold or italics. If too much can interfere with the reader of these pages.


Because Google and others have not been able to identify the image, then the best way to tell Google what the content of the image is to use the alt tag. It included one onpage techniques, because the main goal of a web page is to provide the most relevant information to the reader, and sometimes that information can be images

Read also other interesting articles:
1.SEO Tips and trick
2.What is SEO?

If you've implemented all of the above points Optimaze SEO On Page , then that is what we often say as a blog SEO friendly, when it should be the term that we use the SEARCH ENGINE FRIENDLY, but because its search deal so we follow the laws keyword.

Keyword Density

1:15:00 AM Add Comment
What is the Keyword Density?

What is the keyword density ? Keyword density is a keyword density percentage in a single blog pages compared with the entire word in the blog page. In post SEO friendly, many SEO experts who say to the percentage of keyword density in a posting that ideal is 0.5% - 2%. It aims to not too many keywords in a single post, and because it can be considered spam. Writing keyword repeatedly - again and exceeded the recommended percentage of keyword density can be fatal. This technique is referred to as keyword stuffing technique is one of the black hat SEO techniques that are hated Google and can be bad for our blog like exposed pinalty and entered into the Google sandbox.

The number of keywords or keyword density percentage proper density in a single post would be good for these postings rankings in Search Engine Result Page (SERP).

In accordance with the previous post about keyword density. Keyword Density is one of the things that should be considered by the blogger in improving the SEO of the blog. Keyword Density is the number of keywords percent in the articles or blog's main page. How to find Keyword Density is as follows.

The number of repetitions keyword / total words across the page * 100 = Keyword Density

So, suppose you write an article with the number of repetitions of keywords A 10 times, while the total words on the page of 100 words, the keyword density on the page A = 10%.

Then, how SEO keyword density?

Good keywords are keywords that are not excessive, do not you? A good keyword density is not more than 5%. So, if the total on a page of 100 words, the maximum number of repetitions of keywords is 5. Keyword Density is different every search engine. So, there is no definite benchmark for maximum keyword density. There are say 5%, 4% or even 7% .It should keep in mind that what counts is the repetition of keywords including the keyword itself, not the number of keywords.

Where do I know?

you can predict what word the most heavily loaded in your article and count repetitions, and then see the total word by copying them into Microsoft Word, then count to the above formula. There is an easier way if the above methods are too difficult and long.

1. The first thing to do buddy clicking this link
2. Enter the url of the article my friend
3. Fill in the captcha
4. Press Submit

Read also other interesting articles:

1.SEO Tips and trick
2.Optimization SEO On Page

So, when creating articles, see the most used word, then analyze whether too much or too little. If it is too much, add words to the article my friend. If you've already created, can check the above manner. Hopefully I check the keyword density above can help you.

What is mythology?

3:10:00 AM Add Comment
What is mythology?

What is mythology? Myths are inventions of events and personalities involved in the incident. Events dramatized in such a manner fairytale event. Mythology is the science of literary form containing holy conception and fairy tales about the lives of gods and spirits in a culture. Mythology possessed characteristic dramatization and more a literary form. The stories of the gods have a certain standard with a wide range of variations. The show is the result of the human mind. Usually stems from heightened intent, hallow religious teachings, exalted position of a highly respected figure of the prophets, the pious, the hero and the king. That attitude becomes excessive and increasingly become with each passing generation. The next generation has decreased understanding of the purpose of the practices "exaltation" of that religion. From generation to generation the knowledge and understanding of increasingly eroded, taqlid (following without the knowledge / understanding) getting into. To stop this degradation, the Lord always raises among the nations that are collapsing were the messengers to convey the correct information about the rules (religion). Clear the mind and life of these nations from dirt mythology and superstition.

What is mythology?
The term "mythology" can mean the study of myths (eg, comparative mythology), as well as a set or collection of myths (eg, Incan mythology).  In folkloristika, a myth is a sacred story that usually explain how the world and man can form as now, though, in a very broad sense, the term may refer to a traditional story.

Mythology most closely related to the legend and folklore. Mythology may include the creation story of the world until the origin of a nation. Unlike mythology, the folklore, not specific time and place and the story is not regarded as a sacred story is credible. While the legend, the perpetrators are human and even though it happened considered really happen, can contain a story of supernatural beings (gods, demons, etc.) And extraordinary events (curses, miracles, etc.) As in mythology. Usually background on the legend was a time when people already there and is associated with the history and origin of a place.

Examples Of Mythological Creatur :


Pegasus (Greek: Πήγασος; Pegasos) is a winged stallion who was the son of Poseidon and Medusa in Greek mythology. Poseidon raped Medusa so that Medusa Athens transform into monster.Pegasus often found in the works of art either Greek, Roman and Mesopotamia. Pegasus is a creature of his form describes the relationship between the gods and the demons or monsters in the ancient world and the classical world.

Pegasus helps Bellerofon the hero of the opposition against the Chimaera and Amazon nations. Once, Bellerofon trying to fly Pegasus to Olympus so that the gods punish him and dropped Bellerofon of Pegasus. Since then, Pegasus became the carrier of lightning for Zeus.


Unicorn is a mythological creature shaped like a horse with horns growing on his forehead. These creatures also often described as having a goatee, toenails split and tail Lion.Unicorn generally regarded as being good with blood, and his horns are believed to have the power to heal and purify.

The belief in unicorns are thought to have started since ancient times. Prehistoric paintings at Lascaux, France; Lago Posadas, Argentina, and qualand in southern Africa shows a similar creature feature Unicorn.Unicorn also mentioned in the Bible and the works of Greek and Roman folklore along with various others.

However, there is no scientific proof of the existence of these creatures. A skeleton allegedly belonging Unicorn has been widely believed as a hoax.
The word used in one version of the Bible to refer Unicorn is "Re'em". Many suspect that this word actually refers to animals that have become extinct called aurochs.


The phoenix is ​​a mythical bird-like a hawk but has bright red like a fire fly in space. Phoenix is ​​called comes from the sun. Phoenix is ​​a bird of fire mythology of ancient Egypt which is described as a bird that died by fire and reborn from the flames. Usually depicted has gold and red feathers. At the end of his life, Phoenix is ​​told to build a nest of cinnamon twigs which then caught fire. Bird destroyed by fire but then the new young Phoenix arises from the same fire. Phoenix is ​​believed to be the lifetime of 500-1461 years. Phoenix Tears are believed to cure wounds.


Dragon is a general term for a mythological creature that is tangible giant reptiles. This creature appears in many different cultures. In general, a large snake intangible, but some are describing it as a winged lizard. animal size is amazing. They are shaped reptiles and sometimes has some head and can breathe fire. Dragon is believed to be conquered through music.Dragon is also touted as a god by some tribes. Dragons are often depicted as a large lizard with two arms and two legs that have wings so big, also has the ability to spout flames and is described as having an underground cave.Dragon has always portrayed human prey.

it is a mythological creature that is still the truth surely some are saying that it's a myth, but there are still some who believe their situation but there is still no proof that they live in his era right or just fiction.


7:35:00 AM Add Comment


Archaeology comes from the Greek, archaeo which means "ancient" and logos, "science". Alternative name archaeology is the study of the history of material culture. Archaeology is the study of past cultures (human) through a systematic review of the data material left. A systematic review covering the discovery, documentation, analysis, and interpretation of data in the form of artifacts (material culture, such as stone axes and temples) and ekofak (environmental objects, such as stones, finely ground, and fossils) and features artifacts which can not be separated from where (archaeological sites). Engineering studies typical excavation (excavation) archaeological, although the survey also get pretty large portions.
The purpose of archaeology is diverse and a long debate. Among these is the so-called paradigm of archaeology, who compiled the history of culture, understand human behavior, as well as understanding the process of cultural change. As it aims to understand human culture, the science is included in the humanities group. Nonetheless, there are various tools of science are used, among other things, history, anthropology, geology (the study formed the Earth's crust reference relative age an archaeology), geography, architecture, paleoanthropology and bioanthropology, physics (among others with carbon c-14 to get absolute), the science of metallurgy (to get elements from metal objects), and philology (study of ancient manuscripts).

Archaeology at the present time encompass a variety of fields related. For example, the discovery of the bodies were buried will attract experts from different fields to learn about the clothes and the type of material used, the form of ceramics and how the deployment, confidence through what is interred with the corpse of the chemists were able to determine the age of the excavation through such means as the method of measurement carbon 14. While geneticists who want to know the movement of ancient human migration, researching DNA.

In particular, archaeological learn the culture of the past, who are already old, both in prehistoric times (before known writing), as well as in the historical period (when there is written evidence). On development, archeology can also learn about contemporary culture, as popularized in modern material culture studies (modern material culture).

Because it relies on relics of the past, then the very need of preservation of archaeological objects such as a data source. Therefore, later developed other disciplines, namely the management of archaeological resources (Archaeological Resources Management), or more broadly is the cultural resource management (CRM, Culture Resources Management).

The Aim Of The Archaeological Research are as Follows:

  • Reconstruct the history of culture.
  • Reconstruct how the car of human life.
  • Reconstruct the culture process.
  • Target to achieve these objectives are all remnants of the past as the object of study in terms of form, function and process of manufacture, use, disposal and recycling (conversion and reuse).

Archaeological Objects

  • Archaeological object is all that remains of the past can still be found today. Based on archaeological objects stjudi period can be categorized.

Archaeology Data Forms

  • Historical data, which is an archaeological data in written form, for example: inscriptions, literary sources and so forth.
  • Non-Historical Data, human remains were ever made, used, discarded without writing, for example: stone tools, cave and many others.

The nature of Archaeological Data

  • Moving data, data that can be transferred, for example: sculpture, stone tools.
  • Movable non-data, ie data that can not be moved, for example: temples,caves

Data sorts of Archaeology

  • The artifacts, which result from the conversion of natural objects partially or entirely man-made, for example: inscriptions, statues, stone tools and bronze.
  • Features, namely artifacts that can not be moved without damaging the position (matrix), for example: temples, mosques, caves and others.
  • Ekofak, ie objects from the natural elements that have been used and exploited by humans, for example: rivers, landscapes
it is some explanation about archeology, there are more archaeological remains of unsolved, I really like about the history and archeology because I wanted to know what happened at that time that left many relics are still a puzzle for the human race.

Also read articles What ts mythology

SEO Tips and trick

1:47:00 AM Add Comment
SEO Tips and trick
SEO Tips and trick . In this post I will give Tricks Tips to improve SEO on websites built with CMS (Content Management System). Follow the simple SEO Tips and Tricks below so that your site up in the search results. But before you read the SEO tips, you should know in advance the importance of Optimizing SEO on the website below.


SEO is important to increase visitors to the website or blog, because with SEO optimized and maximum course it will be very influential with the business that we run through the online world, people will never know our business, our products if we have never visited website. To introduce our blog or website in addition to blog walking and promotion in social media the main road to get into your blog or website is through search engines, so we need to optimize our website so that plastered on search engines so that people will automatically visit our blog or website.

By optimizing SEO then you will get traffic requests from search engines for free, and this would certainly be a way that will generate visitors in the long term is different from when you are doing a marketing campaign to advertise where you will experience a drop in visitors when the program ads you run ends , And let us consider the following simple tips and tricks to improve your SEO.


1. Remember Content is king, so make the content interesting, clear and easy to understand, people come to your website is to find answers to the question in the search engines, so if your content interesting and as expected the visitors, visitors will be happy and our website can serve as a reference for the visitor. Make a detailed content and SEO articles that meet the standard as content writing at least a minimum of 400-600 words. and do not forget to always update the content interesting and provide solutions for the visitors.

2. Optimize your content for the title and subtitle H2 H1-H3, because the search engine google is very pleased with the content like this. This way to make Google better understand structured content and clearer. Content with clear tag will be prioritized by google to show on the first page.

3. Optimize Keyword Content, useless as well if we create great content but not readable by search engines, and therefore optimize your content so easily ter index in search engines and get ranked on the first page. Enter the keywords in your articles and do not forget if you use h2 or h3 tag also always include the keyword in it.

4. Optimize SEO in the picture, If website you use images to enhance the content, then do not forget to SEO optimize the images. Image is also one source of traffic in addition to the arrival of the content. Because too many people use image search via search engines.

5. Create xml sitemaps on your website and submit your website to Google sitemap.xml webmastertool and Bing webmastertool, so that your website url will be listed in the search engines Google and Bing. This way the search engine will be easier to crawl your site and will get faster index

6. Make your website domain name from the non-www to www or vice versa, select one. to avoid duplicate content by inserting the following script into .htaccess. Or you can buy a domain name that contains the keywords you are targeting.

7. Create your permalink wordpress website SEO Friendly, to see how to change the permalink see in the article How To Adjust Settings on your blog. Permalink or URL gorgeous proved successful in the competition in the ranking of search results, and in this section do not forget to always enter a keyword in the URL because the URL is always read by the search engines in finding articles.

8. Use Social Networking Share on your website and content, so that your website can easily be shared on a wide variety of social media to promote and distribute articles that you create.

9.Keywords should be contained in the text contained in Link . The other sites referring to your website due to a search engine perspective. With the keywords contained in your links then you will have a greater opportunity to appear on page 10 based on those keywords.

10.Keywords should be present in the title tag. The search engines have great attention to the title tag you create. With this tag search engines will know what is contained in the topic of your website. For better results with keywords can be included in the first order of the list of tags. The title tag should not exceed desired 60 characters.

11.Put your keywords in the heading or title of the post (can be on heading 1, heading 2, and so on). A search engine always observe carefully the words which lies between the first heading and other headings. the right way in laying the keyword is to put keywords among these headings. However you have to be absolutely sure THAT keywords you put earlier to have a match with the content or articles tang you create.

12.Put a tag that is bold, or italic contrast between your keywords. A machine Search engine more attention to the tag being bold or sloped, so place the tag that is bold, contrasting or angled to your website to rank higher as more get the attention of search engines.

13.Target specific keywords. Some keywords have high competition and led to a chance for their highest ratings got smaller. It would be better if you target specific keywords and have a smaller competition. For example, if your keyword is currently the phone so it's better if you change your keywords into handphne types of x.

13.Put the keywords that do not correspond to the topic of your article.
Do not fill your article with keywords that do not relate to your topic. This will result in a negative impact on your other keywords. Do not put keywords that do not correspond to the topic of your article. If the search engines see keywords that are not appropriate to the topic of your website is likely to be in the prohibited or will not appear in a search results page.

Read also other interesting articles:
1.What is Google Analytics

2.How to Use Google Webmaster tools

Above are some simple SEO tips and tricks that you can apply to your site. Hopefully this article useful and helpful website or blog you get better rankings in the search results.